Blob Blame History Raw
Fri Feb 10 17:42:13 UTC 2023 - Dirk M端ller <>

- update to 2.7.1:
  * optimize ``util.sc_encode()``

Fri Feb 10 10:27:32 UTC 2023 - Dirk M端ller <>

- update to 2.7.0:
  * add util.sc_encode() and util.sc_decode() for
    compression of sparse bitarrays
  * add util.any_and()
  * add util.intervals()
  * move functionality of the following utility functions
    entirely to C:
    hex2ba(), base2ba(), deserialize(), vl_decode(), zeros()
  * improve error checking for unpickling
  * add distance metrics

Mon Jan  2 18:35:34 UTC 2023 - Dirk M端ller <>

- update to 2.6.2:
  * optimize `richcompare()` for opposite endianness
  * improve some docstrings add tests
  * add documentation on shift operators, #181
  * fix typo in iterable initializer description, #179
  * optimize `richcompare()` 

Fri Sep 23 02:36:48 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>

- Update to 2.6.0:
  * add data descriptions: `.nbytes`, `.padbits`, `.readonly`
  * allow optional `endian` argument to be `None` when creating bitarrays
  * fix type annotation for `canonical_decode()`, #178
  * frozenbitarray's padbits are now guaranteed to be zero
  * add tests

- Update to 2.5.1:
  * optimize `.reverse()`, see #177
  * allow negative (byte) indices in `.bytereverse()`

- Update to 2.5.0:
  * add calculating of canonical Huffman codes `util.canonical_huffman()`
    and decoding thereof `util.canonical_decode()`, see #173
  * allow creating "Huffman codes" from frequency maps with a single symbol
    in `util.huffman_code()` and `util.canonical_huffman()`, see #172
  * allow bytes-like argument in `.frombytes()` and `.pack()` - previously,
    the arguments were limited to the `bytes` object, see #174
  * allow bytes-like arguments in `util.deserialize()`
  * add official [pyodide]( support
  * add [DEFLATE decompression](../examples/puff/) example
  * optimize `.bytereverse()`
  * optimize `delslice()` for cases like `del a[1:17:2]` when `a` is large
  * fix `examples/huffman/` to handle files with 0 or 1 characters,
    see also #172
  * add `skipIF` decorator for skipping tests
  * add tests

- Update to 2.4.1:
  * improve `resize()`, see #167
  * optimize `copy_n()` by avoiding loops, #171
  * `.bytereverse()` no longer sets unused pad bits to zero 

Sun Mar 27 14:18:57 UTC 2022 - Dirk M端ller <>

- update to 2.4.0:
  * enable building wheels for multiple platforms and Python versions using
    pypa/cibuildwheel, see #165 and #170 (thanks Brian Thorne, @hardbyte)
  * use setuptools instead of distutils in ``, #168
  * add missing type hinting for `.count()` step argument

Thu Aug 19 12:55:23 UTC 2021 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>

