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<package name="bff4" project="openSUSE:Factory">
  <title>Fast Brainfuck interpreter</title>
  <description>Optimizing brainfuck implementation of dialect based on Daniel's dbfi (see &quot;A very short self-interpreter&quot;)

This interpreter has only one input: program and input to the program have to be separated with ! e.g. &quot;,.!a&quot; prints 'a' To use it in interactive mode paste your program as input.

This program can be compiled with LNR macro defined. LNR is another optimization of linear loops (where '&lt;&gt;' balanced), e.g. [-&gt;+&gt;++&lt;&lt;]. Linear loop is then executed in one step.

Oleg Mazonka 4.12.06</description>
  <devel project="devel:languages:misc" package="bff4"/>