Lufi means Let's Upload that FIle. It's a E2E encrypted file sharing software.
Lufi is tested and working on the following browsers / devices : - Firefox - Chrome - Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Edge - Safari - iOS devices (ipad, iphone) - Android devices (Galaxy tab, Galaxy S8)
It stores files and allows you to download them.
Is that all? No. All the files are encrypted by the browser! It means that your files never leave your computer unencrypted. The administrator of the Lufi instance you use will not be able to see what is in your file, neither will your network administrator, or your ISP.
The encryption key part of the URL is a anchor (Cf. Fragment Identifier), that means this part is only processed client-side and does not reach the server. :-)
Lufi is licensed under the terms of the AGPL. See the LICENSE file.
There is a demonstration site, available at, with strong limitations on time and file size.
To really use Lufi, you can go to, provided by the Framasoft association (you can help them to keep providing free services at
Because Lufi is quite similar to Luffy, like in "Monkey D. Luffy" from One Piece manga, the logo is a straw hat, made with pain, love and Inkscape.
The official wiki will contain all you need to know about Lufi (installation, configuration, etc.). Go to or clone it:
git clone
All the encryption/decryption processes take place in your browser. The encryption key is never sent over the network.
However please note that some metadata are sent unencrypted:
There is the web interface, but you can use a CLI client too! Have a look at lufi-cli or install it directly with sudo npm install -g lufi-cli
There is another client in Python too:
Lufi comes with several languages.
Please, see this wiki page to know how to contribute to internationalization.
See file.
Please consider contributing, either by reporting issues or by helping the internationalization. And of course, code contributions are welcome!
The details on how to contribute are on the wiki.
This software uses Fiat Tux Code of conduct.
You can make a donation to the author on Tipeee or on Liberapay.
Lufi is written in Perl with the Mojolicious framework.
It uses: