Blob Blame History Raw
Thu Apr 25 05:12:57 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.27.0:
  * fix: overlapping logs and menu navigation (#11765)
  * build(deps): bump
  * chore(e2e): fix flaky cascade failure test
  * use v2.26.1 tag for moby and Docker cli
  * chore(deps): update to Moby v26.1 & buildx v0.14
  * bump compose-go version to v2.1.0
  * fix support for --context=foo
  * Fix #11710: Avoid to try to close channel twice after hitting
    Ctrl-C on compose up (#11719)
  * fix(desktop): remove overly-aggressive feature flag check
  * chore: fix typo in comment
  * bump dependencies
  * fix: do not try to create file shares for non-directories
  * check container_name is not in use by another service we will
  * don't clear line when navigation is disabled
  * fix: return correct exit code with `--exit-code-from` (#11715)
  * progress for resource can be restarted after more Working event
  * Revert "Stop the resource timer after last expected event"
  * Revert change to allow trying to kill again if a kill fails
  * Handle errors and allow to send multiple kills if one failed
  * Ignore errors when killing on second Ctrl-C
  * docker compose up always kills the containers on second Ctrl-C
  * read COMPOSE_REMOVE_ORPHANS from .env
  * Set Required false to depends_on containers for compose -p
  * Ignore missing containers when compose stop -p
  * Ignore missing containers when compose down -p
  * Introduce support for build.entitlements
  * Remove dead url reference.
  * e2e test for --all-resources
  * introduce --all-resources to _not_ exclude resources not used
    by services
  * Introduce --abort-on-container-failure
  * bump golang version to 1.21.9
  * don't use ansi espace sequence when disabled

Sat Mar 30 10:30:28 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.26.1:
  * Does not start keyboard manager if there is no tty
  * Change menu information text to dim
  * Handle --no-build and --watch args
  * build(deps): bump
  * Unwrap error message.
  * Include error message in pull warning/errors

Sat Mar 23 10:34:25 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.26.0:
  * chore(desktop): revised feature detection for file shares
  * Add Navigation Menu to compose up
  * Add support for volume Subpath option
  * Bump docker v26.0.0
  * introduce config --variables to list compose model variables
  * Fix docs on default build image name
  * Bump compose-go to v2.0.2
  * add support for annotations
  * Revert "Bump compose-go to v2.0.1"
  * Bump compose-go to v2.0.1
  * feat(desktop): synchronized file share integration (#11614)
  * feat(experiments): add experimental feature state (#11633)
  * reduce timeout of the Otel tracing command
  * fix `compose config --format json`

Fri Mar 15 22:18:48 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.25.0:
  * Bump compose-go v2.0.0
  * services shell completion bugfix
  * fix TestBuildPlatformsWithCorrectBuildxConfig
  * only use ToModel when --no-interpolate is set
  * feat(desktop): add Docker Desktop detection and client skeleton

Mon Mar 11 07:44:23 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.7:
  * chore(deps): upgrade go to 1.21.8 (#11578)
  * ci(deps): bump moby/moby & docker/cli to v25.0.4 (#11566)
  * Add test summary for test jobs in ci
  * make code simpler
  * avoid duplicated "xx exited with code 0" message
  * introduce --watch
  * move code into small functions for better readability
  * restore support for `config --no-interpolate`
  * remove docker cli step in ci.yml
  * get log to manage `attach`
  * bump compose-go to version v2.0.0-rc.8
  * use an dedicated compose file --quiet-pull e2e test
  * Add a fallback check of Watch pid on Windows False positives
    were detected when checking the previous watch process state
  * add support of QuietOption to create command
  * pass QuietOption when starting dependencies from run command
  * when ran with ANSI disabled, force progress=plain
  * Issue-11374: Modified compose up command to respect
    COMPOSE_REMOVE_ORPHANS environment variable
  * ci: bump engine version to `25.0.3`
  * sort containers to optimize scale down
  * discard stdout for laaarge log test

Sun Feb 18 17:47:17 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.6:
  * use listeners to collect include metrics
  * docs: update cli reference link
  * docs: unify no trailing dots in docstrings and help (#11301)
  * Use listener for file metadata
  * fix deadlock collecting large logs
  * chore(watch): remove old `docker cp` implementation
  * ci(deps): bump docker/cli to v25.0.3 (#11481)
  * pass All option to backend api.Service when length statuses is
    not equal to zero
  * Add OTEL specs: build, depends_on, capabilities (gpu/tpu)
  * build(deps): bump
  * feat(tracing): add project hash attr
  * chore(load): ensure context passed to load
  * Include all networks in ContainerCreate call if API >= 1.44
  * bump compose-go to v2.0.0-rc.4
  * CI: docker engine version matrix
  * build(deps): bump
  * Fix load .env from project directory when project file is set

Thu Feb 01 06:26:07 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.5:
  * chore(e2e): fix flaky test & standalone behavior (#11382)
  * ci(deps): replace buildkit to fix fsutil issues on Windows
  * Fix canonical container name

Tue Jan 30 14:17:47 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.4:
  * don't check external network existence when swarm is enabled
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump
  * Add support for storage_opt
  * ci(deps): update DOCKER_CLI_VERSION to v25.0.1
  * bump compose-go to v2.0.0-rc.3 which fixes multiple compose
    files merge issues
  * build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from v3 to v4
  * update MAINTAINERS file

