Blob Blame History Raw
Sun Feb 12 06:31:17 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.12.1:
  * Wait for cronjobs to finish the execution of their jobs (#3351) (#3352)

Tue Jan 31 15:04:26 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.12.0:
  * fix deploy when field notes not given to external (#3347)
  * Added labelSelector to configmap lists at waitForNamespaceD… (#3329)
  * build(deps): Bump mheap/github-action-required-labels from 2 to 3 (#3319)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 (#3306)
  * Add parameter for pass thru of allowPrivilegeEscalation (#3291) (#3292)
  * fix: add markdown reading (#3332)
  * Check deployed dev environments when inferring the name (#3300)
  * feat: add support for custom commands in `okteto up` (#3215)
  * feat: update copyright to 2023 (#3324)
  * Filled up an incomplete comment (#3318)
  * Solves okteto/app#5180. Destroy preview calls Okteto API to destroy the preview and stream logs (#3308)

Fri Jan 13 10:28:35 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.11.1:
  * fix: add markdown reading (#3332) (#3333)

Wed Jan 04 15:47:23 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.11.0:
  * feat: add external endpoints when retrieving endpoints (#3314)
  * fix e2e when call deploy from up cmd e2e (#3316)
  * refactor: use client provider instead of get client (#3315)
  * add deploy external resource with okteto deploy cmd (#3303)
  * refactor: remove force param from delete mutation (#3312)
  * remove temporarily failing test (#3309)
  * Okteto namespace delete use destroy all job (#3301)
  * Fix endpoints name in compose (#3304)
  * okteto destroy --all option with log stream (#3256)
  * add external resource parsing (#3298)
  * Log stream refactor (#3249)
  * Default to watch for logs (#3299)
  * update file permission for bin image (#3297)
  * Refactor divert weaver implementation (#3288)
  * feat: add namespace to dependencies (#3248)
  * Fix sanitize name (#3263)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix last updated not being updated (#3259)
  * test: add e2e test regarding export cache (#3270)
  * Ignore concurrent errors when setting divert (#3285)
  * Add "unable to upgrade connection" to retry logic (#3280)
  * Don't apply divert transformation if old service was autocreate/headless (#3279)
  * Set "Ingress.Value" to properly initialize the HeaderID based on the … (#3275)
  * Fix infer name for "okteto logs" (#3264)
  * Create a single divert CRD and modify ingress on the client side (#3271)
  * Add namespace for ctxOptions in UseContext() method (#3195)
  * Fix inline export when image tag and cache tag are the same (#3261)
  * Include 'destroy-error' status as a failure in WaitForActionToFinish function. This was provoking that if the pipeline fails, we don't indicate the error in the CLI (#3258)
  * feat: add dependencies stage (#3251)
  * Made changes for better readability (#3255)
  * refactor: added ExportCache to build options (#3252)

Wed Dec 21 09:49:29 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.3:
  * Fix endpoints name in compose (#3304) (#3305)

Fri Dec 16 12:37:48 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.2:
  * Fix sanitize name (#3263) (#3295)
  * Fix infer name for "okteto logs" (#3264) (#3274)

Thu Dec 01 19:48:54 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.1:
  * Fix inline export when image tag and cache tag are the same (#3261) (#3262)
  * Include 'destroy-error' status as a failure in WaitForActionToFinish function. This was provoking that if the pipeline fails, we don't indicate the error in the CLI (#3258) (#3260)

Wed Nov 30 14:55:31 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.0:
  * refactor: added ExportCache to build options (#3252) (#3254)
  * fix: e2e test (#3246)
  * Sanitize name for deploy and destroy name (#3214)
  * fix: show info if context is initialized by env vars (#3244)
  * fix: show self signed warning when insecure flag (#3236)
  * Check last stage instead of last line in the output tests to know if the log has finished (#3245)
  * Alternative 1: Fix missing error messages in the installer (#3231)
  * fix: private ingress annotations (#3224)
  * Revert "update init container logs (#3127)" (#3239)
  * feat: add platform flag to build command (#3234)
  * Documentation grammar fixes (#3216)
  * Empty cfgmap repository if not valid repo schema (#3230)
  * Add logs command (#2120)
  * Add errors related to EOF to our retry logic (#3227)
  * Revert "Changes to print error message in main.go when the error is returned by the command executed and avoid duplicated messages (#3219)" (#3225)
  * Fix clone http (#3222)
  * Changes to print error message in main.go when the error is returned by the command executed and avoid duplicated messages (#3219)
  * Jlopezbarb/syncthing removing console instead of okteto process e2e (#3202)
  * Remove "" as dependency (#3206)
  * upload static files (#3208)

Wed Nov 23 07:14:31 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.9.1:
  * Revert "update init container logs (#3127)" (#3239) (#3243)

Tue Nov 15 09:25:11 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.9.0:
  * Hold "okteto up" if the cluster is scaling up (#3207)
  * Fix error logging crash on context load failure (#3193)
  * Fix divert at scale (#3198)
  * Make AskYesNo function support default answers (#3192)
  * Code cleanup in pkg/okteto/context.go (#3199)
  * Make the channel setting configurable with an environment variable (#3201)
  * fix: add error on init container volume full (#3189)
  * Module refactor (#3130)
  * feat: add specific timeout to dependencies (#3190)
  * Support both string and sequence of string in a manifest's `cache_from` property (#3162)
  * Updated error messaging when ctx use/update is used for vanilla clusters (#3191)
  * logs: add logs to syncthing terminating process (#3184)
  * [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions (#3143)
  * Revert "fix: volumes not being deleted (#2955)" (#3176)
  * fix: use the correct param on the API call (#3172)
  * fix: panic on pipeline fallback to preview (#3169)
  * Add option to display message if build section is not defined in okte… (#3159)
  * fix patch in release-branch (#2961) (#3164)
  * fix build when is buildv1 but dockerfile need to be inferred (#3158)
  * Update message for untrusted certificates (#3154)
  * Removing the docker version pin for setup_remote_docker in ci. (#3153)

Fri Oct 21 10:55:46 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.8.2:
  * logs: add logs to syncthing terminating process (#3184) (#3185)
  * Revert "fix: volumes not being deleted (#2955)" (#3176) (#3181)

Wed Oct 19 13:04:24 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.8.1:
  * fix: use the correct param on the API call (#3172) (#3173)

