Blob Blame History Raw
From: "Alex Maftei (amaftei)" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 15:43:59 +0000
Subject: sfc: move some MCDI port utility functions
Patch-mainline: v5.6-rc1
Git-commit: 1a8d88a8b71b9f51ae3c6a3178ed9531f1c76ef2
References: jsc#SLE-8314

They just convert between different sets of flags/registers.
Some block comments were adjusted.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru-Mihai Maftei <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
Acked-by: Thomas Bogendoerfer <>
 drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port.c        |  148 ----------------------------
 drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port_common.c |  148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port.c
@@ -69,154 +69,6 @@ static int efx_mcdi_mdio_write(struct ne
 	return 0;
-u32 ethtool_linkset_to_mcdi_cap(const unsigned long *linkset)
-	u32 result = 0;
-	#define TEST_BIT(name)	test_bit(ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_ ## name ## _BIT, \
-					 linkset)
-	if (TEST_BIT(10baseT_Half))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(10baseT_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(100baseT_Half))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(100baseT_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(1000baseT_Half))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(1000baseT_Full) || TEST_BIT(1000baseKX_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(10000baseT_Full) || TEST_BIT(10000baseKX4_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(40000baseCR4_Full) || TEST_BIT(40000baseKR4_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_40000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(100000baseCR4_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(25000baseCR_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(50000baseCR2_Full))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_50000FDX_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(Pause))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(Asym_Pause))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_LBN);
-	if (TEST_BIT(Autoneg))
-		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_LBN);
-	#undef TEST_BIT
-	return result;
-u32 efx_get_mcdi_phy_flags(struct efx_nic *efx)
-	struct efx_mcdi_phy_data *phy_cfg = efx->phy_data;
-	enum efx_phy_mode mode, supported;
-	u32 flags;
-	/* TODO: Advertise the capabilities supported by this PHY */
-	supported = 0;
-	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TXDIS_LBN))
-		supported |= PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED;
-	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LOWPOWER_LBN))
-		supported |= PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER;
-	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_POWEROFF_LBN))
-		supported |= PHY_MODE_OFF;
-	mode = efx->phy_mode & supported;
-	flags = 0;
-	if (mode & PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED)
-		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_TXDIS_LBN);
-	if (mode & PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER)
-		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOWPOWER_LBN);
-	if (mode & PHY_MODE_OFF)
-		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_POWEROFF_LBN);
-	return flags;
-u8 mcdi_to_ethtool_media(u32 media)
-	switch (media) {
-	case MC_CMD_MEDIA_CX4:
-	case MC_CMD_MEDIA_KX4:
-		return PORT_OTHER;
-		return PORT_FIBRE;
-		return PORT_TP;
-	default:
-		return PORT_OTHER;
-	}
-/* The semantics of the ethtool FEC mode bitmask are not well defined,
- * particularly the meaning of combinations of bits.  Which means we get to
- * define our own semantics, as follows:
- * OFF overrides any other bits, and means "disable all FEC" (with the
- * exception of 25G KR4/CR4, where it is not possible to reject it if AN
- * partner requests it).
- * AUTO on its own means use cable requirements and link partner autoneg with
- * fw-default preferences for the cable type.
- * AUTO and either RS or BASER means use the specified FEC type if cable and
- * link partner support it, otherwise autoneg/fw-default.
- * RS or BASER alone means use the specified FEC type if cable and link partner
- * support it and either requests it, otherwise no FEC.
- * Both RS and BASER (whether AUTO or not) means use FEC if cable and link
- * partner support it, preferring RS to BASER.
- */
-u32 ethtool_fec_caps_to_mcdi(u32 ethtool_cap)
-	u32 ret = 0;
-	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_OFF)
-		return 0;
-	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_AUTO)
-		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
-		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
-		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN);
-	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_RS)
-		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN) |
-	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_BASER)
-		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
-		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
-	return ret;
-/* Invert ethtool_fec_caps_to_mcdi.  There are two combinations that function
- * can never produce, (baser xor rs) and neither req; the implementation below
- * maps both of those to AUTO.  This should never matter, and it's not clear
- * what a better mapping would be anyway.