Fri Jan 26 19:47:46 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.3:
  * use a custom version of fsutils that fixes a bug on Windows
    causing all Compose builds to fail
  * introduce stopAndRemoveContainer to share logic scaling down

Tue Jan 23 17:45:14 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.2:
  * bump compose-go to v2.0.0-rc.2
  * ci(deps): upgrade to Moby v25.0.0 GA (#11381)
  * docs: update link to use canonical URL for command
  * go.mod: v0.7.1
  * go.mod: v1.5.0

Thu Jan 18 14:05:57 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.1:
  * bump version of compose-go to v2.0.0-rc.1
  * build(deps): bump
  * remove watch command from the alpha command
  * build(deps): bump
  * fix(tracing): batch span exports to prevent blocking
  * signals/utils: always handle received signals
  * fix engine version require to use healthcheck.start_interval
  * Stop the resource timer after last expected event
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.11
    to 1.7.12 (#11347)
  * build(deps): bump from
    25.0.0-rc.1+incompatible to 25.0.0-rc.2+incompatible (#11349)
  * build(deps): bump from
    25.0.0-rc.1+incompatible to 25.0.0-rc.2+incompatible (#11348)

Mon Jan 15 17:09:09 UTC 2024 -

- Update to version 2.24.0:
  * Breaking change
    - service hash computation logic has been updated to fully
      ignore replicas/scale. Due to this change, after upgrade all
      services will be recreated.
  * Enhancements
    - Implement docker compose attach by @g0t4 in #11181
    - Introduce ps --orphans to include/exclude services not
      declared by project by @ndeloof in #11220
    - Introduce compose logs --index to select a replica container
      by @ndeloof in #11231
    - --with-dependencies let docker compose build build
      dependencies transitively by @ndeloof in #11290
    - Introduce stats command by @ndeloof in #11299
    - Add source policies for build by @cpuguy83 in #11325
  * Fixes
    - Include disabled services for shell completion by @ndeloof in
    - Restore Project is ps json output by @ndeloof in #11223
    - Log we don't expose service ports when --verbose by @ndeloof
      in #11227
    - Fix configs are mounted under / by @ndeloof in #11232
    - Fix combination of --pull always --no-build by @ndeloof in
    - Fix(publish): add OCI 1.0 fallback support for AWS ECR by
      @milas in #11239
    - Fix race condition in log printer by @horus in #11286
    - Send out a cancel event on SIGINT/SIGTERM signal for compose
      up by @vyneer in #11230
    - Up: teardown when command context is cancelled by @laurazard
      in #11292
    - Build do not require environment to be resolved by @ndeloof
      in #11274
  * Internal
    - Let contributor know we might close unanswered issues by
      @ndeloof in #11219
    - Feat(cli): report more useful User-Agent on engine API
      requests by @milas in #11333
    - Adopt compose-go/v2 by @ndeloof in #11207
    - Add support for start_interval by @ndeloof in #10939
    - Update to use standard compose.yaml file name by
      @johnthagen in #11233
    - Watch: remove requirements for tar binary and for sync target
      to be rw by @ndeloof in #11330
    - Deps: update docker/cli to fix go version selection issue by
      @laurazard in #11283
    - Remove ServiceProxy which was introduced for archived
      compose-cli by @ndeloof in #11298
    - is deprecated by @ndeloof in #11272
    - Add support for endpoint-specific MAC address by @akerouanton
      in #11208
    - Collect services to build using WithServices by @ndeloof in
  * Bumps
    - Bump compose-go to version v2.0.0-beta.3 by @glours in #11307
    - Bump ddev to 1.22.4 by @ndeloof in #11225
    - Bump golang to version 1.21.5 by @glours in #11249
    - Bump docker cli v1.25 beta1 by @ndeloof in #11247
    - Bump golang to version v1.21.6 by @glours in #11331
    - Bump golangci-lint to v1.55.2 ci(deps) by @milas in #11332
    - Bump compose-go v2-beta.2 by @ndeloof in #11295
    - Build(deps): bump from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 by
      @dependabot in #11324
    - Build(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 by
      @dependabot in #11228
    - Build(deps): bump from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 by
      @dependabot in #11317
    - Build(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 by
      @dependabot in #11291
    - go.mod: docker/docker and docker/cli v25.0.0-beta.3 by
      @thaJeztah in #11294
    - go.mod: update docker/docker and docker/cli to v25.0.0-rc.1
      by @thaJeztah in #11320
    - gha: update DOCKER_CLI_VERSION to v24.0.7 by @thaJeztah in

Thu Nov 23 09:29:32 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.23.3:
  * bump buildx to v0.12.0 and adapt code to changes

Thu Nov 23 06:49:08 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.23.2:
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 0.12.2 to
  * in watch mode force pull policy to build for services with both
    build and develop attributes This default behaviour will force
    a rebuild of the service images at watch process startup and be
    sure containers will be in sync with the local source code
  * Assume /src/pkg/compose/testdata absolute workingdir to make
    tests reproducible
  * avoir use of []types.ServiceConfig
  * identify services to build and don't display 'building' if none
  * fix --remove-orphans not to consider disabled services as
  * introduce RuntimeVersion for code to check container runtime
    supports required features
  * push also consider build.tags
  * Make it context aware and add test skipping options

