Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat Inc.
# Author: Will Woods <>
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.

import copy
from logging import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)

class Bug(object):
    A container object for a bug report. Requires a Bugzilla instance -
    every Bug is on a Bugzilla, obviously.
    Optional keyword args:
        dict=DICT   - populate attributes with the result of a getBug() call
        bug_id=ID   - if dict does not contain bug_id, this is required before
                      you can read any attributes or make modifications to this
    def __init__(self, bugzilla, bug_id=None, dict=None, autorefresh=False):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
        # API had pre-existing issue that we can't change ('dict' usage)

        self.bugzilla = bugzilla
        self._rawdata = {}
        self.autorefresh = autorefresh

        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self._aliases = self.bugzilla._get_bug_aliases()
        # pylint: enable=protected-access

        if not dict:
            dict = {}
        if bug_id:
            dict["id"] = bug_id

        self.weburl = bugzilla.url.replace('xmlrpc.cgi',
                                           'show_bug.cgi?id=%i' % self.bug_id)

    def __str__(self):
        Return a simple string representation of this bug
        return self.__unicode__()

    def __unicode__(self):
        Return a simple unicode string representation of this bug
        return "#%-6s %-10s - %s - %s" % (self.bug_id, self.bug_status,
                                          self.assigned_to, self.summary)

    def __repr__(self):
        url = ""
        if self.bugzilla:
            url = self.bugzilla.url
        return '<Bug #%i on %s at %#x>' % (self.bug_id, url, id(self))

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        refreshed = False
        while True:
            if refreshed and name in self.__dict__:
                # If name was in __dict__ to begin with, __getattr__ would
                # have never been called.
                return self.__dict__[name]

            for newname, oldname in self._aliases:
                if name == oldname and newname in self.__dict__:
                    return self.__dict__[newname]

            # Doing dir(bugobj) does getattr __members__/__methods__,
            # don't refresh for those
            if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"):

            if refreshed or not self.autorefresh:

  "Bug %i missing attribute '%s' - doing implicit "
                "refresh(). This will be slow, if you want to avoid "
                "this, properly use query/getbug include_fields, and "
                "set bugzilla.bug_autorefresh = False to force failure.",
                self.bug_id, name)

            # We pass the attribute name to getbug, since for something like
            # 'attachments' which downloads lots of data we really want the
            # user to opt in.
            refreshed = True

        msg = ("Bug object has no attribute '%s'." % name)
        if not self.autorefresh:
            msg += ("\nIf '%s' is a bugzilla attribute, it may not have "
                    "been cached when the bug was fetched. You may want "
                    "to adjust your include_fields for getbug/query." % name)
        raise AttributeError(msg)

    def get_raw_data(self):
        Return the raw API dictionary data that has been used to
        populate this bug
        return copy.deepcopy(self._rawdata)

    def refresh(self, include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None,
        Refresh the bug with the latest data from bugzilla
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        extra_fields = list(self._rawdata.keys()) + (extra_fields or [])
        r = self.bugzilla._getbug(self.bug_id,
            include_fields=include_fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields,
        # pylint: enable=protected-access
    reload = refresh

    def _translate_dict(self, newdict):
        if self.bugzilla:
            self.bugzilla.post_translation({}, newdict)

        for newname, oldname in self._aliases:
            if oldname not in newdict:

            if newname not in newdict:
                newdict[newname] = newdict[oldname]
            elif newdict[newname] != newdict[oldname]:
                log.debug("Update dict contained differing alias values "
                          "d[%s]=%s and d[%s]=%s , dropping the value "
                          "d[%s]", newname, newdict[newname], oldname,
                        newdict[oldname], oldname)

    def _update_dict(self, newdict):
        Update internal dictionary, in a way that ensures no duplicate
        entries are stored WRT field aliases

        if 'id' not in self.__dict__ and 'bug_id' not in self.__dict__:
            raise TypeError("Bug object needs a bug_id")

    # pickle helpers #

    def __getstate__(self):
        ret = self._rawdata.copy()
        ret["_aliases"] = self._aliases
        return ret

    def __setstate__(self, vals):
        self._rawdata = {}
        self.bugzilla = None
        self._aliases = vals.get("_aliases", [])
        self.autorefresh = False

    # Modify bug status #

    def setstatus(self, status, comment=None, private=False):
        Update the status for this bug report.
        Commonly-used values are ASSIGNED, MODIFIED, and NEEDINFO.

        To change bugs to RESOLVED, use .close() instead.
        # Note: fedora bodhi uses this function
        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(status=status,
        log.debug("setstatus: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    def close(self, resolution, dupeid=None, fixedin=None,
              comment=None, isprivate=False):
        Close this bug.
        Valid values for resolution are in bz.querydefaults['resolution_list']
        For that's:
        If using DUPLICATE, you need to set dupeid to the ID of the other bug.
          you can (and should) set 'new_fixed_in' to a string representing the
          version that fixes the bug.
        You can optionally add a comment while closing the bug. Set 'isprivate'
          to True if you want that comment to be private.
        # Note: fedora bodhi uses this function
        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
        log.debug("close: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    # Modify bug emails #

    def setassignee(self, assigned_to=None,
                    qa_contact=None, comment=None):
        Set any of the assigned_to or qa_contact fields to a new
        bugzilla account, with an optional comment, e.g.
        setassignee(qa_contact='', comment='wwoods QA ftw')

        You must set at least one of the two assignee fields, or this method
        will throw a ValueError.