- */
-u32 mcdi_fec_caps_to_ethtool(u32 caps, bool is_25g)
-	bool rs = caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN),
-	     rs_req = caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_REQUESTED_LBN),
-	     baser = is_25g ? caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN)
-			    : caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN),
-	     baser_req = is_25g ? caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_REQUESTED_LBN)
-	if (!baser && !rs)
-		return ETHTOOL_FEC_OFF;
-	return (rs_req ? ETHTOOL_FEC_RS : 0) |
-	       (baser_req ? ETHTOOL_FEC_BASER : 0) |
-	       (baser == baser_req && rs == rs_req ? 0 : ETHTOOL_FEC_AUTO);
 static int efx_mcdi_phy_probe(struct efx_nic *efx)
 	struct efx_mcdi_phy_data *phy_data;
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port_common.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_port_common.c
@@ -173,6 +173,96 @@ void mcdi_to_ethtool_linkset(u32 media,
 	#undef SET_BIT
+u32 ethtool_linkset_to_mcdi_cap(const unsigned long *linkset)
+	u32 result = 0;
+	#define TEST_BIT(name)	test_bit(ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_ ## name ## _BIT, \
+					 linkset)
+	if (TEST_BIT(10baseT_Half))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(10baseT_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(100baseT_Half))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(100baseT_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(1000baseT_Half))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(1000baseT_Full) || TEST_BIT(1000baseKX_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(10000baseT_Full) || TEST_BIT(10000baseKX4_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(40000baseCR4_Full) || TEST_BIT(40000baseKR4_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_40000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(100000baseCR4_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(25000baseCR_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(50000baseCR2_Full))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_50000FDX_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(Pause))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(Asym_Pause))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_LBN);
+	if (TEST_BIT(Autoneg))
+		result |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_LBN);
+	#undef TEST_BIT
+	return result;
+u32 efx_get_mcdi_phy_flags(struct efx_nic *efx)
+	struct efx_mcdi_phy_data *phy_cfg = efx->phy_data;
+	enum efx_phy_mode mode, supported;
+	u32 flags;
+	/* TODO: Advertise the capabilities supported by this PHY */
+	supported = 0;
+	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TXDIS_LBN))
+		supported |= PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED;
+	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LOWPOWER_LBN))
+		supported |= PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER;
+	if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_POWEROFF_LBN))
+		supported |= PHY_MODE_OFF;
+	mode = efx->phy_mode & supported;
+	flags = 0;
+	if (mode & PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED)
+		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_TXDIS_LBN);
+	if (mode & PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER)
+		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOWPOWER_LBN);
+	if (mode & PHY_MODE_OFF)
+		flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_POWEROFF_LBN);
+	return flags;
+u8 mcdi_to_ethtool_media(u32 media)
+	switch (media) {
+	case MC_CMD_MEDIA_CX4:
+	case MC_CMD_MEDIA_KX4:
+		return PORT_OTHER;
+		return PORT_FIBRE;
+		return PORT_TP;
+	default:
+		return PORT_OTHER;
+	}
 void efx_mcdi_phy_decode_link(struct efx_nic *efx,
 			      struct efx_link_state *link_state,
 			      u32 speed, u32 flags, u32 fcntl)
@@ -200,3 +290,61 @@ void efx_mcdi_phy_decode_link(struct efx
 	link_state->fd = !!(flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FULL_DUPLEX_LBN));
 	link_state->speed = speed;
+/* The semantics of the ethtool FEC mode bitmask are not well defined,
+ * particularly the meaning of combinations of bits.  Which means we get to
+ * define our own semantics, as follows:
+ * OFF overrides any other bits, and means "disable all FEC" (with the
+ * exception of 25G KR4/CR4, where it is not possible to reject it if AN
+ * partner requests it).
+ * AUTO on its own means use cable requirements and link partner autoneg with
+ * fw-default preferences for the cable type.
+ * AUTO and either RS or BASER means use the specified FEC type if cable and
+ * link partner support it, otherwise autoneg/fw-default.
+ * RS or BASER alone means use the specified FEC type if cable and link partner
+ * support it and either requests it, otherwise no FEC.
+ * Both RS and BASER (whether AUTO or not) means use FEC if cable and link
+ * partner support it, preferring RS to BASER.
+ */
+u32 ethtool_fec_caps_to_mcdi(u32 ethtool_cap)
+	u32 ret = 0;
+	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_OFF)
+		return 0;
+	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_AUTO)
+		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
+		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
+		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN);
+	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_RS)
+		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN) |
+	if (ethtool_cap & ETHTOOL_FEC_BASER)
+		ret |= (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
+		       (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN) |
+	return ret;
+/* Invert ethtool_fec_caps_to_mcdi.  There are two combinations that function
+ * can never produce, (baser xor rs) and neither req; the implementation below
+ * maps both of those to AUTO.  This should never matter, and it's not clear
+ * what a better mapping would be anyway.
+ */
+u32 mcdi_fec_caps_to_ethtool(u32 caps, bool is_25g)
+	bool rs = caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_LBN),
+	     rs_req = caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_RS_FEC_REQUESTED_LBN),
+	     baser = is_25g ? caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_LBN)
+			    : caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_BASER_FEC_LBN),
+	     baser_req = is_25g ? caps & (1 << MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_25G_BASER_FEC_REQUESTED_LBN)
+	if (!baser && !rs)
+		return ETHTOOL_FEC_OFF;
+	return (rs_req ? ETHTOOL_FEC_RS : 0) |
+	       (baser_req ? ETHTOOL_FEC_BASER : 0) |
+	       (baser == baser_req && rs == rs_req ? 0 : ETHTOOL_FEC_AUTO);