Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="2" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 1.3.0:
  * Inline command editing in the GUI. Press to get started.
    Only editing the command, its description and the tags are
    supported for now
  * Inline command deletion in the GUI. Press to delete a command
    in the GUI view
  * Inline command creation in the GUI. Press to create a new
    command in the GUI view</comment>
  <revision rev="3" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 1.3.1:
  * Fix bug, where hoard pick would not properly replace named
    parameterized commands
  * Tab highlight now also uses customizable color from config file
  * Added update checker on startup, to notify the user about a
    new version</comment>