Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
    <comment>New package for the exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
  <revision rev="2" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="3" vrev="1">
    <comment>- skip python 3.11 and python 3.8 because some dependencies doesn't
  support that python versions
- Update to 0.15.1
  - Fix memory usage and improve efficiency in `from_emcee`
  - Lower pandas version needed
- 0.15.0
  - Adds Savage-Dickey density ratio plot for Bayes factor
  - Add `CmdStanPySamplingWrapper` and `PyMCSamplingWrapper` classes
  - Changed dependency on netcdf4-python to h5netcdf
  - Fix `reloo` outdated usage of `ELPDData`
  - plot_bpv smooth discrete data only when computing u_values
  - Fix bug when beanmachine objects lack some fields
  - Fix gap for `plot_trace` with option `kind=&quot;rank_bars&quot;`
  - Fix `plot_lm` unsupported usage of `np.tile`
  - Update `_z_scale` to work with SciPy 1.10
  - Fix bug in BaseLabeller when combining with with NoVarLabeller