Blob Blame History Raw
% # vim:set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ft=html.epl expandtab:
% use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
<div id="delays-info" class="modal">
    <div class="modal-content">
        <h1><%= l('Information about delays') %></h1>
        <div class="text-left">
            <p><%= l('If you choose a delay, the file will be deleted after that delay.') %><br>
               <%= l('Don\'t worry: if a user begins to download the file before the expiration and the download ends after the expiration, he will be able to get the file.') %>
        % if (defined(config('delay_for_size'))) {
            <p><%= l('This server sets limitations according to the file size. The expiration delay of your file will be the minimum between what you choose and the following limitations:') %></p>
            % my $delays   = config('delay_for_size');
            % $delays->{0} = max_delay;
            % my @keys     = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$delays};
            % my $i        = 0;
            % for my $key (@keys) {
                % my $delay = $delays->{$keys[$i]};
                % if ($i + 1 < scalar(@keys)) {
                    % if ($delay) {
                    <li><%= l('between %1 and %2, the file will be kept %3 day(s).', format_bytes($keys[$i]), format_bytes($keys[$i + 1]), $delay) %></li>
                    % } else {
                    <li><%= l('between %1 and %2, the file will be kept forever.', format_bytes($keys[$i]), format_bytes($keys[$i + 1]), $delay) %></li>
                    % }
                % } else {
                    % if ($delay) {
                    <li><%= l('for %1 and more, the file will be kept %2 day(s)', format_bytes($keys[$i]), $delay) %></li>
                    % } else {
                    <li><%= l('for %1 and more, the file will be kept forever.', format_bytes($keys[$i]), $delay) %></li>
                    % }
                % }
                % $i++;
            % }
        % }
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat"><%= l('Close') %></a>