Tue Oct 18 18:20:19 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.8.0:
  * fix: panic on pipeline fallback to preview (#3169) (#3170)
  * release-branch fix (#3166)
  * fix build when is buildv1 but dockerfile need to be inferred (#3158) (#3163)
  * feat: add insecure skip tls verify (#3075)
  * add okteto healthchecks to compose (#3140)
  * added error status when destroying to the manifest (#3142)
  * Add "okteto@" as a prefix in OKTETO_BUILD_XXX_SHA (#3144)
  * If insecure-skip-tls-verify set in context, don't put certificate-authority-data in temporal kubeconfig (#3125)
  * Inject OKTETO_TOKEN in okteto deploy (#3139)
  * add build variables as env vars for buildArgs (#3115)
  * Review info messages shown at the beginning of each command (#3133)
  * update init container logs (#3127)
  * add e2e test to check if build cmd replace secrets properly (#3106)
  * Followup unit test for secrets (#3128)
  * Fix wrong arguments passed to `checkpvcvalues` (#3117)
  * Different PV default sizes between cloud/staging and others (#3096)
  * Interrupt command deploy (#3126)
  * Deepsource bug risk (#3122)
  * refactor: rewrite error message (#3121)
  * Fix secret copy (#3119)
  * Update direct dependencies (#3120)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/stale from 5 to 6 (#3118)
  * redeploy stack with 0 downtime (#3109)
  * Add pr merge docs (#3110)
  * Check context store exists on a context list command first. (#3108)
  * Deepsource style doc (#3114)
  * fix: improve tokern error message inside non ctx cmd (#3071)
  * deprecate manifestv1 (#3085)
  * Fix security issues deep source (#3095)
  * fix antipatterns deepsource (#3099)
  * Fix deploy build with compose: extra touches (#3100)
  * fix: deploy with build flag (#3098)
  * Return clear error when docker compose doesn't have dev section (#3092)
  * Add test coverage to preview deploy cmd (#3084)
  * Show `preview deploy` logs when running the command with `--wait` flag (#3081)
  * Change logic for which images to build when deploying (#3057)
  * Show pipeline deploy and destroy logs when running the command with `--wait` flag (#3073)
  * feat: add keep annotation (#3088)
  * Added BuildSecrets to build manifest (#3090)
  * Fix static analysis style issues (#3087)
  * fix: show warning only when secret value is different (#3079)
  * feat: update syncthing to 1.21.0 (#3072)

Tue Oct 18 18:18:23 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.7.1:
  * fix patch in release-branch (#2961) (#3164) (#3165)
  * fix build when is buildv1 but dockerfile need to be inferred (#3158) (#3161)
  * fix: deploy with build flag (#3098) (#3104)
  * Change logic for which images to build when deploying (#3057) (#3093)
  * fix: show warning only when secret value is different (#3079) (#3080)
  * fix: use specific terminal (#3019)
  * Fix TestListDevModeOn (#3070)
  * Okteto down and exec selector only active options (#3053)
  * fix: visual bug (#3069)
  * add build depends on okteto manifest v2  (#3064)

Fri Sep 16 11:57:17 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.7.0:
  * fix: deploy with build flag (#3098) (#3104)
  * Change logic for which images to build when deploying (#3057) (#3093)
  * fix: show warning only when secret value is different (#3079) (#3080)
  * fix: use specific terminal (#3019)
  * Fix TestListDevModeOn (#3070)
  * Okteto down and exec selector only active options (#3053)
  * fix: visual bug (#3069)
  * add build depends on okteto manifest v2  (#3064)
  * Sanitize uppercase srv names (#3055)
  * fix secrets replacement when okteto build (#3051)
  * allow okteto destroy on deploy cmd (#3037)
  * TrackReconnect new param to track dev pod recreation (#3050)
  * chore: fix template for pull request (#3054)
  * Audit workflows (#3036)
  * Refactor selector (#3034)
  * Fix dev selector typo (#3033)
  * fix: warn when a secret is being overridden by local-env (#3032)
  * Log syncthing api error before return (#3040)
  * fix: show warning msg when sanitize dev (#3021)
  * fix: delete te wrong folder (#3028)
  * added link to blog for using okteto cli with vanilla clusters (#3027)
  * Add okteto context to dockerfile build args (#2996)
  * Add PreUpdate hook to newSpinner (#3023)
  * Upgrade go to 1.18 (#3016)
  * fix context checking when no manifest found (#3008)
  * golang-ci-lint-fixes (#2952)

Wed Sep 07 07:01:21 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.6.0:
  * Add PreUpdate hook to newSpinner (#3023) (#3024)
  * fix: add error message deploying compose (#3002)
  * fix: backoff limit message (#3013)
  * Fix resolve previous tags in release-branch (#3004)
  * Fix race conditions at unit tests (#2994)
  * Update help for deploy command to indicate that the execution of commands is locally and also removed the hidden flag for the pipeline. I think we added it when we were thinking on deprecating the command but we didn't remove the flag (#2998)
  * Jlopezbarb/link how to tests from contribution guide (#2986)
  * fix: if image is set, we should return the image (#2997)
  * Handle bad equal quantity (#2992)
  * fix: redeploy tests e2e (#2989)
  * fix: redeploy service with different name (#2943)
  * Fix spelling (#2971)
  * docs: pull request scope (#2981)
  * fix: check if resources been destroyed after destroy command (#2979)
  * feat: ResourceEphemeralStorage (#2902)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.5 to 4.9.6 (#2980)
  * Add docs for stable release process (#2982)
  * fix: use a different random seed generator (#2978)
  * fix: volumes not being deleted (#2955)
  * fix: panic on non existen svc (#2956)
  * Enable endpoints at okteto manifest (#2918)
  * Fix okteto destroy manifest not found with k8s.yml (#2969)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.4 to 4.9.5 (#2958)
  * Fix release-branch workflow (#2962)
  * consider the context when calculating the path of the Dockerfile (#2875)
  * Remove paragraph in error template (#2959)
  * Account for previous versions in release-branch (#2940) (#2941)
  * Fallback to Preview endpoint for waiting for dependencies (#2954)
  * Fix release notes (#2942) (#2944)
  * fix: vanilla clusters (#2949)

Wed Sep 07 07:00:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.5.3:
  * fix: if image is set, we should return the image (#2997) (#3003)

Mon Aug 01 11:06:14 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.5.2:
  * Fix okteto destroy manifest not found with k8s.yml (#2969) (#2972)

Wed Jul 27 16:17:35 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.5.1:
  * Fix release-branch workflow (#2962) (#2965)
  * fix patch in release-branch (#2961)
  * Remove paragraph in error template (#2959) (#2960)