Thu Nov 16 14:24:14 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.23.1:
  * Strip project prefix from docker-compose up output
  * render quiet after filtering applied
  * bump golang to version 1.21.4
  * bump compose-go to v1.20.1
  * reject compose file using `secrets|configs.driver or
  * skips flaky e2e tests on watch and attach
  * fix docker/compose#11170 add newline in cmd/compose/build.go
  * fix --pull documentation
  * improve watch configuration logging Add action associated to
    each managed path
  * lint
  * do not resolve cache dir until remote resource is in use
  * add a copyright notice with original author
  * implement runtime file selection
  * re-implement cache folder detection
  * introduce --resolve-image-digests for publish to seal service
    images by digest
  * fix build
  * fix
  * ENGDOCS-1764
  * add docs upstream validation workflow
  * build(deps): bump from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
  * linter errors fixed
  * NetworkList to NetworkInspect for ID search
  * Squashing feature branch commits in order to add signoff
  * Use project.ServiceNames() if no service specified in hash
  * Add branch configuration for pull_request trigger
  * Initial codeql.yml commit
  * fix SIGTERM support to stop/kill stack
  * align with OCI artifact best practices
  * refactor(cmd/compose/run): remove redundant `len` check
  * fail start if depependency is missing

Thu Oct 19 05:44:01 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.23.0:
  * check that the pull policy provided is a valid one or is not
    missing when --pull is used
  * remove uncessary return value of pullComposeFiles function
  * enable profile when down is ran with explicit service names
  * add sync+restart action to watch attribute
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.6
    to 1.7.7
  * build(deps): bump from 0.5.9 to 0.6.0
  * build(deps): bump from 1.58.2 to 1.59.0
  * build(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
  * remove refrecence docs generation
  * remove cucumber tests as we haven't added new ones for a while
  * add support of COMPOSE_ENV_FILES env variable to pass a list of
    env files
  * add dry-run support for publish command
  * extract method to reduce cyclomatic complexity
  * warn user remote resource is disabled
  * Don't delete dependent services
  * Apply platform before hashing
  * deps: remove deprecated
  * Include image name in error message
  * pkg/compose/publish: use empty config descriptor mediaType
  * pkg/remote/oci: check artifactType instead of config.mediaType
  * pkg/remote/oci: refer to the manifest as manifest
  * update the watch warning message when no services with a
    develop section
  * ci: enable verbose output for e2e tests (#11045)
  * truncate command by default, introduce --no-trunc flag to get
    the full command
  * build(deps): bump from 1.58.1 to 1.58.2

Fri Sep 22 05:35:03 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.22.0:
  * config --xx don't need `env_file` being parsed
  * remove --timeout=0 flag to cleanup function of watch e2e test
    compose down command need the watch process to be killed to
  * move watch from alpha to main command
  * TestWatch to use new  `develop` section
  * implement publish
  * watch: use official `develop` section (#11026)
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 0.12.1 to
  * build(deps): bump from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1
  * build(deps): bump from 1.58.0 to 1.58.1
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.3
    to 1.7.6
  * introduce pull --missing flag to only pull images not present
    in cache
  * resolve service reference into container based on observed
  * don't rely on depends_on to resolve volume_from, better use
    observed state
  * update to go1.21.1
  * correct scale error messages formatting
  * add scale command
  * ci: tweak restricted imports in linter (#10992)
  * deps: upgrade Moby to v24.0.6 and gRPC to v1.58.0 (#10991)
  * cli: fix `--build` flag for `create` (#10982)
  * otel: add args & flags to cli traces (#10974)
  * watch: build & launch the project at start (#10957)
  * pull OCI remote resource
  * introduce publish (alpha) command
  * doc: updated to remove broken link
  * migrate to
  * Enable service explicitly requested to be restarted
  * build: pass BuildOptions around explicitly & fix multi-platform
  * up: fix various race/deadlock conditions on exit (#10934)
  * pkg/api: replace uuid for basic random id

Tue Sep 05 14:28:51 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.21.0:
  * test: e2e test reliability improvements (#10950)
  * build(deps): upgrade to compose-go v1.18.3 (#10947)
  * added the dot at the end of the sentence
  * add support for attributes exposed by `docker ps`
  * align docker compose ps with docker CLI to support --format
  * watch: only allow a single instance per-project
  * ci: bump golangci-lint to v1.54.2
  * logs: fix for missing output on container exit (#10925)
  * replace dockerfile/dockerignore with patternmatcher/ignorefile
  * go.mod: v0.6.0
  * go.mod: remove some outdated comments
  * otel: add `include` to project up span
  * build(deps): bump from
    1.18.1 to 1.18.2 (#10915)
  * include: add experimental support for Git resources (#10811)
  * up: handle various attach use cases better
  * build: use correct values for proxy variables (#10908)
  * warn user secret uid/gid/mode is not supported

