Releases 28

New: * apache_httpd: add remaining mod_rewrite vhost options to module mappings
New: * apache_httpd: mod_rewrite and RequestHeader added to module logic Fix: * apache_httpd: config indentation in rare cases * apache_httpd: allow config without vhosts and vhosts without config * suse_ha: sbd sysconfig requisite
New: * apache_httpd * backupscript: InfluxDB support * sysconfig: automatic boolean conversion and quoting Refactor: * handling of sysconfig files
Fix: * network: requirement on sysconfig header * network: sysconfig header placement
New: * infrastructure.salt: Git handling * sysconfig: combined suse_sysconfig.sysconfig state Fix: * lunmap: sort entries
New: * juniper_junos: support multi-chassis and speed Fix: * backupscript: handle boolean values * mtail: add dependency on sysconfig formula * network: repair sysconfig header idempotency
New: * infrastructure: optionally fetch cluster from pillar instead of virt_cluster grain * backupscript * mtail (including Postfix program) * sysconfig Change: * suse_ha: remove ctdb from package list Fix: * rebootmgr: configuration on Tumbleweed * rebootmgr: unconfiguration/reset on Leap
Fix: * rsync: set execute bit on
New: * juniper_junos: l3-interface and protocols configuration * rsync: nameconvert script Fix: * juniper_junos: set default value for ignores
New: * kexec * smartmontools * libvirt: virtlockd/virtlogd configuration support Change: * multipath: reload multipathd service on changes
New: * status_mail Fix: * juniper_junos: falsy integers in MC-LAG options
New: * suse_ha: support for batch-limit and migration-limit options * suse_ha: support for specifying cluster options and rsc defaults in the suse_ha:management pillar with hyphens, as used natively in Pacemaker. This is now preferred over the previous, underscore based, abstraction.
Fix: * network: repair error upon configuring routes without configuring any interfaces
Fix: * suse_ha: remove chrony from packages * os_update: update default restart excludes (add virtlockd)
Fix: * repair rebootmgr failing if applied without a matching pillar New: * headers in os-update and rebootmgr configuration files
New: * TAYGA * libvirt: libvirt.guests for handling the libvirt-guests service * rebootmgr: support for Tumbleweed * network: support skipping of configuration apply operations Fix: * network: - handle non-existing ifcfg files - repair render failure with IPv6 routes ending in colons - repair backup file handling for skipped states * rebootmgr: - repair state.test failure if the configuration file is missing
Fix: * subpackage sorting in spec file * network/saltsafe_if: - backup handling in certain file constellations - IPv6 support - Syndic support New: * non-orchestrated infrastructure.suse_ha.resources operation * custom pillar data in VM definitions
Fix: * juniper_junos: - interface variable New: * infrastructure.libvirt: - allow /kvm/vm directory to be overwritten - support standalone (non-HA) clusters - manage VM images - manage domain (VM) definitions * infrastructure.salt: - container reset script - Git garbage collection service with timer * bootloader * network Change: * infrastructure.libvirt: - strip -bare suffix from cluster names
Fix: * juniper_junos: - NTP management (delete old, add new servers) - impossible MTU configuration on management and simulator interfaces Change: * infrastructure.salt: - allow the saltenv and sync user to be overwritten using pillar variables * juniper_junos: - change list of ignored interfaces in pillar from juniper_junos:ignore:interfaces:names to juniper_junos:ignore:interfaces
Fix: * deploy_password in saltmaster-deploy
New: * Jenkins * Redmine
New: * gitea * juniper_junos * redis Fix: * zypper packages on SLE 12 * suse_ha clustername
Refactor: * suse_ha * libvirt New: * multipath * lock * suse_ha: SBD support * suse_ha: support for custom fencing IPMI port * suse_ha: start resources automatically * libvirt: pillar based configuration Change: * Pillar option suse_ha:fencing:stonith_enabled is now suse_ha:fencing:stonith_enable