Wed Jul 20 14:57:09 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.5.0:
  * fix: vanilla clusters (#2949) (#2950)
  * Fix release notes (#2942)
  * Account for previous versions in release-branch (#2940)
  * fix: manifest deploying a compose (#2939)
  * added condition to avoid dockerfile with "." (#2937)
  * add error auth page (#2938)
  * fix: exec dev selector (#2930)
  * login error page (#2923)
  * fix: wrong behaviour when okteto down --all (#2911)
  * fix: url too large (#2927)
  * fix: build images on up cmd (#2919)
  * docs: add code review guidelines (#2892)
  * Load context resource only instead of the whole file while loading ctx (#2910)
  * Fix env parsing at stack expander (#2894)
  * fix: pipeline test (#2922)
  * fix: panic on destroy with wait flag (#2898)
  * Use GetKubernetesTimeout to configure our k8s proxy timeouts (#2915)
  * fix: forward request to cluster if invalid resource spec (#2897)
  * feat: run windows unit tests on every commit (#2899)
  * Fix to show endpoints after "okteto deploy" (#2904)
  * Retry "okteto build" if buildkit restarts in the middle of the build process (#2905)
  * Fix github actions latest release (#2906)
  * Fix typo in (#2901)
  * Warning two dockerfiles fixed (#2883)
  * fix configmap filename file path (#2864)
  * Jlopezbarb/refactor tests e2e (#2755)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix up file flag compose (#2893)
  * Replace to underscore on manifest header comment (#2895)
  * Update possible k8s manifest names (#2879)
  * Revert "Jlopezbarb/fix up file flag compose (#2814)" (#2891)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix up file flag compose (#2814)
  * Use multi-platform okteto/bin image to support ARM clusters (#2878)
  * Fix condition to force autocreate to false (#2882)
  * Adding information on PR labels to the contibution guide. (#2881)
  * Check more status in the `--wait` flag (#2880)
  * Release fixes (#2866)
  * Add debug logs to help troubleshoot "--wait" flag (#2848)
  * Handle jobs "completed" status properly for the "--wait" flag (#2862)
  * added file closure to delete it with windows (#2842)
  * fix: remove parallel test when writing in map (#2844)
  * Github action release (#2833)
  * Update .DEREK.yml (#2838)
  * build context default (#2707)
  * Rephrase "managed by Okteto" with "Okteto installed" (#2836)
  * Clearer patters for remote stignore (#2831)
  * feat: support global forwarding (#2771)
  * build(deps): Bump mheap/github-action-required-labels from 1 to 2 (#2822)
  * Fix condition to force autocreate (#2817)
  * Run windows tests in staging (#2784)
  * Use seconds instead of miliseconds to build the test name for the autowake, this is a quick fix to fix the tests (#2818)
  * creating manifest if deploy fails (#2764)
  * fix beta release sorting (#2815)
  * Revert "fix: compose flag on okteto up (#2804)" (#2813)
  * fix: compose flag on okteto up (#2804)
  * Run release after pushing the docker image (#2806)
  * Automatically backport  Pull Requests (#2800)
  * Update build retry conditions (#2802)
  * update (#2787)
  * Update kubectl and helm binaries in okteto/okteto image (#2785)
  * Run e2e tests in staging (#2779)
  * Release minor fixes (#2780)

Thu Jul 07 07:08:21 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.4.2:
  * fix configmap filename file path (#2864) (#2900)
  * fix github actions release script (#2865)

Fri Jul 01 10:54:47 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.4.1:
  * Handle jobs "completed" status properly for the "--wait" flag (#2862) (#2863)
  * Run windows tests in staging (#2784) (#2859)
  * Use seconds instead of miliseconds to build the test name for the autowake, this is a quick fix to fix the tests (#2818) (#2860)
  * Run e2e tests in staging (#2779) (#2858)
  * use master branch from movies (#2850)
  * use main branch for github actions (#2845)
  * Github action release (#2833) (#2840)
  * Update .DEREK.yml (#2838) (#2839)
  * Clearer patters for remote stignore (#2831) (#2837)
  * fix beta release sorting (#2815) (#2816)

Wed Jun 22 12:42:46 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.4.0:
  * Revert "fix: compose flag on okteto up (#2804)" (#2812)
  * fix: compose flag on okteto up (#2804) (#2808)
  * [2.4] Release fixes (#2796)
  * fix: integration tests (#2782)
  * fix: could not detect manifest error (#2781)
  * test: use `T.TempDir` to create temporary test directory (#2763)
  * Fix stack name when manifest at .okteto folder (#2742)
  * Replace imageref in Okteto Registry by their sha to enforce redeployments if the image is updated (#2777)
  * Update bad link to installation guide (#2776)
  * use OKTETO_VERSION in if provided (#2769)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (#2766)
  * Release docs (#2743)
  * use default temp dir in tests (#2760)
  * Add release channels to CI (#2727)
  * feat: upgrade syncthing to 1.20.1 (#2756)
  * Added condition to skip lines starting with exclamation (#2751)
  * fix: fallback buildv1 when no okteto file detected (#2754)
  * fix: translate stacks to compose ports when unmarshalling (#2748)
  * fix: not fallback buildv1 if error unmarshalling manifest (#2711)
  * build(deps): Bump from 1.5.11 to 1.6.1 (#2746)
  * fix: main branch stack endpoints generation (#2736)
  * refactor: added resize window signal to update while ssh (#2731)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.3 to 4.9.4 (#2733)
  * fix: not show two times same error (#2695)
  * Remove global optimisation e2e (#2726)
  * Remove warning when failing to add dev annotations (#2721)
  * Revert "Jlopezbarb/refactor unit test folders and envs (#2713)" (#2725)
  * Jlopezbarb/refactor unit test folders and envs (#2713)
  * Fix "okteto up" metrics for vanilla clusters (#2718)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.2 to 4.9.3 (#2714)
  * Remove dead code handling old Okteto API < 0.10 (#2717)
  * fix: build okteto with volumes tag per commit (#2710)
  * fix: check if has access to namespace when working with vanilla cluster (#2697)
  * Only create readiness probes for docker-compose health checks (#2699)
  * Add codecov to makefile (#2708)
  * feat: disable 'build' flag when 'okteto up' (#2698)
  * fix: omit init volume initialization logs (#2701)
  * fix: update error message. Use devPath in '-f' arg only if present (#2691)

Mon Jun 06 18:34:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.3.3:
  * fix: translate stacks to compose ports when unmarshalling (#2748)

Wed Jun 01 11:12:23 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.3.2:
  * fix: stack reference not making public ports (#2735)

Mon May 30 14:31:10 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.3.1:
  * Revert "Remove warning when failing to add dev annotations (#2719)"
  * Remove warning when failing to add dev annotations (#2721)
  * Fix "okteto up" metrics for vanilla clusters (#2718)
  * fix: build okteto with volumes tag per commit (#2710)

Wed May 18 09:07:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.3.0:
  * fix: remove docker-desktop feature (#2648)
  * fix: stack on the ui should not been expanded (#2688)
  * refactor: point main branch in e2e test when work with voting-app (#2687)
  * fix: avoid use compose files if manifest is v1 (#2656)
  * feat: add e2e test for okteto deploy [svc] (#2682)
  * Support multile envs at stack (#2652)
  * Fix "okteto pipeline deploy --wait" condition (#2681)
  * Add check for prereleases (#2668)
  * refactor: added new Build Option to check if image is autogen or not (#2667)
  * build(deps): Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 2 (#2650)
  * Fix: error message missing filename (#2657)
  * build(deps): Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 2 (#2651)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix env vars not getting inyected into stack (#2662)
  * fix: avoid expand env if are created on a deployment pipeline (#2653)
  * fix: compose test e2e (#2654)
  * Support for divert in the deploy section of the okteto manifest (#2622)
  * fix: nil pointer when okteto manifest is created (#2649)
  * feat: support debug on compose up detach (#2631)
  * refactor: add clearer logs when the image name cannot be obtained (#2638)
  * fix: load env files from stack directory (#2632)
  * fix: remove warning symbols on stderr (#2643)
  * refactor: remove dettach and use docker extension (#2644)
  * fix: e2e test on compose (#2640)
  * build(deps): Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.5.11 (#2633)
  * fix: manifestv1 was not passing ctx and ns to v2 (#2601)
  * fix: paths on win (#2618)
  * feat: deploy dependencies before building the images (#2629)
  * Fix tests for map non deterministic order (#2624)
  * added --all flag in okteto down (#2515)
  * Remove divert test + current implementation (#2620)
  * fix: deploying compose on different path (#2617)
  * fix: deploy a subset of svcs was building everything (#2610)
  * Fix compose extended notation (#2612)
  * fix: avoid nil pointer when cannot load manifest (#2614)
  * feat: show options to the user if failure (#2602)
  * feat: start auth flow automatically if required when refresh okteto cloud token (#2588)
  * Fix global optimization when okteto deploy --build (#2590)
  * feat: add test on release-x.x (#2608)
  * fix: debugger ports not creating services (#2606)
  * Fix CTRL + C when using "--detach" (#2604)
  * Add http traceTransport utility (#2545)
  * feat: add support envvars when okteto up (#2578)
  * refactor: build command (#2503)
  * Adrian/deploy app first before activate dev container (#2591)