Tue Sep 05 14:26:37 UTC 2023 -

- BuildRequire go1.21
- Update to version 2.20.3:
  * build(deps): bump
  * bump compose-go to version v1.18.1
  * bump compose-go to version v1.18.0
  * update README and CI workflows to match main branch
  * upgrade Golang to 1.21
  * build: fix missing proxy build args for classic builder
  * trace: do not block connecting to OTLP endpoint (#10882)
  * watch: enable tar-based syncer by default (#10877)
  * Display builder's name on the first build line. Code borrowed
    from buildx commands/build.go.
  * up: do not warn on successful optional dependency complete
  * Improve shell completion for `--project-directory`
  * Add shell completion for `--profile`
  * progress: minor correctness fixes (#10871)
  * doc: update Config() comment in API Service interface (#10840)
  * Improve buildkit node creation (#10843)
  * watch: batch & de-duplicate file events (#10865)
  * watch: support multiple containers for tar implementation
  * test: temporarily disable an exit-code-from Cucumber test case
  * test: fix e2e test for privileged builds (#10873)
  * update to go1.20.7
  * build(deps): bump from
    24.0.5-0.20230714235725-36e9e796c6fc+incompatible to
    24.0.5+incompatible (#10844)
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.2
    to 1.7.3 (#10850)
  * build(deps): bump from 1.56.2 to 1.57.0
  * watch: add tar sync implementation (#10853)
  * build(deps): bump

Wed Jul 19 14:01:30 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.20.2:
  * watch: move sync logic into separate package
  * pkg/compose: RunOneOffContainer: don't use NewStartOptions()
  * trace: instrument `compose up` at a high-level
  * check secret target is an absolute windows path
  * build: do not attempt to push unnamed service images
  * test: do not run watch e2e tests in parallel
  * test: skip watch e2e test on macOS for the moment
  * only check if a dependency is required when something
    unexpected happens
  * add support of depends_on.required attribute

Wed Jul 19 04:24:04 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.20.1:
  * go.mod: v24.0.5-dev (tip of 24 release
  * go.mod: v0.11.2
  * go.mod: v0.12.0
  * test: speed up the e2e test suite
  * update go to go1.20.6
  * go.mod: 8443a06149b5 (v24.0.5-dev)
  * watch: add end-to-end test (#10801)
  * bump buildkit to version
    v0.11.0-rc3.0.20230620112432-2d91ddcceedc (#10794)
  * build(deps): bump from
    24.0.2+incompatible to 24.0.4+incompatible (#10799)

Tue Jul 11 13:36:01 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.20.0:
  * ci: speed up a couple Dockerfile targets w/ cache mount
  * build(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to
  * test: fix process leak in wait e2e test
  * Apply no-deps before we select and mutate target service
  * support `attach`
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
  * build(deps): bump
  * deps: bump docker/cli-docs-tool to v0.6.0
  * build(deps): bump from 1.56.0 to 1.56.2
  * fix(secrets): file permission value does not comply with spec
  * when --index is not set select first service container
  * network: fix random missing network when service has more than
  * don't use unitialized cli to setup DryRunClient
  * fix some comments
  * add support of --builder and BUILDX_BUILDER
  * Add `docker compose wait`

Fri Jun 30 04:43:25 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.19.1:
  * ci: upgrade compose-go to v1.15.1 (#10757)
  * up: fix race condition on network connect
  * Updated documentation files for my contribution
  * Fix capitalization error in sentence by adding an uppercase
    letter at beginning
  * fix typos
  * watch: add warning when a path is already used by a bind mount
    volume (#10741)

Wed Jun 21 12:37:44 UTC 2023 -

- BuildRequire go1.20
- Update to version 2.19.0:
  * build(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.0
  * bump compose-go to version v1.15.0
  * ci: build fix for new buildx
  * ci: upgrade to buildx v0.11
  * otel: refactor root command span reporting
  * fix race condition, waiting for containers when one exit
  * build(deps): bump from 2.3.6
    to 2.3.7 (#10699)
  * use main branch of Docker Desktop repo to trigger remote
  * add missing comma in desktop-edge-test job
  * introduce run --cap-add to run maintenance commands using
    service image
  * otel: fix initialization / error-handling (#10717)
  * build(deps): bump from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
  * don't apply "rebuild" watch strategy by default
  * warn user build.secrets uid,gid,mode are not implemented
  * specify origin repo in generation token step of docker desktop
    edge testing
  * add vars. prefix to DOCKERDESKTOP_APP_ID
  * use directly DOCKERDESKTOP_APP_ID without env. prefix
  * fix typo in merge workflow for DOCKERDESKTOP_APP_ID
  * Update .github/workflows/merge.yml
  * escape containerimage.digest attribut in merge.yml GHA worlflow
  * use `--progress` to configure progress UI stylet push
  * cli: fix timeout behavior on up / restart / stop (#10672)
  * ci: add more ignore rules to dependabot
  * ci: fix merge workflow (#10685)
  * add GitHub action to trigger Docker Desktop e2e tests with
    Compose edge version
  * build(deps): bump from 0.5.2 to
  * trace: add OTEL initialization (#10526)
  * ci: merge Go coverage reports before upload (#10666)
  * create directory in container using `mkdir -p`
  * ci: upgrade to Go 1.20.5 and Moby v24.x
  * assume we receive logs by lines and don't ignore those without
  * build(deps): bump from 1.9.2 to
    1.9.3 (#10653)
  * ci: bump golangci-lint to v1.53.x (#10659)
  * don't skip `compose` used as project name
  * better diagnostic message on network label mismatch
  * bump buildx and use confutil.ConfigDir
  * detect network conflict as name is not guaranteed to be unique
  * forward signal to container
  * fix build issue
  * add Windows drive prefix to temp dir usage in the doc
    generation task
  * build(deps): bump from 1.8.3 to
  * e2e: make test re-runnable on the same machine
  * e2e: add a cuke feature to test compose errors with port
  * up should not silently ignore missing depends_on service
  * prevent buildkt's progress to render `Building` when no built
    is needed
  * e2e test to cover logs -f managing service being added/scaled
  * detect new container from project have started when running
    `compose logs` with no explicit services
  * compute service hash with a default DeployConfig
  * Fix typo in warning about existing volume
  * build(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to
  * build(deps): bump from 1.4.1 to
  * progress: remove errant import (#10614)
  * fix display of volumes flag in down help command
  * detect conflict removing volume/image and warn user
  * introduce WithRootNodesAndDown to walk the graph from specified
    nodes and down
  * introduce ability to select service to be stopped by `compose
  * scale: sort containers by creation date to remove older ones
    first (#10571)
  * watch: only monitor configured paths (#10599)
  * secrets: only set CopyUIDGID when required (#10598)
  * update docs to reflect dry run mode is feature complete
  * fix support for project name set by COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME env
  * go.mod: v0.1.0
  * fix detection of swarm mode
  * build(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to

