Blob Blame History Raw
Sun Nov 20 18:46:53 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>

- Update to 0.8.0:
  - More than 800 commits and a long long time after, git-bug
    v0.8.0 is now available.
  - Once again, this release represent a push towards making
    git-bug generally useful and correct. The two main
    improvements are a new Entity framework and write-capable
  - Breaking changes(openSUSE package is much closer to this
    - changes in the data model makes it a requirement to use the
      migration tool to to update any previous repo.
    - remove the legacy identities that were directly embedded in
  - Core
    - introduce a reusable entity package capable of handling
      all the complex operations of an Entity (bug, board,
      config ...): operations, DAG manipulation, conflict merge,
      signature, integrity ... to greatly simplify writing and
      maintaining an entity. Documentation 1, Documentation 2
    - introduce CombinedId, a new kind of identifier for an
      item within an Entity (for example a comment in a bug),
      that hold two partial identifiers interleaved for fast
      addressing. Documentation
    - introduce the concept of resolvers, so that entities can
      link to another
    - use go-git to manipulate the git repository, instead of
      executing the local git binary
    - add support for signing the git commit with the author's
      signature, and verifying
    - add support for git config includes by @mindriot101
    - rework of the Repository layer for modularity, simplicity
      and testing, allowing more easily to plug an alternative
    - support for full text search in bug comments
    - support application namespace in the repository so that
      other app can use the entity package as a framework by
  - Commands
    - auto-completion of bug identifier, bridge names,
      credentials, labels, remote, identity and flags tada by
    - complete refactoring to avoid global variables and be more
      conductive to testing
    - new command comment edit to edit a bug's comment
    - new command rm to remove a bug by @vincetiu8
    - ls and show learned different output format with
      --format=<format>, with format being one of default, plain,
      json, compact and org-mode by @vincetiu8 and @karlicoss
    - allow user create without interactive prompt by
  - Query language
    - support filtering on bugs having no labels
    - support filtering on metadata by @vmiklos
  - Bug
    - complete rework using the new entity framework
  - Cache
    - introduce a LRU to have a limit of entities loaded in
      memory and effectively cap the memory usage of long running
      processes by @vincetiu8
    - proper locking for concurrent access by @vincetiu8
  - Bridges
    - core: support for remote bug tracker rate limiting by
    - core: support to indicate that the configuration wizard is
      executed non-interactively and should have all the required
      parameters set by @GlancingMind
    - Github: revamped client and iterator with proper rate
      limiting handling by @rng-dynamics
    - Github: revamped credentials creation following Github
      removing the previous API by @rng-dynamics
    - Github: support new token format by @ellsclytn
    - Github: extended tests by @rng-dynamics
    - Github: fix push then pull creating duplicates by
    - Gitlab: revamped client to use the much better event API to
      replace the note API that was hard to use and caused a lot
      of problems and headaches by @5nord
    - Gitlab: fix access token settings by @remram44
    - Gitlab: cleanup titles on import by @vincetiu8
    - Gitlab: support new token format by @gaelj
    - Jira: fix incorrect client creation reusing the same
  - API
    - new HTTP handler to access files stored in git
    - new HTTP handler to upload a file to git
  - GraphQL
    - strong typing for identifiers
    - prepare for external authentication
    - introduce addCommentAndClose and addCommentAndReopen
      mutations, to comment and change a bug state in a single
      atomic operation by @GlancingMind
    - introduce editComment mutation to edit comments
  - TermUI
    - fix a crash when trying to open a bug when there are none
      by @vojta001
    - properly trim spaces in titles by @wavexx
    - make the help visually easier to parse
    - denser bug list view by @wavexx
    - fixed readability on bright terminal by @zdenek-crha
  - WebUI
    - now report GraphQL errors in the console when --log-errors
      is used
    - large refactoring to bring good practice and simplify
      future work by @sandhose
    - add support for read-only mode by @lukegb and
    - support for creating bugs by @claudioantonio
    - support for closing and reopening bugs by @claudioantonio
    - allow to specify the host address when launching with
      --host=<host> for easier hosting, in particular in
      container by @GlancingMind
    - allow specifying the initial query with --query by @vmiklos
    - dark mode by @GlancingMind
    - show count of comment on each bug in the list by
    - improved navigation by @GlancingMind
    - comment edition and show edit history by @GlancingMind
    - bug list filtering by @GlancingMind
    - add user profile by @GlancingMind
    - show placeholder for empty comment preview by @GlancingMind