Thu May 05 15:11:41 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.2.2:
  * fix: only skip ports if svc is public (#2646)

Thu Apr 28 13:44:28 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.2.1:
  * fix: debugger ports not creating services (#2606)

Wed Apr 27 12:40:40 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.2.0:
  * fix: check gh releases e2e test (#2594)
  * refactor: rewrite deprecation message (#2593)
  * feat: add initv2 autocreate feature (#2579)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix secrets on windows (#2584)
  * fix: use '' registry when image tagging to avoid authorization error (#2570)
  * Fix #2505. Fix okteto deploy command within other okteto deploy execution (#2563)
  * fix: paths on windows test (#2576)
  * Added pod name check at okteto up integration (#2572)
  * fix: deploy from file not found error (#2574)
  * feat: if its docker extension enable detach mode (#2546)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix variable expansion (#2564)
  * fix: fail if port is already in use in local machine (#2565)
  * Track restart cli command (#2560)
  * fix: fix e2e flaky tests (#2562)
  * fix: stream logs after up (#2561)
  * fix: use busybox as dev image (#2559)
  * Update broken links to follow the new docs layout (#2556)
  * Remove "okteto manifest" command (#2557)
  * Handle empty labels when adding "deployed-by" label (#2553)
  * fix: check build section (#2549)
  * Check okteto name env when manifest is compose (#2535)
  * fix: syncthing was killing parent process (#2539)
  * fix: dettached paths on windows (#2541)
  * Have 2 separate context flows for different manifest versions (#2542)
  * Only deploy endpoints and volumes specified in servicesToDeploy (#2528)
  * feat: add dettached mode (#2538)
  * Build with context (#2526)
  * Update okteto logo in login static page (#2527)
  * fix: remove previous running proccess (#2496)
  * feat: add show ctx json (#2522)
  * fix: windows e2e test (#2518)
  * Fix envs from envfile (#2513)
  * Support for export cache when build (#2499)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/stale from 4 to 5 (#2520)
  * fix: remote e2e tests (#2517)
  * Agustin/2500-support-to-deploy-a-subset-of-docker-compose-services-in-the-okteto-manifest (#2512)
  * fix: compose ports on dev manifest (#2510)
  * Custom login html (and redirect) for "okteto context use" (#2508)
  * test: add tests checking deploy output (#2400)
  * Remove DinD sidecard support (#2484)

Thu Apr 14 19:46:00 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.1.0:
  * Add env value when empty (#2498)
  * Add a DinD deprecation message (#2504)
  * Support for "okteto endpoints" with absolute paths (#2497)
  * fix: ascii logs (#2493)
  * fix: make json endpoints not interactive (#2488)
  * fix: test e2e (#2491)
  * Add the "deployed-by" label for every pod created by `okteto deploy` (#2485)
  * fix: destroy was not init the manifest (#2489)
  * fix:build okteto dev images (#2490)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2 (#2481)
  * fix: windows tests failing because of paths (#2480)
  * feat: add endpoints command (#2479)
  * refactor: undo deprecation of pipeline commands (#2477)
  * fix: file was not taking in count directory (#2475)
  * Clean up the `pre-commit` config (#2478)
  * fix: change to new log-level flag (#2476)
  * refactor: test okteto stack deploy on win and deploy on linux (#2440)
  * fix: destroy spinner (#2455)
  * Remove `.vscode` folder from Git (#2469)
  * Enable `markdownlint` rules MD007,MD022,MD032 (#2467)
  * pre-commit autoupdate (#2468)
  * docs: fix grammar in `` (#2471)
  * docs: use direct link to (#2472)
  * add json/yaml outputs for okteto ctx list (#2398)
  * test: check indentation with `yamllint` (#2473)
  * Fix Markdown link in `` (#2470)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix destroy different name (#2448)
  * feat: add okteto autogenerate stignore env var (#2454)
  * fix: selector label length larger than width (#2461)
  * fix: skip ingress with no defined (#2466)
  * fix: ca-data-override (#2460)
  * fix: inject secrets on manifest (#2457)
  * Fix divert test (#2458)
  * fix: init image on default (#2447)
  * fix: filename only injected on cfmap if flag is used (#2446)

Tue Apr 05 08:42:43 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.0.3:
  * fix: test e2e (#2491)

Mon Mar 28 18:05:43 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.0.2:
  * fix: deploy commands not using screenbuff (#2441)
  * fix: auth error on stack (#2439)
  * fix: fail if depending svc has been restarted 3 times (#2402)
  * fix: apply optimisation on compose deploys (#2434)
  * Partially restore #2427. Update only the configmap for a running installer if it is a git deploy (#2437)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.9.0 to 4.9.1 (#2438)
  * Reduce "Information" messages about images not built (#2436)
  * Update help message of the "okteto build -f"  flag (#2432)
  * Include the filename in the configmap for destroy command (#2433)
  * fix: skip non existant folder on volume mounts (#2426)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix manifest init image (#2431)
  * Don't bypass "not-found-error" when destroying preview (#2387)
  * Allow to update an existing configmap even if it is managed by an installer (#2427)
  * Remove warning if "deploy" doesn't deploy anything (#2429)
  * fix: volume mounts not pushing into global (#2425)
  * Make option to destroy "dependencies" on "okteto destroy" (#2428)
  * feat: add services to deploy on deploy command (#2424)
  * fix: remove unused comments
  * Jlopezbarb/fix init  (#2417)
  * feat: add test checking env var expansion (#2418)
  * Jlopezbarb/add deploy labels and annotations (#2421)
  * fix: add manifest field to cfgmap in infered manifest (#2423)
  * Update messages about global registry (#2415)
  * fix: integration test (#2414)
  * Tag image with manifest name (#2413)
  * Update installation links (#2407)

Tue Mar 22 16:23:02 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.0.1:
  * fix: remove trailing whitespaces on build (#2404)
  * fix: stack ctx pointing to kubecfg (#2403)
  * fix: up retrocompatibility issue (#2399)
  * fix: use sha on stack images (#2401)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3 (#2397)