Wed May 17 17:38:20 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.18.1:
  * only check the platform of cached image if image found

Tue May 16 18:18:06 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.18.0:
  * introduce --no-path-resolution to skip relative path to be
  * report external network not found when swarm is disabled
  * `parallel` flag belong do top-level "compose" cobra command,
    not the current one
  * detect terminal is not a `console.File` to avoid a panic
  * Update dry-run documentation
  * move dry-run support from alpha to main command
  * introduce COMPOSE_ANSI to define --ansi default value
  * rm: remove debugging output (#10554)
  * detect active endpoint trying to remove network and skip with a
    warning (#10555)
  * cli: option to write status messages on stdout (#10549)
  * fix local image removal when `compose down` is ran with
    `--project-name` (#10558)
  * restore long description to be included in `docker compose
    help` (#10504)
  * check local image matches the required platform
  * fix race condition running `compose up` with --parallel <
    number of services
  * fix container being recreated while config has not changed
  * tests: inline dockerfile
  * build(deps): bump from
    0.0.0-20221205130635-1aeaba878587 to 0.5.0 (#10523)
  * deps: update related modules
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 1.15.0 to
  * build(deps): bump from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
  * fix builkit progressui integration (#10535)
  * add dry-run support to up command
  * let user declare build secret target (id)
  * update go to go1.20.4
  * stop containers after termination
  * cli: dry run support for `build` (#10502)
  * progress: make title configurable (#10507)
  * Revert "build(deps): bump"
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 1.14.0 to
  * build(deps): bump from 0.11.5 to
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump
  * TailMsgf must format with args
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump from 0.11.5 to
    0.11.6 (#10489)
  * restore support for `--memory`
  * don't block events loop collecting logs
  * test: fix E2E tests under Engine v23 / DD 4.19
  * Fixed issue when project name contains dashes (`-`)
  * Added tests to `viz` subcommand
  * Added docs
  * Replaced calls to WriteRune with WriteByte and reformatted
  * Started working on `viz` subcommand

Thu Apr 20 14:26:37 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.17.3:
  * bump compose-go to v1.13.4
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump
  * bump compose-go
  * Remove redundant goroutine while removing containers (#10449)
  * log: fix race on container kill (#10459)
  * Don't use "info.IndexServerAddress" for authentication
  * go.mod: fix grouping of dependencies, and tidy
  * build(deps): bump from 1.1.3 to
  * add dry-run support to down command
  * fix gocyclo lint error which currently block Compose CI
  * can't watch a service without a build section
  * ansi=auto|never|always
  * bump docker version to 23.0.3 (CVE-2023-28840)
  * better support NO_COLOR by disabling colors, not ANSI TUI
  * ci: bump Go to 1.20.3 and various dependencies
  * restore `--timeout` flag renamed by mistake
  * prevent panic using classic builder
  * add dry-run support to create command
  * build(deps): bump
  * build(deps): bump
  * workaround race condition in ContainerList
  * add dry-run support to run command

Mon Mar 27 04:50:30 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.17.2:
  * ci: bump compose-go to v1.13.2

Fri Mar 24 18:27:40 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.17.1:
  * test: fix e2e commands on Windows
  * test: generate valid Compose project names from Cucumber specs
  * test: update error message
  * test: fix race in e2e build test
  * ci: upgrade to Go 1.20.2 & bump deps
  * build(deps): bump from 0.11.4 to
  * watch involves up --build after change has been detected
  * watch: add note about goroutine-safety & test
  * watch: data race / segfault fixes