Thu Nov 03 14:02:35 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 0.7.2+git.1666446996.55a2e8e:
  * doc: fix incorrect indentation

Mon Oct 17 19:10:27 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>

- Fix Supplements tag for bash-completion subpackage.

Mon Oct 17 06:44:01 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 0.7.2+git.1665512451.0eef939:
  * makefile: better PHONY
  * webui: put react-scripts and typescript as dev-dependency
  * webui: update most of dependencies
  * build(deps): bump from 0.17.17 to 0.17.20
  * fix: process unused (but assigned) error
  * fix(884): scan PRs for insecure practices
  * feat(530) make label commands consistent
  * test(863): fix test for full id instead of "human"
  * refactor(git-bug-863): merge ls-id into ls
  * build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.1
  * build(deps): bump from 0.17.13 to 0.17.17
  * fix: correct name for one of the security phonies
  * feat: run security checks during Go workflow
  * feat: add recipes for security analysis
  * fix: hide tools versioning behind build tags
  * feat: add security tools
  * feat: version tools using Go module system
  * generalized interface for an Entity
  * dag: test op serialisation with the unmarshaller, to allow resolving entities
  * fix(850): normalize Windows line endings -> *nix (golden files)
  * fix(850): normalize Windows line endings -> *nix
  * fix(850): merge in CombinedId from 664
  * webui: add a flag to log handling errors
  * build(deps): bump from 0.72.0 to 0.73.1
  * webui: adapt to CombinedId
  * bug: have a type for combined ids, fix
  * build(deps): bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
  * build(deps): bump from 0.68.0 to 0.72.0
  * move bug.Status in entities/common for reuse
  * fix(850): remove obsolete test logging
  * tests(850): add tests for comment ls, add and edit
  * move {bug,identity} to /entities, move input to /commands
  * remove file that shouldn't be there
  * core: generalized resolvers to resolve any entity time when unmarshalling an operation
  * fix(836): revert to older test harness
  * feat(836): updates default ls formatter for TSV output
  * docs(847): add compact to docs and bash for ls command's format flag
  * build(deps): bump from 0.0.14 to 0.0.16
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.2 to 1.8.0
  * build: go 1.18 minimum
  * bug: fix an issue where Id would be used, then changed due to metadata
  * entity/dag: proper base operation for simplified implementation
  * doc: more tiny fixes
  * doc: more tiny fixes
  * doc: tiny tweaks
  * test(809): do not export function that returns GoGit filesystem
  * test(809): remove reliance on repo's filesystem
  * test: use testing.TB as common interface
  * test(809): remove remaining calls to InitGoRepo in tests
  * refactor(809): eliminate need to defer CleanupTestRepos()
  * test(778): simplify and guarantee backend cleanup
  * refactor(778): test only command implementations
  * chore(808): rearrange imports to git-bug convention
  * test(808): document getCWD() and clean-up arguments
  * test(808): skip root help test that uses a golden file
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2
  * fix(808): remove duplication stderr/stdout set-up
  * test(808): make build tag compatible with Go 1.16
  * test(808): do not run golden file tests on Windows
  * fix(808): simplify handling of Windows line terminations
  * chore(808): merge in LocalStorage namespace configuration
  * fix(808): replace Windows line terminators
  * github: fix data race when closing event channel
  * graphql: fix two invalid mutex lock leading to data races
  * fix(778): remove extra mutex lock when resolving bug prefix
  * cache: ensure that the default repo has a non-empty name to make js/apollo happy
  * doc: more discoverable docs
  * misc: move all completions in a dedicated folder
  * refactor: simplify creation of temp dir - after 1.15
  * fix: remove only t.Parallel()
  * gogit: close index before deleting it on disk
  * test: clean up temp dir and repo correctly
  * test(778): execute rm bug in testEnv (hangs)
  * test(778): execute add user in testEnv and return userID
  * test(778): clear output after user creation
  * test(778): verify user create results in an identity and cache
  * test(778): verify root command returns main help text
  * test(778): allow alternate CWD via context
  * test(778): capture stderr and stdout during tests
  * test: add verification that localStorage.Root() resolves to the correct absolute filepath
  * refactor: use namespace instead of application of applicationName
  * chore: clean-up commented code
  * feat: make local storage configurable
  * build(deps): bump from 0.64.0 to 0.68.0
  * model: Multiple, minor readability and language improvements
  * model: Removes now outdated statement about ops and root
  * model: Highlight some words with special meaning
  * model: Links to a section further down
  * model: Moves example description after the example
  * model: Adds link explaining nounce (wikipedia)
  * model: strict Markdown requires empty lines before (and after) lists
  * completion: lots of small ironing
  * ls: fix incorrect query parsing with quotes escaped by the shell
  * misc: fix bash completion with "git bug"
  * completion: use the correct GenBashCompletionV2 instead of the legacy function
  * Add command-specific argument completions
  * a few fixes
  * build(deps): bump from 0.59.0 to 0.64.0
  * Allow new gitlab PAT format
  * entity/dag: add an extensive example
  * doc: add missing file
  * update doc
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
  * bug: don't serialize multiple time the author, only once in OperationPack
  * jira: fix incorrect client creation reusing the same credential
  * update cobra to v1.4.0
  * Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.1
  * build: require go 1.16
  * build(deps): bump from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
  * Bump from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
  * entity: allow to resolve identities when numashalling operations
  * Fix a bunch of comments and documentations
  * build(deps): bump from 0.57.0 to 0.59.0
  * Bump from 0.55.1 to 0.57.0 (#757)
  * webui: fix dark theme colors
  * webui: fix compile
  * CI: update nodejs
  * Bump from 2.2.0 to 2.4.0
  * webui: replace GraphQL linter
  * webui: upgrade Material UI
  * webui: upgrade react-router
  * webui: replace React imports
  * webui: upgrade most dependencies
  * webui: upgrade graphql-codegen dependencies
  * Bump from 0.54.3 to 0.55.1
  * update gocui
  * update keyring and migrate to
  * update gqlgen
  * Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.0 to 1.14.7 in /webui (#735)
  * Bump from 0.54.1 to 0.54.3 (#734)
  * Bump from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#731)
  * Bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 in /webui (#728)
  * Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 in /webui (#711)
  * Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /webui (#701)
  * Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 in /webui (#714)
  * Bump from 0.50.4 to 0.54.1 (#732)
  * gitlab: re-enable previously broken test
  * gitlab: order events on the fly
  * Fix: github import, some issue titles cause error
  * Fix: github bridge: push then pull without duplication
  * Update URL of GitLab access token settings
  * Fix GitLab showing https:/../personal_access_token
  * Add scoop installation for Windows
  * Bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
  * Command ls: Add compact format
  * Add some documentation comments
  * gitlab: Add new iterator with state change events

Mon Nov 29 00:38:50 UTC 2021 -

- Update to version 0.7.2+git.1632416688.1eaf3ec0:
  * Bump from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14 (#709)
  * Tests for the github bridge (#706)
  * feature: Github bridge mutation rate limit (#694)
  * Add Linter Step (#698)
  * Bump from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7 (#702)
  * Bump from 0.50.1 to 0.50.4 (#707)
  * Bump from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 (#695)
  * Bump from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 (#689)
  * Bump from 0.50.0 to 0.50.1 (#693)
  * Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 in /webui

Sat Nov 27 17:46:20 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Update to 0.7.2:
  - fixes a security issue (CVE-2021-28955) where arbitrary
    malicious code could be executed if someone commit a git
    executable inside the repository (reproducible only on

Fri Jan 22 09:52:16 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Initial packaging of 0.7.1