        Returns [bug_id, mailresults].
        if not (assigned_to or qa_contact):
            raise ValueError("You must set one of assigned_to "
                             " or qa_contact")

        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(assigned_to=assigned_to,
        log.debug("setassignee: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    def addcc(self, cclist, comment=None):
        Adds the given email addresses to the CC list for this bug.
        cclist: list of email addresses (strings)
        comment: optional comment to add to the bug
        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
        log.debug("addcc: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    def deletecc(self, cclist, comment=None):
        Removes the given email addresses from the CC list for this bug.
        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
        log.debug("deletecc: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    # comment handling #

    def addcomment(self, comment, private=False):
        Add the given comment to this bug. Set private to True to mark this
        comment as private.
        # Note: fedora bodhi uses this function
        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
        log.debug("addcomment: update=%s", vals)

        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)

    def getcomments(self):
        Returns an array of comment dictionaries for this bug
        comment_list = self.bugzilla.get_comments([self.bug_id])
        return comment_list['bugs'][str(self.bug_id)]['comments']

    # Get/Set bug flags #

    def get_flag_type(self, name):
        Return flag_type information for a specific flag

        Older RHBugzilla returned a lot more info here, but it was
        non-upstream and is now gone.
        for t in self.flags:
            if t['name'] == name:
                return t
        return None

    def get_flags(self, name):
        Return flag value information for a specific flag
        ft = self.get_flag_type(name)
        if not ft:
            return None

        return [ft]

    def get_flag_status(self, name):
        Return a flag 'status' field

        This method works only for simple flags that have only a 'status' field
        with no "requestee" info, and no multiple values. For more complex
        flags, use get_flags() to get extended flag value information.
        f = self.get_flags(name)
        if not f:
            return None

        # This method works only for simple flags that have only one
        # value set.
        assert len(f) <= 1

        return f[0]['status']

    def updateflags(self, flags):
        Thin wrapper around build_update(flags=X). This only handles simple
        status changes, anything like needinfo requestee needs to call
        build_update + update_bugs directly

        :param flags: Dictionary of the form {"flagname": "status"}, example
            {"needinfo": "?", "devel_ack": "+"}
        flaglist = []
        for key, value in flags.items():
            flaglist.append({"name": key, "status": value})
        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs([self.bug_id],

    # Experimental methods #

    def get_attachments(self, include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None):
        Helper call to Bugzilla.get_attachments. If you want to fetch
        specific attachment IDs, use that function instead
        if "attachments" in self.__dict__:
            return self.attachments

        data = self.bugzilla.get_attachments([self.bug_id], None,
                include_fields, exclude_fields)
        return data["bugs"][str(self.bug_id)]

    def get_attachment_ids(self):
        Helper function to return only the attachment IDs for this bug
        return [a["id"] for a in self.get_attachments(exclude_fields=["data"])]

    def get_history_raw(self):
        Experimental. Get the history of changes for this bug.
        return self.bugzilla.bugs_history_raw([self.bug_id])

class User(object):
    Container object for a bugzilla User.

    :arg bugzilla: Bugzilla instance that this User belongs to.
    Rest of the params come straight from User.get()
    def __init__(self, bugzilla, **kwargs):
        self.bugzilla = bugzilla
        self.__userid = kwargs.get('id')
        self.__name = kwargs.get('name')

        self.__email = kwargs.get('email', self.__name)
        self.__can_login = kwargs.get('can_login', False)

        self.real_name = kwargs.get('real_name', None)
        self.password = None

        self.groups = kwargs.get('groups', {})
        self.groupnames = []
        for g in self.groups:
            if "name" in g:

    # Read-only attributes #

    # We make these properties so that the user cannot set them.  They are
    # unaffected by the update() method so it would be misleading to let them
    # be changed.
    def userid(self):
        return self.__userid

    def email(self):
        return self.__email

    def can_login(self):
        return self.__can_login

    # name is a key in some methods.  Mark it dirty when we change it #
    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def refresh(self):
        Update User object with latest info from bugzilla
        newuser = self.bugzilla.getuser(

    def updateperms(self, action, groups):
        A method to update the permissions (group membership) of a bugzilla

        :arg action: add, remove, or set
        :arg groups: list of groups to be added to (i.e. ['fedora_contrib'])
        self.bugzilla.updateperms(, action, groups)

class Group(object):
    Container object for a bugzilla Group.

    :arg bugzilla: Bugzilla instance that this Group belongs to.
    Rest of the params come straight from Group.get()
    def __init__(self, bugzilla, **kwargs):
        self.bugzilla = bugzilla
        self.__groupid = kwargs.get('id') = kwargs.get('name')
        self.description = kwargs.get('description',
        self.is_active = kwargs.get('is_active', False)
        self.icon_url = kwargs.get('icon_url', None)
        self.is_active_bug_group = kwargs.get('is_active_bug_group', None)

        self.membership = kwargs.get('membership', [])
        self.__member_emails = set()

    # Read-only attributes #

    # We make these properties so that the user cannot set them.  They are
    # unaffected by the update() method so it would be misleading to let them
    # be changed.
    def groupid(self):
        return self.__groupid

    def member_emails(self):
        return sorted(self.__member_emails)

    def _refresh_member_emails_list(self):
        Refresh the list of emails of the members of the group.
        if self.membership:
            for m in self.membership:
                if "email" in m:

    def refresh(self, membership=False):
        Update Group object with latest info from bugzilla
        newgroup = self.bugzilla.getgroup(
  , membership=membership)

    def members(self):
        Retrieve the members of this Group from bugzilla
        if not self.membership:
        return self.membership