Wed Mar 22 13:07:43 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.17.0:
  * update -p project name flag documentation
  * introduce `ignore` attribute for watch triggers
  * Run classic builder with BuildConfig, not buildx.Options
  * use `build` as common API for build scenarios
  * use progress to show copy status
  * watch: add file delete/rename handling
  * build(deps): bump from 0.10.3 to
  * Fix concurrent map read/write when recreating containers
  * build(deps): bump from 0.11.3 to
  * build and push binaries images when a PR is merged or a tag
  * Add support for `additional_contexts` in `build` service config
  * introduce dockerfile_inline
  * one off container name use configured Separator for naming
  * collect built image IDs
  * progress writer uses dockercli.Err stream
  * Remove "-s" from LDFLAGS
  * use go 1.20 -cover support
  * pad can be negative on small terminal
  * add dry-run support for push command
  * add dry-run support for pull command
  * adopt
  * add dry-run support to restart command
  * restart only needed services by checking depends_on relations
  * update compose-go
  * Report error if project name is empty after normalization
  * only consider containers with config_hash labels (i.e, created
    by compose)
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.18
    to 1.6.19
  * build(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to
  * test: tweak pause test to try and prevent failures in Windows
  * build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to
  * watch: ignore ephemeral files & minor output tweaks
  * bump golang/x/net to v0.7.0 (CVE-2022-41723)
  * add support for `restart` for `depends_on`
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.17
    to 1.6.18
  * apply config options for pseudo-subcommands
  * build(deps): bump from 0.10.2 to
  * compact TUI to monitor layers download progress
  * ci: bump to Go 1.20.1 and latest deps
  * ignore services without a build section
  * sort service --hash output by service name
  * introduce --timeout on `up`
  * introduce --no-deps on restart
  * also restart dependent services after a service has been
  * build(deps): bump from 1.1.12 to 1.2.1
  * exclude unstable labels from config hash
  * store exec details to offer better dry-run status on ExecStart
  * add support for `excludes` and `rebuild`
  * use CGO to enable fsevent on OSX
  * ci: don't use `-race` on Windows
  * ci: use CGO for tests to enable race detector
  * support dry-run for rm command
  * support dry-run for stop command
  * support dry-run for exec command
  * Update emacs ignore patterns (#5903)
  * ignore: add Go umask files to ephemeral set (#5740)
  * filewatch: use apiserver FileWatch model in EngineState (#4277)
  * Add .kate-swp files to ignore pattern (#3380)
  * change org name from windmilleng to tilt-dev (#3346)
  * tilt: ignore a few more vim swap files (#2190)
  * ignore: auto-ignore jetbrains .idea file (#2065)
  * model: move to pkg (#2024)
  * ignore: improve the ephemeral temp file patterns [ch2663]

Wed Feb 08 12:44:41 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.16.0:
  * build(deps): bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
  * bump docker engine and cli version to 23.0.0 with buildkit(v0.11.2) and buildx (v0.10.2)
  * prevent assignment to entry in nil map
  * wait on service containers as dependencies to be deterministic
  * use containers we expect to start for wait condition
  * detect replacement container is created and inform printer so it attach and don't stop
  * bump golang to 1.20
  * ci: Replace deprecated command with environment file
  * add log when copying files/directories between host and containers (both way)
  * support dry-run for cp command
  * initial support for `sync`
  * use tilt watcher to track filesystem changes
  * adjust code and dependencies
  * cleanup deprecated ioutil functions (#5919)
  * watch: optimization to help avoid inotify nodes for large file trees (#5769)
  * tests: make test fixtures responsible for tearing themselves down (#5512)
  * lint: fix local-prefixes for goimports (#5453)
  * ci: add exportloopref linter and upgrade to golangci-lint v1.43.0 (#5281)
  * build: ensure file handles properly closed (#5298)
  * Fix local go_lintfix errors (#5191)
  * watch: use WalkDir to speed up file listing (#4684)
  * test: clean up test loggers a bit (#4580)
  * test: fix lint errors on Darwin (macOS) (#4247)
  * test: enable unused check, remove dead code (#4208)
  * watch: improve error messages when you run out of inotify instances (#3960)
  * dockerignore: convert ignore patterns to absolute paths [ch9237] (#3743)
  * watch: fix a dumb errcheck (#3622)
  * watch: increase the windows watch i/o buffer (#3620)
  * change org name from windmilleng to tilt-dev (#3346)
  * watch: use the recursive watcher on windows (#3306)
  * Revert "watch: fix inotify tests on windows" (#3147)
  * watch: fix inotify tests on windows (#3140)
  * circleci: run make shorttest on windows. flag off a large swath of broken tests (#3132)
  * tilt: enable errcheck on tests (#2877)
  *  ci: enable staticcheck, fix problems that were surfaced (#2809)
  * logger: move to pkg (#2031)
  * watch: add retry counts to fsync (#2023)
  * dockerignore: improve MatchesEntireDir (#1865)
  * watch: move more of the directory-skipping logic into the interface (#1864)
  * watch: add a simple check when there are no exclusions (#1863)
  * watch: skip setup if nothing is being watched (#1861)
  * watch: FileEvents must always be absolute (#1841)
  * watch: add tests for ignores and number of watches (#1838)
  * watch: change the watcher interface to better match how we actually use it (#1835)
  * watch: record num watches in expvars (#1795)
  * makefile: fix goimports -local (#1763)
  * watch: fix spurious errors while watching (#1726)
  * watch: don't watch each individual file (#1613)
  * live_update: error if syncing from outside of docker context (#1396)
  * watch: tfw you have a test that asserts broken file-watch behavior :cry: (#1354)
  * watch: add watch function that traverses up directory structure recursively (#1013)
  * watch: remove inotify-specific bits of watcher_linux (#890)
  * watch: fix a bug when a file and its ancestor both have direct watches (#863)
  * testing: update internal/watch to use the tempdir fixture (#862)
  * cleanup: wrap errors properly (#772)
  * watch: use `sinceWhen` and `HistoryDone` to avoid spurious events (#557)
  * watch: fix a spurious error (#344)
  * watch: try a slightly different ignore strategy (#174)
  * watch: fix more data races on darwin (#166)
  * watch: a new strategy for handling spurious events, hoping to fix race conditions (#163)
  * watch: fix a flaky test by ignoring spurious events correctly (#162)
  * watch: fix a segfault on linux (#148)
  * watch: stop skipping tests (#145)
  * watch: simplify the fileEvent interface to only contain paths (#144)
  * add errcheck (#93)
  * tilt: copy watch code from tesseract
  * Add remote buildx driver
  * rename `convert` to `config` to align with compose v1 UX
  * build(deps): bump from 1.11.2 to 1.12.0
  * add dry-run support of pause and unpause commands
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.15 to 1.6.16
  * support dry-run for kill command
  * update tty and plain text writers to support dry run mode
  * refresh Maintainers list
  * Support for docker compose build --push when using multiple platforms
  * Update docs to add `--scale` argument to `compose create`
  * Add `--scale` to `compose create`, refactor scale option
  * Fix: Handle concurrent threads using mutex on the rainbowColor function
  * Remove unecessary files
  * Fix: remove the infinite goroutine
  * Remove unecessary files
  * Fix: remove the infinite goroutine
  * alias -n for --tail to align with docker CLI
  * cleanup TUI lines after switching to "compact" mode
  * Update docs to mention `COMPOSE_PARALLEL_LIMITS` and ways to configure parallelism
  * fix docs to reflect docker compose ps being aligned with docker ps
  * Revert "Fix Goroutine leak in v2/command/formatter"
  * Fix Linting Issues
  * Feat: Clean inifinite Goroutine
  * Only account running containers for logs
  * bump compose-go to version v1.9.0
  * allow a TTY to be allocated with -t
  * debounce refresh requests with quietperiod
  * Add tests for filtering containers not created by Compose
  * Ignore containers created outside compose
  * directly embed the orignal APIClient in the DryRunClient
  * identify functions which need to be ovorridden for dry run feature
  * add alpha command to test dry-run
  * create custom CLI when dry-run mode active update documentation
  * add DryRun API Client with delagation pattern
  * add dry-run flag
  * use compose service methods when exist instead of directly service.dockerCli
  * mark alpha command as experimental
  * Adjust terminal height calc
  * introduce experimental watch command (skeletton)
  * Skip child events when printer events > terminal height
  * fix typo
  * Update docs programatically like you're supposed to
  * fix docs yaml
  * This option lives in the create options, not the run options
  * Add remove-orphans functionality to run, because it recommends that in error messages
  * Add :cucumber: GHA workflow
  * introduce --remove-orphans in compose create command
  * pass proxy config as build args - same as docker/buildx#959
  * Remove unused kube tag
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.14 to 1.6.15
  * Update expected Cucumber `compose ps` output to match changes