- Update to 2.3.0
  * add optional `buffer` argument to `bitarray()` to import the buffer of
    another object, #141, #146, see also: [buffer protocol](buffer.rst)
  * update `.buffer_info()` to include: a read-only flag, an imported buffer
    flag, and the number of buffer exports
  * add optional start and stop arguments to `util.rindex()`
  * add [memory-mapped file](../examples/ example
  * ignore underscore (`_`) in string input, e.g. `bitarray('1100_0111')`
  * add missing type hinting for new `.bytereverse()` arguments
  * fix `.extend()` type annotations, #145
  * avoid `.reverse()` using temporary memory
  * make `.unpack()`, `util.serialize()`, `util.vl_encode()`
    and `.__reduce__()` more memory efficient
  * add and improve tests
- from version 2.2.5
  * speedup `find_bit()` and `find_last()` using uint64 checking, this means
    a speedup for `.find()`, `.index()`, `.search()` and `util.rindex()`
  * add optional start and stop arguments to `.bytereverse()`
  * add example to illustrate how
    [unaligned copying](../examples/ works internally
  * add documentation
  * add tests
- from version 2.2.4
  * use shift operations to speedup all unaligned copy operations, #142
  * expose functionality to Python level only in debug mode for testing
  * add and improve tests
- from version 2.2.3
  * speedup `repeat()`, #136
  * speedup shift operations, #139
  * optimize slice assignment with negative step, e.g.: `a[::-1] = 1`
  * add tests
- from version 2.2.2
  * speedup slice assignment, see #132 and #135
  * speedup bitwise operations, #133
  * optimize `getbit()` and `setbit()` in `bitarray.h`
  * fix TypeError messages when bitarray or int (0, 1) are expected (bool
    is a subclass of int)
  * add and improve tests
- from version 2.2.1
  * improve documentation
  * speedup `vl_encode()`
  * `bitarray.h`: make `getbit()` always an (inline) function
  * add assertions in C code
- from version 2.2.0
  * add `bitarray.util.vl_encode()` and `bitarray.util.vl_decode()` which
    uses a [variable length bitarray format](variable_length.rst), #131
- from version 2.1.3
  * Fix building with MSVC / Bullseye, #129

Sat Jul 17 08:25:28 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to 2.2.2
  * support type hinting for all Python 3 versions (that bitarray
    supports, 3.5 and higher currently).
  * add explicit endianness to two tests.

Sat Jun 12 08:07:51 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to 2.1.1
  * add type hinting (see PEP 484, 561) using stub (`.pyi`) files
- Update to 2.1.0
  * add `.find()` method, see #122
  * `.find()`, `.index()`, `.search()` and `.itersearch()` now all
    except both (sub-) bitarray as well as bool items to be
    searched for
  * improve encode/decode error messages
  * add [lexicographical permutations example](../examples/
- Update to 2.0.1
  * update documentation
  * improve some error messages
- Update to 2.0.0
  * require more specific objects, int (0 or 1) or bool
  * items are always returned as int 0 or 1
  * remove `.length()` method (deprecated since 1.5.1 - use `len()`)
  * in `.unpack()` the `one` argument now defaults to 0x01 (was 0xff)
  * `.tolist()` now always returns a list of integers (0 or 1)
  * fix frozenbitarray hash function, see #121
  * fix frozenbitarray being mutable by `<<=` and `>>=`
  * support sequence protocol in `.extend()` (and bitarray creation)
  * improve OverflowError messages from `util.int2ba()`
  * add [hexadecimal example](../examples/

Sat Apr 10 07:45:02 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to 1.9.2
  * update pythoncapi_compat: Fix support with PyPy 3.7
- Update to 1.9.0
  * add shift operations (``<<``, ``>>``, ``<<=``, ``>>=``)
  * add ``bitarray.util.ba2base()`` and ``bitarray.util.base2ba()``,
- Update to 1.8.2
  * fix crash caused by unsupported types in binary operations,
  * speedup initializing or extending a bitarray from another
    with different bit endianness.
  * add formatting options to ``bitarray.util.pprint()``
  * add and improve tests (all 291 tests run in less than half
    a second on a modern machine)
- Update to 1.8.1
  * moved implementation of and ``hex2ba()`` and ``ba2hex()``
    to C-level
  * add ``bitarray.util.parity()``
- Update to 1.8.0
  * add ``bitarray.util.serialize()`` and
  * allow whitespace (ignore space and ``\n\r\t\v``) in input
    strings; e.g. ``bitarray('01 11')`` or ``a += '10 00'``
  * add ``bitarray.util.pprint()``
  * When initializing a bitarray from another with different
    bit endianness, e.g. ``a = bitarray('110', 'little')``
    and ``b = bitarray(a, 'big')``, the buffer used to be
    simply copied, with consequence that ``a == b`` would
    result in ``False``.  This is fixed now, that is
    ``a == b`` will always evaluate to ``True``.
  * add test for loading existing pickle file (created using
    bitarray 1.5.0)
- Update to 1.7.1
  * Raise TypeError when incorrect index is used during
    assignment, e.g. ``a[1.5] = 1``
  * raise TypeError (not IndexError) when assigning slice to
    incorrect type, e.g. ``a[1:4] = 1.2``
  * improve some docstrings and tests
- Update to 1.7.0
  * add ``bitarray.util.urandom()``
  * raise TypeError when trying to extend bitarrays from bytes
    on Python 3, ie. ``bitarray(b'011')`` and ``.extend(b'110')``.
    (Deprecated since 1.4.1)
- Update to 1.6.2
  * use ``Py_SET_TYPE()`` and ``Py_SET_SIZE()`` for Python 3.10
  * add official Python 3.10 support
  * fix slice assignment to same object,
    e.g. ``a[2::] = a`` or ``a[::-1] = a``,
  * add bitarray.h,