Mon Mar 21 20:29:46 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.0.0:
  * fix: set proxy name label after start (#2396)
  * fix: image expansion on up (#2394)
  * feat: send logs in plain while building in tty (#2395)
  * fix: several bugs with the UI and the logs (#2391)
  * fix: e2e tests (#2389)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix logs on UI (#2388)
  * fix manifest init (#2357)
  * fix: add deploy flag to support compose file (#2383)
  * fix: update not existing image error message (#2376)
  * fix: ignore image if build exists and is okteto registry (#2379)
  * fix: set stage not only on failures (#2371)
  * fix: show the correct url on UI (#2382)
  * fix: down unmarshall error (#2377)
  * fix: up expand variables from build section into dev (#2372)
  * fix: nil exception when deploy does not have manifest (#2375)
  * fix: deduplicate information about running command (#2374)
  * fix: build error on stack command (#2373)
  * fix: command name displayed incorrectly (#2370)
  * fix: error while building only volume mounts (#2369)
  * Rename "Read manifest" to "Load manifest" (#2360)
  * removing duplicate code for okteto ns and ctx (#2336)
  * Warning if a service/volume in a stack already belongs to a different stack (#2353)
  * Update deprecation messages to refer to 2.2.0 instead of 1.16.x (#2355)
  * Update links to docs v2 (#2350)
  * Retry build errors if i/o timeout (#2351)
  * Revert "fix: stop other okteto for the same app #2299" (#2352)
  * fix: e2e tests (#2347)
  * Persist Bash History Between Iterations of a Dev Container (#2284)
  * BUG: Added identitiesOnly key to SSH configuration (#2349)
  * Metrics Fixes (#2319)
  * feat: tty without collapsing (#2340)
  * deploy stack should propagate same build name (#2346)
  * feat: skip deploying a svc if its already deployed (#2341)
  * feat: set vars as options as env vars (#2342)
  * feat: add stages to destroy command (#2339)
  * GitHub login email error (#2325)
  * Fix a few meesages for Okteto CLI 2.0 (#2337)
  * deprecating okteto update and adding okteto version (#2331)
  * fix: forward fails on stack depends (#2334)
  * feat: add build svc stage for every build (#2332)
  * fix: windows build tests (#2333)
  * fix: check if image extended after serialisation (#2329)
  * fix: validate dev only when you have selected which one you want to develop in (#2330)
  * fix: deploy fails without reason (#2328)
  * Remove code to delete deprecated volume (#2327)
  * fix: show complete error trace on tty (#2320)
  * fix: infer stack was overriding dev and build (#2324)
  * fix compose build integration (#2305)
  * feat: Add deprecation message to okteto push command (#2268)
  * deprecate extended images on dev in favour of build section (#2269)
  * feat: hide rethinkdb port from endpoints (#2322)
  * fix: wait until all the stdout is displayed (#2317)
  * feat: upgrade syncthing to 1.19.1 (#2321)
  * fix: infer manifest order (#2315)
  * Discard reverse port if collision detected (#2304)
  * fix: writes several lines for long commands (#2313)
  * fix: up selector move correctly (#2314)
  * fix: hide k8s warnings (#2316)
  * Check metadata if err is nil (#2312)
  * fix: stack deploy is showing endpoints when fail (#2310)
  * fix: manifest v2 compose unmarshall (#2309)
  * switch git clone from ssh to https because they are public (#2311)
  * fix: add more descriptive selection after selector (#2308)
  * fix: deploy indentation (#2307)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#2301)
  * fix: okteto down cause nil pointer exception (#2303)
  * Fix: UI not showing unmarshal errors (#2296)
  * fix: stop other okteto for the same app (#2299)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (#2297)
  * Review messages and help info (#2287)
  * A general pass to the output of "okteto build", "okteto deploy" and "okteto destroy" commands (#2281)
  * Add build from compose (#2282)
  * Fix condition for using build v2 and max args at v1 (#2275)
  * updating the contributing doc (#2240)
  * Add init v2 (#2265)
  * adding deprecation warning for okteto pipeline subcommands (#2266)
  * deprecate stack in favour of deploy (#2267)
  * Check "skip-if-exists" by accessing the configmap (#2270)
  * Add CTA after deploy (#2262)
  * skip showing deleting namespaces in okteto namespace command (#2181)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.7 to 4.9.0 (#2261)
  * integrate compose with manifestv2 (#2252)
  * Fix deploy not using context (#2260)
  * fix: up was not working with args (#2259)
  * build(deps): Bump (#2253)
  * fix err with manifest v2 build (#2251)
  * Remove manifest_v2 flag (#2244)
  * refactor: reverted debug logs to check content at integration (#2249)
  * Deploy build parallel (#2241)
  * e2e tests get release from helm instead of using output (#2248)
  * Improve tty output (#2208)
  * autodeploy on up if app doesn't exists (#2242)
  * Fix indentation error in info messages (#2247)
  * fix: nil pointer on err (#2246)
  * Jlopezbarb/add metrics (#2226)
  * stderr send warnings instead of errors (#2238)
  * refactor: fix pipeline opts.Branchs check (#2245)
  * test: fix e2e (#2243)
  * Git dependencies from manifest (#2215)
  * Hide secrets and deploy vars in output (#2216)
  * Add configmap to deploy commands (#2179)
  * Fix build tag on deploy (#2235)
  * Fix env vars expansion (#2234)
  * add docker stage target to buildkit dockerBuildOptions.Target (#2230)
  * build(deps): Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (#2232)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix tests e2e (#2231)
  * Add name to deploy command (#2087)
  * Jlopezbarb/manifestv2 refactor (#2191)
  * Add up deploy flag (#2036)
  * Support multiple args okteto build (#2224)
  * Update issue templates (#2223)
  * Add repo and branch flags in deploy command (#2193)
  * Fix waiting for the display to finish before running other commands (#2218)
  * Add okteto-compose as a valid stack path (#2220)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.6 to 4.8.7 (#2210)
  * Support for build global (#2197)
  * Adds release name to ghr (#2199)
  * Build global opt buildargs (#2189)
  * Global registry optimisation (#2184)
  * build(deps): Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.5 to 4.8.6 (#2200)

Wed Mar 16 18:05:35 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.8:
  * Retry build errors if i/o timeout (#2351)

Sat Mar 12 20:33:27 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.7:
  * Remove code to delete deprecated volume #2327
  * Warning if a service/volume in a stack already belongs to a different stack

Wed Mar 02 14:06:15 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.6:
  * fix: okteto down cause nil pointer exception (#2303)
  * fix: stop other okteto for the same app (#2299)
  * Fix: UI not showing unmarshal errors (#2296)
  * check if there is an error after start (#2302)

Fri Feb 18 07:38:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.5:
  * Fix skip-if-exists by checking if the configmap exists (#2271)

Thu Feb 10 10:10:27 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.4:
  * fix: nil pointer on err (#2246)
  * fix merge
  * Jlopezbarb/add metrics (#2226)
  * stderr send warnings instead of errors (#2238)

Thu Feb 03 07:20:24 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.3:
  * Fix waiting for the display to finish before running other commands (#2218) (#2221)
  * Add okteto-compose as a valid stack path (#2220) (#2222)