Tue Jan 10 05:50:49 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.15.1:
  * Don't share the options map
  * don't filter by services if no filter was set
  * use a simpler prompt implementation when we lack a terminal
  * fix CVE-2022-27664 and CVE-2022-32149 high-risk vulnerability
  * add support for uts namespace

Thu Jan 05 13:59:05 UTC 2023 -

- Update to version 2.15.0:
  * add support for COMPOSE_PARALLEL_LIMIT (parity with Compose v1)
  * introduce --no-attach to ignore some service output
  * introduce `--ignore-buildable` to ignore buildable images on pull
  * limit build concurrency according to --parallel
  * Ignore not only auto-removed containers but also "removal in progress" for orphan containers
  * Set `pullChanged` when setting `--pull` on `compose up`
  * Fix empty file when using compose config in case of smaller source files
  * Update documentation
  * build(deps): bump from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
  * add support of privileged attribut in section
  * cleanup framework.go from uncessary debug logs
  * reduce cyclomatic complexity
  * fix security opts support (seccomp and unconfined)
  * check service names based on project, not running containers
  * debut output for CI
  * change the way finding the just built compose binary
  * e2e tests display Compose version used to run the test currently the version displayed is the one installed and not the one use for the tests
  * rely on CI timeout
  * add buildx plugin to e2e configuration directory
  * remove flaky TestLocalComposeLogsFollow
  * service hash MUST exclude replicas
  * don't assume os.Stdout and rely on dockerCLI.streams
  * dump stdout to help diagnose flaky test
  * don't fail `logs` when driver:none is set
  * introduce support for cgroup namespace

Tue Dec 20 12:21:59 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.14.2:
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.12 to 1.6.14
  * fix race condition on compose logs
  * update projectOptions to be public by renaming it to ProjectOptions
  * detect dependency failed to start
  * set CPU quota
  * Use `DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM` to determine platform when creating container
  * fix regression running pull --ignore-pull-failures
  * only list running containers when --all=false
  * volume: fix WCOW volume mounts

