Blob Blame History Raw
Fri Dec 15 21:31:47 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 7.1.1:
  * Fixing Cython optimized build deployments for linux
  * Adding #255 defer ipython import for large import speed
    improvements (thanks to Eric Prestat)
  * Adding testing for Python 3.12
  * Fixing #253 merge_update box list merge types not populated
    to sub dictionaries (thanks to lei wang)
  * Fixing #257 Two test failures due to arguments having
    incorrect types (thanks to Michał Górny)
  * Fixing stub files to match latest code signatures
  * Removing #251 support for circular references in lists
  * Removing support for Python 3.7 as it is EOL
  * Switching off of poetry due to multiple build issues
  * Adding #169 default functions with the box_instance and key
    parameter (thanks to Коптев Роман Викторович)
  * Adding #170 Be able to initialize with a flattened dict - by
    using DDBox (thanks to Ash A.)
  * Adding #192 box_dots treats all keys with periods in them as
    separate keys (thanks to Rexbard)
  * Adding #211 support for properties and setters in subclasses
  * Adding #226 namespace to track changes to the box
  * Adding #236 iPython detection to prevent adding attribute
    lookup words
  * Adding #238 allow ``|`` and ``+`` for frozen boxes
  * Adding new DDBox class (Default Dots Box) that is a subclass
    of SBox
  * Fixing #235 how ``|`` and ``+`` updates were performed for
    right operations
  * Fixing #234 typos
  * Fixing no implicit optionals with type hinting

Wed Nov  9 18:38:35 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>

- Update to 6.1.0
  * Adding Python 3.11 support
  * Adding #195 box_from_string function (thanks to Marcelo Huerta)
  * Changing the deprecated toml package with modern tomllib, tomli and tomli-w usage (thanks to Michał Górny)
  * Fixing mypy __ior__ type (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
  * Fixing line endings with a pre-commit update
  * Fixing BoxList was using old style of super in internal code usage

Fri Jun 17 12:20:56 UTC 2022 - Markéta Machová <>

- Update to 6.0.2
  * Adding Cython support to greatly speed up normal Box operations on supported systems
  * Adding #196 support for sliceable boxes
  * Changing #208 __repr__ to produce eval-able text
  * Removing support for ruamel.yaml < 0.17

Wed Dec  8 09:55:04 UTC 2021 -

- version update to 5.4.1
  Version 5.4.1
  * Fixing #205 setdefault behavior with box_dots (thanks to  Ivan Pepelnjak)
  Version 5.4.0
  * Adding py.typed for mypy support (thanks to Dominic)
  * Adding testing for Python 3.10-dev
  * Fixing #189 by adding mappings for mypy
  * Fixing setdefault behavior with box_dots (thanks to ipcoder)
  * Changing #193 how magic methods are handled with default_box (thanks to Rexbard)
  Version 5.3.0
  * Adding support for functions to box_recast (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
  * Adding #181 support for extending or adding new items to list during `merge_update`  (thanks to Marcos Dione)
  * Fixing maintain stacktrace cause for BoxKeyError and BoxValueError (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
  * Fixing #177 that emtpy yaml files raised errors instead of returning empty objects (thanks to Tim Schwenke)
  * Fixing #171 that `popitems` wasn't first checking if box was frozen (thanks to Varun Madiath)
  * Changing all files to LF line endings
  * Removing duplicate `box_recast` calls (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
  * Removing coveralls code coverage, due to repeated issues with service
  Version 5.2.0
  * Adding checks for frozen boxes to `pop`, `popitem` and `clear` (thanks to Varun Madiath)
  * Fixing requirements-test.txt (thanks to Fabian Affolter)
  * Fixing Flake8 conflicts with black (thanks to Varun Madiath)
  * Fixing coveralls update (thanks to Varun Madiath)
  Version 5.1.1
  * Adding testing for Python 3.9
  * Fixing #165 `box_dots` to work with `default_box`