Wed Jan 26 14:06:36 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.2:
  * Fix init overwrite shorthand (#2198)
  * refactor: Update copyright to 2022 (#2194)
  * Updgrading buildkit to 0.9.2-okteto2 (#2192)

Tue Jan 25 16:31:40 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.1:
  * Revert init data on deployment (#2188)
  * fix: second retry causing nil pointer exception (#2178)
  * test: change deployment update verification and remove waitForDeployment and content check (#2187)
  * Update "okteto kubeconfig" help message (#2185)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix json output (#2090)
  * Integration okteto deploy build e2e (#2158)
  * Build integration e2e (#2156)

Mon Jan 24 08:34:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.15.0:
  * refactor: move registry ref to clientOptions (#2152)
  * Dockerignore not working as expected (#2150)
  * refactor: add unauthorized condition to registry error (#2149)
  * fix: volume mount translation (#2130)
  * Fix script to create latest release of actions (#2148)
  * feat: add buildkit error (#2147)
  * refactor: return nil if build is successful (#2146)
  * refactor: check metadata after build if there image has been tagged and pushed to registry (#2145)
  * Fix tests e2e (#2143)
  * Remove extra information (#2142)
  * Add security context to stack (#2141)
  * New registry client (#2128)
  * Rename prerelease job (#2139)
  * Fix tag not trigering release candidate workflow (#2138)
  * Add logs warning (#2137)
  * Youngestdev/compose env (#2044)
  * fix: use "go test -c" at "make build-integration" (#2136)
  * Docs fixes and refactor hidden option (#2133)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix test e2e (#2134)
  * Jlopezbarb/create beta channel (#2073)
  * Add namespace v2 (#2076)
  * Expand sync folders env vars (#2131)
  * Okteto build variables setting (#2118)
  * fix: fail if ctx show does not have ctx set (#2123)
  * Skip build if volume mount is already mounted (#2125)
  * fix: ctx create nil pointer exception (#2122)
  * fix: skip env file if it does not exists (#2124)
  * Okteto deploy build flag (#2114)
  * update stale.yml (#2121)
  * fix: check if it comes from a autocreate dev (#2115)
  * autocreate fail if app with the same name exists (#2088)
  * Add context improvement (#2093)
  * Fix deepsource errors (#2113)
  * ManifestV2 context/namespace fixes (#2110)
  * test: fix filepath (#2109)
  * Refactor build command (#2072)
  * Add okteto sample annotation to resources created from a git repo owned by okteto (#2081)
  * Don't show okteto logs location for user command errors (#2106)

Mon Jan 10 16:23:06 UTC 2022 - Johannes Kastl <>

- BuildRequire go 1.17 or higher to avoid the following error:
  [ 88s] #
  [ 88s] pkg/okteto/context.go:440:18: ipAddress.IsPrivate undefined (type "net".IP has no field or method IsPrivate)
  [ 88s] note: module requires Go 1.17

Mon Jan 10 16:16:08 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.10:
  * Show stderr on deploy cmd (#2089)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.4 to 4.8.5 (#2101)
  * style: rewrite pipeline error (#2091)
  * Fix nil error on dev exit (#2092)
  * Add namespace and context to manifest serialiser (#2080)
  * Local env var is preferred over secrets (#2077)
  * Check if ns exists and create it if not (#2078)
  * feat: Add context field to stack (#2079)
  * test: fix test (#2070)
  * Read build from manifest (#2052)

Mon Jan 10 16:14:02 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.9:
  * Fix release (#2069)
  * Rewrite docker daemon not running error (#2016)
  * Show endpoints at the end of deploy (#2008)
  * Return user friendly error if secret file is not found (#2068)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix env parsing error (#2065)
  * Add OKTETO_DISABLE_SPINNER=true on okteto image (#2066)
  * Replace okteto path (#2067)
  * Okteto login depreciation message (#1935)
  * Go format (#2061)
  * mentioning logs' location when okteto up fails (#2035)
  * Support for markdown syntax to show preview endpoints (#2063)
  * fix actions tests (#2064)
  * Add helm dependency (#2060)
  * Jlopezbarb/add deploy destroy e2e (#2049)
  * Upgrade syncthing to 1.18.5 (#2059)
  * pre-commit autoupdate (#2058)
  * Fix empty env vars from env files not being injected (#2054)
  * Run e2e test for events API refactor (#2056)
  * Add env_file on dev (#2055)
  * Revert "Revert "Revert "Check syncthing status using the "rest/events" API (#2027)"""
  * Revert "Revert "Check syncthing status using the "rest/events" API (#2027)""
  * Fix annotations restore original (#2048)
  * fix linting issues (#2034)
  * Fix fluxCD annotations (#2037)
  * Deploy with different outputs (#2009)
  * Revert "Check syncthing status using the "rest/events" API (#2027)"
  * Check syncthing status using the "rest/events" API (#2027)
  * Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (#2032)
  * Fix push action (#2031)
  * Use to keep track of contributors (#2000)
  * Fix main build tests (#2030)
  * unify okteto manifest and pipeline manifest (#1969)
  * Enable syncthing compression by default (#2026)
  * Redesign list namespace command (#2023)

Mon Jan 10 16:11:40 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.8:
  * Fix okteto dev registry replacement (#2020)
  * Adds the possibility to point a ctx to a preview (#2018)
  * Move envvar to constants (#2013)
  * Fix stack order env files (#2015)

Mon Jan 10 16:10:04 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.7:
  * Add wake and autocreate e2e (#1987)
  * Solves #2003. Add specific code to delete volumes created by statefulsets when an okteto destroy is executed (#2006)
  * Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 (#2011)
  * Fix containerports recreation issue (#2007)
  * Fix filename on older OE (#1994)
  * add comman to generate fig descriptor (#1999)
  * add new contributors (#1997)
  * Improved error message for invalid sync path (#1957)
  * test: revert #1972 (f5de696) (#1993)
  * add make BuildArgs map in dockerBuildOptions (#1979)
  * Bump actions/setup-python from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 (#1988)
  * Add "no route to host" to reconnection errors (#1986)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.3 to 4.8.4 (#1981)

Mon Jan 10 16:05:14 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.6:
  * Upgrade latest action (#1980)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix depends on error (#1928)
  * Fix stack volumes with underscores (#1956)
  * Jdm/stack healthcheck marshaling (#1975)
  * Fix master build (#1977)
  * Add context unit tests (#1905)
  * rollback actions (#1940)
  * Add check for namespace access (#1946)
  * Add user id to context config (#1962)
  * Fix namespace not changing namespace on ctx (#1963)
  * Fix "operation was canceled" retriable error (#1976)
  * Solves #1966. Disable HTTP/2 when a SPDY request is detected in the okteto deploy proxy (#1967)
  * Skip divert test (#1972)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.2 to 4.8.3 (#1973)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.1 to 4.8.2 (#1968)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix stack endpoints (#1961)
  * Revert pipeline skipifexists okteto global (#1958)
  * Add a HostKeyAlgorithms key to our SSH configuration (#1960)
  * Add stack endpoints (#1866)
  * Update action branches (#1955)
  * Merge kubeconfig files for config (#1883)
  * Fix okteto error message (#1951)
  * Make preview destroy no op if no namespace found (#1952)
  * Adds support for private endpoint annotation (#1953)
  * NoCache check at build (#1950)
  * Make the OKTETO_URL configurable in integration tests (#1947)
  * Fix windows tests (#1949)
  * Add make integration-actions command (#1948)

Mon Jan 10 16:03:53 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.5:
  * Fix ctx with deprecated login (#1945)
  * feat: add support for multi line env files (#1944)
  * Fix action release (#1943)
  * Update the output of "create namespace" and "delete namespace" (#1942)
  * fix compat issue with Okteto Enterprise (#1939)

Mon Jan 10 15:59:29 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.4:
  * fingerprint updated (#1938)
  * Apply changes made to "okteto context create" into "okteto login"
  * Add token to login command
  * Init login from env vars
  * Fix "login" command when context doesn't exist (#1937)
  * Fix ctx action (#1936)

Mon Jan 10 15:59:11 UTC 2022 - Johannes Kastl <>

- BuildRequire go 1.16 or higher

Mon Jan 10 15:56:59 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.3:
  * Get okteto k8s contexts

Mon Jan 10 15:55:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.2:
  * Youngestdev/stack progress display (#1929)
  * Save only on ctx commands (#1934)
  * Adds username to ctx (#1933)
  * homebrew fingerprint updated (#1932)
  * "okteto init" fixes (#1931)
  * Revert "Check if has access to namespace on okteto ctx (#1925)"
  * Force redeploy on "okteto up" if sync folders change (#1923)
  * Don't show login/namespace command in help messages (#1919)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix duplicate log (#1906)
  * Add change ctx namespace command (#1924)
  * Check if has access to namespace on okteto ctx (#1925)
  * update the  "how it works" doc (#1915)
  * Add "withArg" to the `okteto namespace` track event (#1920)
  * update context help (#1914)
  * No need to create okteto cloud before using it (#1912)
  * Disable fsync on remore to improve disk performance (#1899)
  * Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 (#1913)
  * Add extra space when asking for Okteto URL
  * Eliminate okteto replicas annotation on "okteto down" (#1901)
  * Clean unused errors (#1900)
  * Incorporate feedback about "okteto context" (#1894)
  * Update context command messages and help long descriptions (#1893)
  * Fix ctx e2e tests (#1892)
  * typos on context help (#1888)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix ctx bugs (#1886)
  * Remove "" on "okteto up" (#1885)
  * Add ctx commands (#1882)
  * Redesign selector (#1880)
  * Add additional validation during manifest parsing for service field (#1873)
  * Show registry and buildkit on ctx list (#1881)
  * Add condition to check global registry and skip build (#1837)
  * Add stack volume pod affinity (#1849)
  * Added check of telemetry enabled from cluster config (#1876)
  * Translate k8s context to okteto urls if needed (#1877)
  * Track term type on analytics (#1869)
  * Revert "Refer a master deployment/statefulset by name (#1875)"
  * Preselect current okteto context (#1867)
  * fix splitted information (#1864)
  * Refer a master deployment/statefulset by name (#1875)
  * Indentation on Log message (#1874)
  * Jlopezbarb/apply env var interpolation at file level (#1859)
  * Retry API calls if is transient error (#1815)
  * Merge context list (#1868)
  * Check pull only if image is at okteto registy (#1865)
  * Add local metrics for k8s (#1854)
  * Fix initFromEnvVars to check first if OKTETO_URL or OKTETO_CONTEXT are set before setting the default value (#1858)
  * Fix okteto init default to / (#1856)
  * Jlopezbarb/add okteto ctx release (#1848)
  * Jlopezbarb/add selector (#1824)
  * Fix logic to recreate deployment/statefulset watcher (#1852)
  * Ignore evicted pods when getting the dev pod (#1851)
  * Deprecate filename flag in favour of file flag (#1842)
  * Changed pre-commit config to exclude new file (#1850)
  * Initial implementation for deploy and destroy commands (#1809)
  * Add override stack file (#1839)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix stignore (#1741)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix-selector-display (#1844)
  * Update ErrOktetoContextNotFound message
  * Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 (#1845)
  * Read okteto manifest before initializing the context. Several "okteto context" fixes (#1832)
  * Fix empty en vars being injected (#1840)
  * Fix e2e tests (#1841)
  * Add multiple stack files (#1838)
  * Add pull check and rebuild if fails (#1836)
  * Update --skip-if-exists to check commit being deployed (#1827)
  * Ignore "shutdown" pods when getting the dev pod (#1833)
  * Load k8s client from context instead of writing it to a file (#1829)
  * Stream okteto stack deploy command output on integration tests (#1826)
  * Fix default container/image for "services" (#1825)
  * Sync Analytics with Telemetry Param (#1805)
  * Support for building using local docker daemon (#1730)
  * Refactor okteto down messages (#1806)
  * Jlopezbarb/update selector style (#1818)
  * "okteto up" translation using a mirror deployment/statefulset (#1807)
  * Fix spinner bug (#1819)
  * Fix update command (#1816)
  * Always get SSH port when running exec with remote enabled (#1814)
  * Fixes #1633. Look for stack manifest into .okteto folder (#1810)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 (#1804)
  * Bump actions/stale from 3 to 4 (#1803)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix divert e2e (#1795)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix-ctx-e2e (#1800)
  * Translate okteto registry at Dockerfiles (#1788)
  * refactor: move from io/ioutil to io and os package (#1799)
  * Create stale.yml (#1798)
  * Format okteto context help message
  * Add context command (#1757)
  * jlopezbarb/update-graphql-library (#1747)
  * Fix divert e2e test (#1794)

Mon Jan 10 15:52:33 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.1:
  * Fix "okteto down" with divert exiting before cleaning all resources
  * Okteto registry check (#1790)
  * Return interrupt signal error and set cfg to error (#1768)
  * Increase tests timeout (#1793)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.7.3 to 4.8.0 (#1792)
  * Fix stack service redeploy with another type (#1791)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix divert and test e2e (#1780)
  * Fix GetRunningPod race conditions when Kubernetes is slow (#1789)
  * Add deployment has changed event (#1786)
  * Fix down nil pointer exception (#1784)
  * Get global namespace (#1778)
  * Remove several methods from App interface (#1783)
  * Fix bug with stack and absolute paths (#1781)
  * Fix cache error (#1779)
  * Enable build to global namespace (#1775)
  * Update kubectl dependency (#1774)
  * Eliminate App interface getter/setter methods for labels and annotations (#1776)
  * Refactor to use App interface (#1765)
  * Add functionality to set runAsNonRoot without securityContext defaults (#1764)
  * Set dockerfile path to work as compose do (#1769)
  * Fix tags on file (#1773)
  * update contributors list (#1772)
  * Deploy dependant services not running (#1766)

