Blob Blame History Raw
# spec file for package patterns-xfce
# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%bcond_with betatest

Name:           patterns-xfce
Version:        20230212
Release:        0
Summary:        Patterns for Installation (Xfce)
License:        MIT
Group:          Metapackages
Source0:        %{name}-rpmlintrc
BuildRequires:  patterns-rpm-macros

This is an internal package that is used to create the patterns as part
of the installation source setup.  Installation of this package does
not make sense.

This particular package contains the Xfce patterns.


%package xfce
Summary:        XFCE Desktop Environment
Group:          Metapackages
Provides:       pattern() = xfce
Provides:       pattern-icon() = pattern-xfce
Provides:       pattern-order() = 1310
Provides:       pattern-visible()
Requires:       pattern() = x11
Requires:       pattern() = xfce_basis
Recommends:     pattern() = xfce_office
Recommends:     pattern() = multimedia
Recommends:     pattern() = imaging
Provides:       patterns-openSUSE-xfce = %{version}
Obsoletes:      patterns-openSUSE-xfce < %{version}

# Xfce Recommended applications
Recommends:     mousepad
Recommends:     ristretto
Recommends:     thunar-plugin-archive
Recommends:     thunar-plugin-media-tags
Recommends:     xfce4-dict
Recommends:     xfce4-panel-profiles
Recommends:     xfce4-screenshooter
Recommends:     parole

# Third-party applications
Recommends:     blueman
Recommends:     thunar-sendto-blueman
Recommends:     file-roller
Recommends:     galculator
Recommends:     gnome-disk-utility
Recommends:     gucharmap
Recommends:     lightdm
Recommends:     lightdm-gtk-greeter
Recommends:     lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
Recommends:     menulibre
Recommends:     MozillaThunderbird
Recommends:     mugshot
Recommends:     pidgin
Recommends:     pragha
Recommends:     remmina
Recommends:     remmina-plugin-rdp
Recommends:     remmina-plugin-vnc
Recommends:     remmina-plugin-xdmcp
Recommends:     seahorse
Recommends:     shotwell
Recommends:     simple-scan
Recommends:     transmission-gtk
Recommends:     evince
# Additional applications
# ease debugging
Recommends:     gdb
Recommends:     system-config-printer
Recommends:     system-config-printer-applet
# bnc#537362

# Currently only Leap supports this update method via packagekit
%if 0%{?sle_version} >= 150400 && 0%{?is_opensuse}
Recommends:     gnome-packagekit
Recommends:     package-update-indicator

# bnc#537365
Recommends:     gnome-keyring
Recommends:     gnome-keyring-pam
# bnc#1108381
Recommends:     gcr-ssh-askpass
Recommends:     opensuse-welcome
# core desktop functionality
Recommends:     xfce4-taskmanager
Recommends:     thunar-volman
Recommends:     tumbler

# packages a GTK application
Recommends:     gutenprint
# MAYBE later lsb-graphics
# give net shares
Recommends:     samba
# needs python-qt4, see#649280#14
Suggests:       hplip

%description xfce
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems.

%files xfce
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/patterns


%package xfce_basis
Summary:        XFCE Base System
Group:          Metapackages
Provides:       pattern() = xfce_basis
Provides:       pattern-extends() = xfce
Provides:       pattern-icon() = pattern-xfce
Provides:       pattern-order() = 1300
Requires:       pattern() = basesystem
Requires:       pattern() = x11
Provides:       patterns-openSUSE-xfce_basis = %{version}
Obsoletes:      patterns-openSUSE-xfce_basis < %{version}
# This defines a bare minimum Xfce desktop used, for example, as
# base for the openSUSE Rescue CD
Requires:       thunar
Requires:       thunar-volman
Requires:       xfce4-appfinder
Requires:       xfce4-notifyd
Requires:       xfce4-panel
Requires:       xfce4-power-manager
Requires:       xfce4-session
Requires:       xfce4-settings
Requires:       xfconf
Requires:       xfdesktop
Requires:       xfwm4
Recommends:     pavucontrol
Recommends:     xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
# low level functionality
Recommends:     avahi
Recommends:     dbus-1-x11
# bnc#540627
Recommends:     xdg-utils
Recommends:     xdg-user-dirs-gtk
Recommends:     desktop-file-utils
Recommends:     shared-mime-info
Recommends:     NetworkManager
Recommends:     NetworkManager-applet
# without polkit-gnome, NetworkManager-applet is not that useful
# we need a polkit-authentication-agent (bnc#1047500)
Recommends:     polkit-gnome
# use gnomesu as su wrapper
Recommends:     libgnomesu
# bnc#440285
Recommends:     pinentry-gtk2
# For screenlocking to work in xfce
Recommends:     xfce4-screensaver
Recommends:     xfce4-notifyd
Recommends:     xfce4-terminal
Recommends:     libxfce4ui-tools
Recommends:     xfce4-xkb-plugin
# core desktop functionality
Recommends:     libyui-qt-pkg
Recommends:     yast2-control-center-qt
# branding
Suggests:       exo-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       gconf2-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       libgarcon-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       libxfce4ui-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       lightdm-gtk-greeter-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       thunar-volman-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       wallpaper-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfdesktop-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       xfwm4-branding-openSUSE
Suggests:       desktop-branding

Recommends:     MozillaFirefox
Recommends:     desktop-data-openSUSE
# bnc#508120
Recommends:     xdg-user-dirs
# metalink downloader
Suggests:       aria2

%description xfce_basis
Base packages for the XFCE Desktop Environment

%files xfce_basis
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/patterns


%package xfce_laptop
Summary:        XFCE Laptop
Group:          Metapackages
Provides:       pattern() = xfce_laptop
Provides:       pattern-extends() = laptop
Provides:       pattern-icon() = pattern-generic
Provides:       pattern-order() = 5180
Supplements:    packageand(patterns-xfce-xfce:patterns-desktop-laptop)
Requires:       pattern() = xfce
Requires:       pattern() = xfce_basis
Provides:       patterns-openSUSE-xfce_laptop = %{version}
Obsoletes:      patterns-openSUSE-xfce_laptop < %{version}

%description xfce_laptop
XFCE Laptop

%files xfce_laptop
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/patterns


%package xfce_office
Summary:        XFCE Office
Group:          Metapackages
Provides:       pattern() = xfce_office
Provides:       pattern-extends() = office
Provides:       pattern-icon() = yast-x11
Provides:       pattern-order() = 2241
Supplements:    packageand(patterns-xfce-xfce:patterns-office-office)
Requires:       pattern() = xfce
Requires:       pattern() = xfce_basis
Provides:       patterns-openSUSE-xfce_office = %{version}
Obsoletes:      patterns-openSUSE-xfce_office < %{version}

%ifarch %ix86 x86_64
Recommends:     libreoffice-gnome

%description xfce_office
XFCE Office

%files xfce_office
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/patterns




mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/patterns
for i in xfce xfce_basis xfce_laptop xfce_office; do
	echo "This file marks the pattern $i to be installed." \