Wed Aug  5 15:02:55 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- Update to 5.1.0
  * Adding `dotted` option for `items` function (thanks to ipcoder)
  * Fixing bug in box.set_default where value is dictionary, return the internal value and not detached temporary (thanks to Noam Graetz)
  * Removing warnings on import if optional libraries are missing
  Version 5.0.1
  * Fixing default box saving internal method calls and restricted options (thanks to Marcelo Huerta)
  Version 5.0.0
  * Adding support for msgpack converters `to_msgpack` and `from_msgpack`
  * Adding support for comparision of `Box` to other boxes or dicts via the `-` sub operator #144 (thanks to Hitz)
  * Adding support to `|` union boxes like will come default in Python 3.9 from PEP 0584
  * Adding `mypy` type checking, `black` formatting and other checks on commit
  * Adding new parameter `box_class` for cleaner inheritance #148 (thanks to David Aronchick)
  * Adding `dotted` option for `keys` method to return box_dots style keys (thanks to ipcoder)
  * Fixing box_dots to properly delete items from lists
  * Fixing box_dots to properly find items with dots in their key
  * Fixing that recast of subclassses of `Box` or `BoxList` were not fed box properties (thanks to Alexander Kapustin)
  * Changing that sub boxes are always created to properly propagate settings and copy objects #150 (thanks to ipcoder)
  * Changing that default_box will not raise key errors on `pop` #67 (thanks to Patrock)
  * Changing `to_csv` and `from_csv` to have same string and filename options as all other transforms
  * Changing back to no required external imports, instead have extra requires like [all] (thanks to wim glenn)
  * Changing from putting all details in README.rst to a github wiki at
  * Changing `BoxList.box_class` to be stored in `BoxList.box_options` dict as `box_class`
  * Changing `del` will raise `BoxKeyError`, subclass of both `KeyError` and `BoxError`
  * Removing support for single level circular references
  * Removing readthedocs generation
  * Removing overrides for `keys`, `values` and `items` which will return views again
  Version 4.2.3
  * Fixing example #149 (thanks to J Alan Brogan)
  * Changing `protected_keys` to remove magic methods from dict #146 (thanks to Krishna Penukonda)
  * Changing that due to `default_box` fix, `pop` or `del` no longer raise BoxKeyErrors on missing items (UNCAUGHT BUG)

Fri Mar 20 13:38:43 UTC 2020 -

- version update to 4.2.2
  Version 4.2.2
  * Fixing `default_box` doesn't first look for safe attributes before falling back to default (thanks to Pymancer)
  * Changing from TravisCI to Github Actions
  Version 4.2.1
  * Fixing uncaught print statement (thanks to Bruno Rocha)
  * Fixing old references to `box_it_up` in the documentation
  Version 4.2.0
  * Adding optimizations for speed ups to creation and inserts
  * Adding internal record of safe attributes for faster lookups, increases memory footprint for speed (thanks to Jonas Irgens Kylling)
  * Adding all additional methods specific to `Box` as protected keys
  * Fixing `merge_update` from incorrectly calling `__setattr__` which was causing a huge slowdown (thanks to Jonas Irgens Kylling)
  * Fixing `copy` and `__copy__` not copying box options
  Version 4.1.0
  * Adding support for list traversal with `box_dots` (thanks to Lei)
  * Adding `BoxWarning` class to allow for the clean suppression of warnings
  * Fixing default_box_attr to accept items that evaluate to `None` (thanks to Wenbo Zhao and Yordan Ivanov)
  * Fixing `BoxList` to properly send internal box options down into new lists
  * Fixing issues with conversion and camel killer boxes not being set properly on insert
  * Changing default_box to set objects in box on lookup
  * Changing `camel_killer` to convert items on insert, which will change the keys when converted back to dict unlike before
  * Fallback to `PyYAML` if `ruamel.yaml` is not detected (thanks to wim glenn)
  * Removing official support for `pypy` as it's pickling behavior is not the same as CPython
  * Removing internal __box_heritage as it was no longer needed due to behavior update
  Version 4.0.4
  * Fixing `get` to return None when not using default box (thanks to Jeremiah Lowin)
  * Fixing non-string keys breaking when box_dots is enabled (thanks to Marcelo Huerta)
  Version 4.0.2
  * Fixing converters to properly pass through new box arguments (thanks to Marcelo Huerta)
  Version 4.0.1
  * Fixing for release
  * Fixing documentation link
  Version 4.0.0
  * Adding support for retrieving items via dot notation in keys
  * Adding `box_from_file` helper function
  * Adding merge_update that acts like previous Box magic update
  * Adding support to `+` boxes together
  * Adding default_box now can support expanding on `None` placeholders (thanks to Harun Tuncay and Jeremiah Lowin)
  * Adding ability to recast specified fields (thanks to Steven McGrath)
  * Adding to_csv and from_csv capability for BoxList objects (thanks to Jiuli Gao)
  * Changing layout of project to be more object specific
  * Changing update to act like normal dict update
  * Changing to 120 line character limit
  * Changing how `safe_attr` handles unsafe characters
  * Changing all exceptions to be bases of BoxError so can always be caught with that base exception
  * Changing delete to also access converted keys (thanks to iordanivanov)
  * Changing from `PyYAML` to `ruamel.yaml` as default yaml import, aka yaml version default is 1.2 instead of 1.1
  * Removing `ordered_box` as Python 3.6+ is ordered by default
  * Removing `BoxObject` in favor of it being another module

Tue Sep 10 11:31:49 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.4.3:
  * Fixing propagation of box options when adding a new list via setdefault (thanks to Stretch)
  * Fixing update does not keep box_intact_types (thanks to pwwang)
  * Fixing update to operate the same way as a normal dictionary (thanks to Craig Quiter)
  * Fixing deepcopy not copying box options (thanks to Nikolay Stanishev)

Mon Jul 22 13:23:17 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.4.2:
  * Adding license, changes and authors files to source distribution

Wed Jun 19 11:39:32 UTC 2019 - Thomas Bechtold <>

- Initial packaging (version 3.4.1)