Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 5.5.0:
- Rename to to match python package naming guidelines.
- Split jupyter components into own subpackage.
- Add conflicts to jupyter subpackage to more explicitly handle file overlaps with old naming scheme.</comment>
  <revision rev="2" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="3" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="4" vrev="2">
    <comment>py38 fix</comment>
  <revision rev="5" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 6.0.7:
  - 6.0.7
    - Primarly a release addressing template extensions issues reported
      since 6.0 launched.
  - 6.0.6
    - A range of bug fixes for webpdf exports
  - 6.0.5
    - Revert networkidle2 change which caused custom cdn-fetched widgets
      in webpdf
  - 6.0.4
    - Bugfixes only
  - 6.0.3
    - Execute preprocessor no longer add illegal execution counts to
      markdown cells :ghpull:`1396`:
  - 6.0.2
    - A patch for a few minor issues raised out of the 6.0 release.
  - 6.0.1
    - A quick patch to fix an issue with get_exporter :ghpull:`1367`:
  - 6.0
    - Nbconvert 6.0 is a major release of nbconvert which includes many
      significant changes.
      - Python 2 support was dropped. Currently Python 3.6-3.8 is
        supported and tested by nbconvert. However, nbconvert 6.0
        provides limited support for Python 3.6. nbconvert 6.1 will drop
        support for Python 3.6. Limited support means we will test and
        run CI on Python 3.6.12 or higher. Issues that are found only
        affecting Python 3.6 are not guaranteed to be fixed. We
        recommend all users of nbconvert use Python 3.7 and higher.
      - Unlike previous versions, nbconvert 6.0 relies on the nbclient
        package for the execute preprocessor, which allows for
        asynchronous kernel requests.
      - template_path has become template_paths. If referring to a 5.x
        style .tpl template use the full path with the template_file
        argument to the file. On the command line the pattern is
      - Nbconvert 6.0 includes a new &quot;webpdf&quot; exporter, which renders
        notebooks in pdf format through a headless web browser, so that
        complex outputs such as HTML tables, or even widgets are
        rendered in the same way as with the HTML exporter and a web
      - The default template applied when exporting to HTML now produces
        the same DOM structure as JupyterLab, and is styled using
        JupyterLab's CSS. The pygments theme in use mimics JupyterLab's
        codemirror mode with the same CSS variables, so that custom
        JupyterLab themes could be applied. The classic notebook styling
        can still be enabled with
      - jupyter nbconvert --to html --template classic
      - Nbconvert 6.0 includes a new system for creating custom
        templates, which can now be installed as packages. A custom
        &quot;foobar&quot; template is installed in Jupyter's data directory under
        nbconvert/templates and has the form of a directory containing
        all resources. Templates specify their base template as well as
        other configuration parameters in a conf.json at the root of the
        template directory.
      - The &quot;slideshow&quot; template now makes use of RevealJS version 4. It
        can now be used with the HTML exporter with
      - jupyter nbconvert --to html --template reveal
      - The --to slides exporter is still supported for convenience.
      - Inkscape 1.0 is now supported, which had some breaking changes
        that prevented 5.x versions of nbconvert from converting
        documents on some systems that updated.
- Add skip_network_tests.patch to skip tests requiring network
  access (gh#jupyter/nbconvert#1526).
  <revision rev="6" vrev="2">
  <revision rev="7" vrev="3">
  <revision rev="8" vrev="4">
  <revision rev="9" vrev="5">
  <revision rev="10" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Don't build on Python 3.6 (SLE/Leap backports safeguard) (forwarded request 944833 from bnavigator)</comment>
  <revision rev="11" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="12" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="13" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="14" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="15" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to version 7.0.0
  * Update to Mistune 2.0.2 by @TiagodePAlves in #1764
  * Clean up markdown parsing by @blink1073 in #1774
  * Switch to hatch build backend by @blink1073 in #1777
  * switch from entrypoints to importlib-metadata by @konstin in
  * Add recursive flag for glob notebook search by @paoloalba in
  * Updates for sphinx 5.0 support by @blink1073 in #1788
  * Fixed unique div ids in lab template, fixed #1759 by @veghdev
    in #1761
  * WebPDFExporter: Emulate media print by @martinRenou in #1791
  * Fix fonts overriden by user stylesheet by inheriting styles by
    @dakoop in #1793
  * Fix lab template output alignment by @dakoop in #1795
  * Add qtpdf and qtpng exporters by @davidbrochart in #1611
  * Fix linters by @martinRenou in #1825
  * Remove downloaded CSS from repository by @martinRenou in #1827
  * escape_html: prevent escaping quotes on widgets JSON reprs
    (#1829) by @martinRenou in #1830
  * Remove tests from bdist by @TiagodePAlves in #1822
  * Encode SVG image data as UTF-8 before calling lxml cleaner
    (fixes #1836) by @emarsden in #1837
  * Handle nbformat 5.5 by @blink1073 in #1841
- Drop nbconvert-vendorize-mistune.patch and mistune 0.8.4 sources.</comment>
