Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
    <comment>New package, a dependency of neovim 0.5</comment>
  <revision rev="2" vrev="2">
  <revision rev="3" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 0.20.4:
  - Always generate parser.h, regardless of chosen ABI version
  - add test for removals in eager query matches
  - remove non-local query matches for locals
  - remove unfinished queries from 'ts_query_cursor_remove_match'
  - prevent future matches for '#is-not? local' patterns
  - Represent quantifiers using bytes instead of ints
  - Prefix globally visible TSquantifier values
  - Rewrite quantifier oeprations
  - Add pointer indirection to AnalysisStateSet
  - Fixed rust build, updated docs
  - get_column now counts codepoints
  - Add realloc to wasm exports
  - Add link to Protocol Buffers grammar
  - Convert more fixture grammars from JSON to JS
  - Simplify allocation-recording in test suite using new
    ts_set_allocator API
  - Address feedback
  - Make SubtreeInlineData work on Big-Endian
  - Replace allocator struct with function pointers
  - cli: Fix parsing of test files with newlines in test names
  - Avoid allocator from being switched more than once
  - Remove ts_allocator from api.h
  - Add TSAllocator and ts_set_allocator in api.h
  - Fix declaration of ts_toggle_allocation_recording
  - Allow to change the allocator dynamically
  - Support @module as a highlight key.
  - add link to in-development Elixir parser
  - Added bindings for Java and Kotlin to ``
  - Remove unnecessary types from</comment>
  <revision rev="4" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to version 0.20.6:
  * 0.20.6
  * libs: 0.20.6
  * Properly incorporate lookahead bytes when recovering via missing token
  * Improve randomized testing setup
  * Run cargo test directly on CI
  * Set CLI as default workspace member
  * Don't generate primary states array if it will be unused due to abi version setting
  * tags: 0.20.2
  * 0.20.5
  * libs: 0.20.5
  <revision rev="5" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="6" vrev="2">
    <comment>- Add CVE-2022-45299-update-webbrowser.patch (copied from
  gh#tree-sitter/tree-sitter#2042) to use more recent version
  of webbrowser-rs, which has been fixed against CVE-2022-45299
  <revision rev="7" vrev="3">