Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
    <comment>New package go1.17 version go1.17.1.</comment>
  <revision rev="2" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.2 (released 2021-10-07) includes a security fix to the
  linker and misc/wasm directory, as well as bug fixes to the
  compiler, the runtime, the go command, and to the time and
  text/template packages.
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  * boo#1191468 go#48797 CVE-2021-38297
  * go#48800 security: fix CVE-2021-38297 misc/wasm, cmd/link: do not let command line args overwrite global data
  * go#48561 cmd/compile: unsafe.Add bug when adding uint8 value to a pointer
  * go#48444 text/template: should t.init() be executed before t.muTmpl.Lock() in AddParseTree() method?
  * go#48177 time: output does not respect comma as millisecond separator
  * go#47859 time: timer reset sometimes ignored, causing delayed ticks
  * go#47756 cmd/go: mod tidy -go=1.17 should move indirect dependencies to the second require part (forwarded request 924124 from jfkw)</comment>
  <revision rev="3" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.3 (released 2021-11-04) includes security fixes to the
  archive/zip and debug/macho packages, as well as bug fixes to the
  compiler, linker, runtime, the go command, the misc/wasm
  directory, and to the net/http and syscall packages.
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  CVE-2021-41771 CVE-2021-41772
  * boo#1192377 go#48990 CVE-2021-41771
  * go#48992 debug/macho: invalid dynamic symbol table command can cause panic
  * boo#1192378 go#48085 CVE-2021-41772
  * go#48252 archive/zip: Reader.Open panics on empty string
  * go#49199 cmd/go: go list all breaks in //go:build-only repos
  * go#49154 misc/wasm, cmd/link: Go 1.17.2 causes WASM builds to throw command line too long with many environment variables
  * go#49086 cmd/link: -buildmode=pie -linkshared panic at runtime
  * go#49077 x/net/http2: backport critical fixes
  * go#49010 net,runtime: apparent deadlock in (*net.conn).Close and runtime.netpollblock on arm64 platforms
  * go#48823 x/net/http2: client can hang forever if headers' size exceeds connection's buffer size and server hangs past request time
  * go#48650 x/net/http2: pool deadlock
  * go#48479 cmd/compile: 64 bits shifts on arm get wrong results
  * go#48475 cmd/compile: incorrect arm/arm64 simplification rules
  * go#48075 syscall: SysProcAttr{ NoInheritHandles: true } broken in 1.17 on Windows (forwarded request 929548 from jfkw)</comment>
  <revision rev="4" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.4 (released 2021-12-02) includes fixes to the compiler,
  linker, runtime, and the go/types, net/http, and time packages.
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  * go#49911 x/net/http2: frequent failures in TestClientConnCloseAtBody
  * go#49909 x/net/ipv6: TestPacketConnReadWriteMulticast{UDP,ICMP} failing with &quot;i/o timeout&quot; on OpenBSD 6.8 and 7.0
  * go#49905 x/net/http2: Client doesn't send body until ExpectContinueTimeout expires
  * go#49868 syscall: ntdll.dll errors in rtlGetNtVersionNumbers via os.StartProcess
  * go#49729 runtime: &quot;fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution&quot; in cmd/go tests on darwin-amd64-race running macOS 12.0
  * go#49662 x/net/http2: TestUnreadFlowControlReturned_Server failures with stream error &quot;NO_ERROR&quot; since 2021-10-05
  * go#49624 net/http: Possible HTTP/2 busy loop regression in Go 1.17.3
  * go#49568 net/http: server responds with Transfer-Encoding: identity
  * go#49561 x/net/http2: setting Request.Close doesn't close TCP connections
  * go#49559 net/http: HTTP/2 response body Close method sometimes returns spurious context cancelation error (1.17.3 regression)
  * go#49511 cmd/compile: init info of OAS node in a select case is being dropped
  * go#49479 runtime: &quot;morestack on g0&quot; in x/perf/storage/app on windows/arm64
  * go#49407 time: ParseInLocation error
  * go#49392 cmd/compile: internal compiler error: Expand calls interface data problem
  * go#49369 runtime: time goes backwards on windows-arm64 (frequent TestGcLastTime failures)
  * go#49129 cmd/compile: internal compiler error: can't find source for b12-&gt;b4: v31 = MOVBload &lt;bool&gt; v14 v1 : DX
  * go#48825 go/types, types2: stack overflow in hasVarSize for invalid type (forwarded request 935320 from jfkw)</comment>
  <revision rev="5" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.5 (released 2021-12-09) includes security fixes to the
  syscall and net/http packages.
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  CVE-2021-44716 CVE-2021-44717
  * boo#1193598 go#50057 CVE-2021-44717
  * go#50067 syscall: don’t close fd 0 on ForkExec error
  * boo#1193597 go#50058 CVE-2021-44716
  * go#50065 net/http: limit growth of header canonicalization cache (forwarded request 938745 from jfkw)</comment>
  <revision rev="6" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.6 (released 2022-01-06) includes fixes to the compiler,
  linker, runtime, and the crypto/x509, net/http, and reflect
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  * go#50165 crypto/x509: error parsing large ASN.1 identifiers
  * go#50073 runtime: race detector SIGABRT or SIGSEGV on macOS Monterey
  * go#49961 reflect: segmentation violation while using html/template
  * go#49921 x/net/http2: http.Server.WriteTimeout does not fire if the http2 stream's window is out of space.
  * go#49413 cmd/compile: internal compiler error: Op...LECall and OpDereference have mismatched mem
  * go#48116 runtime: mallocs cause &quot;base outside usable address space&quot; panic when running on iOS 14 (forwarded request 944560 from jfkw)</comment>
  <revision rev="7" vrev="1">
    <comment>- go1.17.7 (released 2022-02-10) includes security fixes to the
  crypto/elliptic, math/big packages and to the go command, as well
  as bug fixes to the compiler, linker, runtime, the go command,
  and the debug/macho, debug/pe, and net/http/httptest packages.
  Refs boo#1190649 go1.17 release tracking
  CVE-2022-23806 CVE-2022-23772 CVE-2022-23773
  * boo#1195838 go#50974 CVE-2022-23806
  * go#50978 crypto/elliptic: IsOnCurve returns true for invalid field elements
  * boo#1195835 go#50699 CVE-2022-23772
  * go#50701 math/big: Rat.SetString may consume large amount of RAM and crash
  * boo#1195834 go#35671 CVE-2022-23773
  * go#50687 cmd/go: do not treat branches with semantic-version names as releases
  * go#50942 cmd/asm: &quot;compile: loop&quot; compiler bug?
  * go#50867 cmd/compile: incorrect use of CMN on arm64
  * go#50812 cmd/go: remove bitbucket VCS probing
  * go#50781 runtime: incorrect frame information in traceback traversal may hang the process.
  * go#50722 debug/pe: reading debug_info section of PE files that use the DWARF5 form DW_FORM_line_strp causes error
  * go#50683 cmd/compile: MOVWreg missing sign-extension following a Copy from a floating-point LoadReg
  * go#50586 net/http/httptest: add fipsonly compliant certificate in for NewTLSServer(), for dev.boringcrypto branch
  * go#50297 cmd/link: does not set section type of .init_array correctly
  * go#50246 runtime: intermittent os/exec.Command.Start() Hang on Darwin in Presence of &quot;plugin&quot; Package (forwarded request 953823 from jfkw)</comment>