Mon Jan 10 15:46:15 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.14.0:
  * Add extension to compose (#1756)
  * Remove helm dependency from CLI (#1762)
  * Add stack deploy svc... (#1763)
  * Fix wrong init container added for jobs without volumes (#1761)
  * Upgrade to syncthing 1.18.2 (#1760)
  * Show build error to the user when retrying (#1753)
  * Fix display pulling events (#1759)

Mon Jan 10 15:41:40 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.11:
  * Add latest release to all actions (#1749)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 (#1754)
  * Fix pipeline not returning (#1752)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 (#1751)

Mon Jan 10 15:37:45 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.10:
  * Remove namespace validation (#1748)

Mon Jan 10 15:33:04 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.9:
  * Fail CI if go.sum changes (#1745)
  * Fix decode eof response (#1742)
  * Support for new "deploy" endpoints that return an action object to follow the action progress (#1746)
  * Fix failure in clusters that forbid running as root (#1744)
  * Validate preview name and show user friendly error (#1743)

Mon Jan 10 15:30:34 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.8:
  * Skip windows actions tests (#1740)
  * Handle new/old Okteto API on pipeline/preview deploy/destroy commands (#1739)
  * Jlopezbarb/autoupdate actions e2e (#1659)
  * Fix destroy pipeline command (#1736)
  * Fix spinner not erasing when stop (#1738)
  * Show link to space after deploying pipeline or preview (#1729)
  * Retry build when bad requests failure (#1737)
  * Upgrade to Golang 1.17 (#1734)
  * Upgrading dependencies. (#1733)
  * jlopezbarb/add-translate-test-services (#1726)
  * jlopezbarb/return-proper-error-when-no-kubeconfig (#1735)
  * Set pipeline name from git config (#1725)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.6.2 to 4.7.1 (#1727)

Mon Jan 10 15:27:32 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.7:
  * Fix send result to exit channel in pipeline deploy (#1722)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 (#1721)

Mon Jan 10 15:24:30 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.6:
  * Fix error translating "services" (#1719)

Mon Jan 10 15:14:37 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.5:
  * Ignore pod cache issues (#1717)
  * Set update revision after getDevPod (#1715)
  * Add node selector and affinity to manifest (#1711)
  * fix missconfigured terminal after ctrl +c (#1641)
  * Fix forward indentation (#1714)
  * Set to lower resource type (#1713)
  * Fix check moun path on second (#1712)
  * Return user error if duplicates volume mounts (#1710)
  * Adds better error management on pipeline/preview (#1693)
  * Add preview endpoints command (#1697)
  * Interpolate "OKTETO_USERNAME" in preview cmd (#1694)
  * Return user friendly error preview name conflict (#1698)
  * Jlopezbarb/fix e2e win (#1707)
  * Set the syncthing verbosity based on the "--loglevel" flag (#1708)
  * Remove auto-refresh of credentials (#1705)
  * Revert "Deprecate environment in favour of variables (#1684)" (#1704)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1 (#1692)
  * Return to previous namespace after finishing test
  * Fix depends on with sanitized services (#1696)
  * jlopezbarb/fail-quickly-e2e (#1699)
  * Track initial sync duration (#1700)
  * Make https default protocol in login (#1695)
  * Deprecate environment in favour of variables (#1684)
  * Fix spinner errors (#1686)
  * Jlopezbarb/developer level file (#1627)
  * Increase e2e test timeout (#1685)
  * Add support for sfs dev mode (#1631)

Mon Jan 10 15:04:07 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.4:
  * Update derek curators (#1683)
  * accept 0 args (#1682)

Mon Jan 10 15:01:40 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.3:
  * add contributors (#1677)
  * Wait for resources to be running (#1670)
  * Fix windows path unmarshalling (#1667)
  * Fix arg length comprobation (#1666)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 (#1668)
  * Add sourceUrl to preview without args (#1663)

Mon Jan 10 14:59:31 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.2:
  * Add preview commands (#1644)
  * Update codeowners based in github teams (#1661)
  * Fix ci e2e tests (#1660)
  * Create only token if already set user id (#1649)
  * when initing from image container don't log every file copied just log (#1657)
  * Track elapsed time on up command (#1654)
  * Propagate hints on build errors (#1642)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.3.0 to 4.5.0 (#1656)
  * Add login url confirmation (#1651)
  * Update documentation urls (#1652)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0 (#1653)
  * Return error if no browser found (#1648)
  * Fix volumes not expanding variables (#1650)
  * Return error if no browser found
  * Validate number of args in command (#1632)
  * Increase default timeout
  * Jlopezbarb/wait for autoescaler creating new nodes (#1645)
  * Add update command (#1623)
  * Update copyright to 2021 (#1647)
  * Upgrade to Syncthing 1.18.0 (#1646)
  * Increase default kubernetes timeout from 10s to 30s
  * Ignore build argument on up if there is nothing to build (#1638)
  * Add support for healthchecks (#1613)
  * Remove vulnerability
  * Update timeout on windows e2e tests (#1640)

Mon Jan 10 14:47:41 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.1:
  * Check if port is open on tcp protocol instead of path (#1636)
  * Fix missconfigured terminal after Ctrl+C (#1626)
  * Initialize okteto volume from image only if it is empty (#1639)
  * Support replicas set to 0 in stacks (#1637)
  * Fix windows build e2e tests (#1635)
  * Check if url is properly formatted (#1634)
  * Support builds for contexts that points to url (#1624)
  * Updating divert service modification handling. (#1625)
  * Add prettier pre-commit hook (#1621)
  * Added an option -f parameter to okteto pipeline command to specify the location of okteto pipeline file (#1599)

Mon Jan 10 14:39:33 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.13.0:
  * Fix first character lost when reconnect on ssh (#1617)
  * Trim long messages while spinning (#1618)
  * Fix integration tests (#1616)
  * Update okteto/bin image
  * Fix databases created as jobs (#1614)
  * Adds support for depends on field (#1578)
  * Update integration tests timeout to 15 min (#1611)
  * Add support for port ranges (#1600)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 (#1609)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 (#1606)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 (#1605)

Mon Jan 10 14:34:05 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 1.12.15:
  * Fix empty endpoint name (#1603)
  * Fix bug when repo url finish with slash (#1602)
  * Update stack recreate policy (#1590)
  * Handle two more reconnection errors (#1601)
  * Fix okteto up recreation error (#1592)
  * Bump github/super-linter from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 (#1597)
  * Move constants from labels to model (#1594)
  * Fix CI test (#1593)
  * Support flexible port mapping (#1585)
  * Set update strategy to Recreate in dev mode (#1589)
  * Add a minimum of retries before timing out "okteto up" loops (#1588)
  * Upgrade to Syncthing 1.17.0 (#1587)
  * Support for update persistent volume size without destroying the volume (#1586)
  * Jlopezbarb/add expandable vars to other fields (#1583)
  * Fix destroy service always on deploy (#1580)
  * Jlopezbarb/add sfs unit test (#1581)
  * Check if file does not exist (#1582)
  * Move quotes at the end as we do for other paths (#1579)
  * Add support for restart field (#1570)

Tue Jun  1 07:28:54 UTC 2021 - Johannes Kastl <>

- initial version of package okteto