  <revision rev="16" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.2.2
  * Fix default config test #1885 (@blink1073)
  * Add ensure label workflow #1884 (@blink1073)
  * Add release workflows #1883 (@blink1073)
  * Maintenance cleanup #1881 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.2.1
  * Fix version handling #1878 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.2.0
  * Prep for jupyter releaser #1877 (@blink1073)
  * Add support for jupyter_client 8 #1867 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.1.0
  * Fix markdown table not render bug by @Neutree in #1853
  * Replace lxml.html.clean_html with bleach; drop lxml dependency
    by @akx in #1854
  * Remove CircleCI badge from README by @akx in #1857
  * Added support for section (slide) &quot;data-*&quot; attributes by
    @bouzidanas in #1861
- Drop ignore-bleach-deprecation-test.patch</comment>
  <revision rev="17" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.2.7
  * Fix Hanging Tests on Linux #1924 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.2.6
  * Include all templates in sdist #1916 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.2.5
  * Fix for webpdf print margins #1907 (@JWock82)
- Release 7.2.4
  * Handle jupyter core warning #1905 (@blink1073)
  * Add Py-typed marker. #1898 (@Carreau)
- Release 7.2.3
  * clean_html: allow SVG tags and SVG attributes #1890 (@akx) (forwarded request 1045433 from bnavigator)</comment>
  <revision rev="18" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.2.8
  * always pass relax_add_props=True when validating #1936 (@minrk)
  <revision rev="19" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="20" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.2.10
  * Add cell-id anchor for cell identification #1897 (@krassowski)
  * Do not import pyppeteer for installation check #1947
  <revision rev="21" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.3.1
  * Remove overwriting of default KernelManager #1972 (@tuncbkose)
- Release 7.3.0
  * Allow pattern in output_base #1967 (@JeppeKlitgaard)
  * Make date configurable in latex/PDF #1963 (@achimgaedke)
  * Update jupyterlab CSS #1960 (@martinRenou) (forwarded request 1082318 from bnavigator)</comment>
  <revision rev="22" vrev="2">
    <comment>- Skip a test broken by ipython 8.13
  * test_errors_print_traceback: gh#jupyter/nbconvert#1985
  <revision rev="23" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="24" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.6.0
  * Update to Mistune v3 #1820 (@TiagodePAlves)
- Release 7.5.0
  * Add mermaidjs 10.2.3 #1957 (@bollwyvl)
  * Fix pdf conversion with explicitly relative paths #2005
  * Ensure TEXINPUTS is an absolute path #2002 (@tuncbkose)
  <revision rev="25" vrev="1">
  <revision rev="26" vrev="2">
    <comment>- Suggest primary python package -- boo#1214354</comment>
  <revision rev="27" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.8.0
  * MermaidJS 10.3.1, accessibility features, handle MIME #2034
  * Fix: Prevent error from all whitespace lang string #2036
- Update to 7.7.4
  * Give main tag a height of 100% in css for reveal html #2032
  <revision rev="28" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.9.2
  * Restore ResourcesDict to the public API #2055 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.9.1
  * Include tests in sdist #2053 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.9.0
  * Update to mermaidjs 10.5.0 #2051 (@bollwyvl)
  * Update typing for traitlets 5.11 #2050 (@blink1073)
  * Fixup typings #2048 (@blink1073)</comment>
  <revision rev="29" vrev="1">
    <comment>- update to 7.12.0:
  * Allow to load config from env.
  * Use ruff on notebooks and update typings
  * update Python version support in docs
  * Support es modules in js includes
  * Clean up lint handling and list generics
  * Remove not needed pytest-dependency test requirement
  * Update to mermaid 10.6.0, docs keyboard navigation
  * Fix typing for traitlets 5.13
  * Adopt ruff format
  * Update typings and remove dead link
  * Update to mermaid 10.6.0, docs keyboard navigation

- Remove the doc package
  * New kernel_manager_class configuration option for allowing systems to be set up to resolve kernels in different ways.
  * Kernel errors now will be logged for debugging purposes when executing notebooks.</comment>
  <revision rev="30" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.13.1
  * Restore removed import #2086 (@blink1073)
- Release 7.13.0
  * Add table, td, tr to allowed list of tags #2083 (@yuvipanda)</comment>
  <revision rev="31" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.14.2 via 7.14.1, 7.14.0
  * Fix broken image scaling in case a custom width or height is
    provided for the image #2094 (@AndSte01)
  * Convert coalescese_streams function to
    CoalesceStreamsPreprocessor #2089 (@ryan-williams)
  * Fix webpdf test on Python 3.12 #2088 (@blink1073)</comment>
  <revision rev="32" vrev="1">
    <comment>- update to 7.16.0:
  * Add a toggle to skip the svg encoding of images #2106
  * Support configurable width and height of reveal presentations</comment>
  <revision rev="33" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.16.2
  * [HTMLExporter] Initialize resources before widget filtering
    #2118 (@yuvipanda)
- Release 7.16.1 is pure maintenance
- Skip testing python39: no longer supported since ipython 8.19</comment>
  <revision rev="34" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to 7.16.3
  * Maintenance and upkeep improvements</comment>