Fri Nov  6 10:48:49 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to 1.6.1
  * use PyType_Ready for all types: bitarray, bitarrayiterator,
    decodeiterator, decodetree, searchiterator.
- Update to 1.6.0
  * add `decodetree` object, for speeding up consecutive calls
    to `.decode()` and `.iterdecode()`, in particular when dealing
    with large prefix codes.
  * add optional parameter to `.tolist()` which changes the items
    in the returned list to integers (0 or 1), as opposed to
  * remove deprecated `bitdiff()`, which has been deprecated since
    version 1.2.0, use `bitarray.util.count_xor()` instead
  * drop Python 2.6 support.
  * update license file.

Wed Sep 30 04:35:36 UTC 2020 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to 1.5.3:
  * add optional index parameter to `.index()` to invert single bit
  * fix `sys.getsizeof(bitarray)` by adding `.__sizeof__()`, see issue #100 

Mon Aug 31 04:58:58 UTC 2020 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to 1.5.2: 
  * add PyType_Ready usage, issue #66
  * speedup search() for bitarrays with length 1 in sparse bitarrays,
    see issue #67
  * add tests
  * support signed integers in `util.ba2int()` and `util.int2ba()`,
    see issue #85
  * deprecate `.length()` in favor of `len()`
  * Use `Py_ssize_t` for bitarray index.  This means that on 32bit
    systems, the maximun number of elements in a bitarray is 2 GBits.
    We used to have a special 64bit index type for all architectures, but
    this prevented us from using Python's sequence, mapping and number
    methods, and made those method lookups slow.
  * speedup slice operations when step size = 1 (if alignment allows
    copying whole bytes)
  * Require equal endianness for operations: `&`, `|`, `^`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`.
    This should have always been the case but was overlooked in the past.
  * raise TypeError when tring to create bitarray from boolean
  * This will be last release to still support Python 2.6 (which was retired
    in 2013).  We do NOT plan to stop support for Python 2.7 anytime soon.

Wed Aug  5 00:59:24 UTC 2020 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to 1.4.2:
  * C-level:
      - simplify pack/unpack code
      - fix memory leak in `~` operation (bitarray_cpinvert)
  * add official Python 3.9 support
  * improve many docstrings
  * add DeprecationWarning for `bitdiff()`
  * add DeprecationWarning when trying to extend bitarrays
    from bytes on Python 3 (`bitarrays(b'011')` and `.extend(b'110')`)
  * C-level:
      - rewrote `.fromfile()` and `.tofile()` implementation,
        such that now the same code is used for Python 2 and 3.
        The new implementation is more memoery efficient on
        Python 3.
      - use memcmp() in richcompare to shortcut EQ/NE, when
        comparing two very large bitarrays for equality the
        speedup can easily be 100x
      - simplify how unpacking is handled
  * add more tests
  * add `.clear()` method (Python 3.3 added this method to lists)
  * avoid overallocation when bitarray objects are initially created
  * raise BufferError when resizing bitarrays which is exporting buffers
  * add example to study the resize() function
  * improve some error messages
  * raise `NotImplementedError` with (useful message) when trying to call
    the `.fromstring()` or `.tostring()` methods, which have been removed
    in the last release

Mon Jul  6 18:40:25 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 1.3.0
  * add `bitarray.util.make_endian()`
  * `util.ba2hex()` and `util.hex2ba()` now also support
  * add `bitarray.get_default_endian()`
  * made first argument of initializer a positional-only parameter
  * remove `.fromstring()` and `.tostring()` methods, these have
    been deprecated 8 years ago, since version 0.4.0
  * add `__all__` in `bitarray/`
  * drop Python 3.3 and 3.4 support
- Update to version 1.2.2
  * `util.ba2hex` now always return a string object (instead of
    bytes object for Python 3), see issue #94
  * `util.hex2ba` allows a unicode object as input on Python 2
  * Determine 64-bitness of interpreter in a cross-platform
    fashion #91, in order to better support PyPy

Tue Mar 24 18:38:34 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Run testsuite

Sun Mar 22 16:28:34 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 1.2.1
  * simplify markdown of readme so PyPI renders better
  * make tests for bitarray.util required (instead of warning when
    they cannot be imported)
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * add bitarray.util module which provides useful utility functions
  * deprecate `bitarray.bitdiff` in favor of `bitarray.util.count_xor`
  * use markdown for documentation
  * fix bug in .count() on 32bit systems in special cases when array size
    is 2^29 bits or larger
  * simplified tests by using bytes syntax
  * update smallints and sieve example to use new utility module
  * simplified mandel example to use numba
  * use file context managers in tests
- Update to version 1.1.0
  * add frozenbitarray object
  * add optional start and stop parameters to .count() method
  * add official Python 3.8 support
  * optimize setrange() C-function by using memset
  * fix issue #74, bitarray is hashable on Python 2
  * fix issue #68, `unittest.TestCase.assert_` deprecated
  * improved test suite - tests should run in about 1 second
  * update documentation to use positional-only syntax in docstrings
  * update readme to pass Python 3 doctest
  * add utils module to examples
- Specfile cleanup

Fri Jul 19 00:00:00 UTC 2019 - Andres Ayala <>
Version 1.0.1:
- fix readme to pass ``twine check``

Mon Jul 15 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

Version 1.0.0:
- fix bitarrays beings created from unicode in Python 2
- use ``PyBytes_*`` in C code, treating the Py3k function names as default,
  which also removes all redefinitions of ``PyString_*``
- handle negative arguments of .index() method consistently with how
  they are treated for lists
- add a few more comments to the C code
- move imports outside tests: pickle, io, etc.
- drop Python 2.5 support

Mon May 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

Version 0.9.3:
- refactor resize() - only shrink allocated memory if new size falls
  lower than half the allocated size
- improve error message when trying to initialize from float or complex

Mon Apr 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

Version 0.9.2:
- fix fail to compile on Windows with VS 2015, issue #72

Sun Apr 28 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

Version 0.9.1:
- fix types to actually be types, #29
- check for ambiguous prefix codes when building binary tree for decoding
- remove Python level methods: encode, decode, iterdecode (in favor of
  having these implemented on the C-level along with check_codedict)
- fix self tests for Python 2.5 and 2.6
- move all Huffman code related example code into examples/huffman
- add code to generate graphviz .dot file of Huffman tree to examples

Mon Apr 22 00:00:00 UTC 2019 -

Version 0.9:
- more efficient decode and iterdecode by using C-level binary tree
  instead of a python one, #54
- added buffer protocol support for Python 3, #55
- fixed invalid pointer exceptions in pypy, #47
- made all examples Py3k compatible
- add gene sequence example
- add official Python 3.7 support
- drop Python 2.4, 3.1 and 3.2 support

Wed May  2 10:04:07 UTC 2018 -

- Migrate to singlespec

Thu Oct 24 10:59:15 UTC 2013 -

- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)

Thu May 16 17:58:51 UTC 2013 -

- Rename test skip patch

Sat May 11 00:41:15 UTC 2013 -

- Initial release