Fri Dec 16 12:35:22 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.14.1:
  * apply uid/gid when creating secret from environment
  * load project from explicit --files when set
  * use recently introduced `withSelectedServicesOnly` to reduce code duplication
  * introduce --timestamp option on compose up
  * Address review comments
  * Add --include-deps to push command
  * align `--format` flag and UX with docker cli
  * align `compose ps` output with `docker ps`
  * use StatusError from docker/cli, not "dockerd"
  * resolve --env-file as absolute path
  * fix parsing of repository:tag
  * distinguish stdout and stderr in `up` logs
  * ContainerStart must run sequentially for engine to assing distinct ports within configured range
  * Fix corner case when there's no container to attach to
  * Don't stop pull for images that can be built
  * Squashed commit of the following:
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.10 to 1.6.12
  * remove go.* from e2e tests directory
  * added table of contents inside readme
  * fix race condition collecting pulled images IDs
  * detect required service are gone to stop watching explicit API to stop the log printer
  * update to go1.19.4
  * Cleanup tips from output
  * check only running containers in after down tests of profiles e2e tests
  * Update `e2e` mod deps
  * build(deps): bump from 1.11.1 to 1.11.2
  * introduce --parallel to limit concurrent engine calls
  * port: improve error-handling if port not found (#10039)

Mon Dec 05 09:14:05 UTC 2022 -

- BuildRequires go1.19
- Update to version 2.14.0:
  * ci: upgrade to Go 1.19.3 & bump deps
  * schema: add support for tmpfs.mode in mount definition (#10031)
  * test: speed up Cucumber stop test (#10032)
  * Make use of Containers.filter() and isService()
  * Fix replacing "service:x" with "container:y"
  * use StringToBool to detect COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS
  * use api.Separator to print right image names
  * use DistributionInspect to resolve image digest
  * move image digests resolution to backend
  * Broken Link fixed in compose docs
  * add file header and cleanup profiles e2e tests
  * add e2e tests to check profile activation via targeted service
  * add e2e tests to check no profile usages
  * add e2e tests using explicitly profiles
  * pass services list to projectOrName function to add profiles for targeted services
  * only stop services started by `up` on interruption
  * docs: fix grammatical issues (#9997)
  * implement support for oom_score_adj
  * useDockerDefaultOrServicePlatform fct should return service.platform if defined and present in the build.platforms list (or if the list is empty)
  * configure buildx for plain output if --ansi=never has been set
  * change the default branch of the doc repository

Thu Nov 24 15:58:43 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.13.0:
  * Update `e2e` module deps
  * ignore error parsing container number label, just warn
  * Update docs
  * Add `--build` option to `compose run`
  * use platform defined by DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM when pulling and no service platform defined
  * display creation warnings from the engine
  * add e2e tests to check build dependency between services
  * check if a missing image won't be build via a service declared in depends_on section
  * add --no-consistency flag to convert command
  * use COMPOSE_PROFILES value only if no command line arg profiles used
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.9 to 1.6.10
  * exclude issues with the kind/feature label from stale bot process
  * ci: upgrade to compose-go v1.7.0
  * ci: update dependencies to latest
  * ci: remove uses of deprecated v2 (#9935)
  * Update `e2e` module dependencies
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.8 to 1.6.9
  * add support of deploy.reservation.memory
  * Update deps for `e2e` module
  * map deploy.restart_policy.condition to engine values
  * build(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1
  * go.mod: update docker-credential-helpers v0.7.0
  * go.mod: remove replace for runc
  * go mod: tidy and group "require" blocks, update comments

Sat Oct 22 13:35:05 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.12.2:
  * go.mod: docker 5aac513617f072b15322b147052cbda0d451d389 / v22.06-dev

Sat Oct 22 13:32:02 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.12.1:
  * update docker engine API to apply fix of CVE-2022-39253
  * Update `e2e` module deps
  * build(deps): bump from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1
  * Skip flaky test in CI

Tue Oct 18 18:19:16 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.12.0:
  * log the error object instead of the string message only
  * replace deprecated functions
  * bump docker dependencies version
  * Fix Makefile target `validate-go-mod` to only run correct bakefile target
  * Update `e2e` module deps
  * Add Codecov
  * port: fix container name in error message (#9909)
  * github: add feature request template
  * github: switch to issue template form
  * build(deps): bump from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0
  * Update e2e mod dependencies
  * build(deps): bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
  * docs: update with result of `make docs`
  * Add support to push images quietly via compose cli
  * Bump e2e module deps
  * build(deps): bump from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
  * don't fail when trying to remove an orphan container during down command
  * Update to go 1.19.2 to address CVE-2022-2879, CVE-2022-2880, CVE-2022-41715
  * ci: update docs repo path
  * Adjust modules sync validating script
  * Add `validate-modules` target to CI matrix
  * Add Makefile, buildx target to ensure root and e2e go.mod are kept in sync
  * Create new `e2e` module to separate out test dependencies, move cucumber tests
  * Removed tests that were replaced by Cucumber features
  * Update go.mod replace
  * Rename start cucumber feature
  * Convert `cascade_stop_test.go` into a cucumber feature `stop.feature`
  * Cucumber test setup/fixtures

Wed Sep 28 05:01:37 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.11.2:
  * deps: fix race condition during graph traversal (#9878)
  * ci: limit job permissions from default (#9874)
  * remove unnecessary code
  * add more information when service.platform isn't part of
  * ci: upgrade to compose-go v1.6.0
  * cli: add shell completion function (#9269)
  * run: clean service command if entrypoint is overridden (#9836)
  * Remove support for `DOCKER_HOST` in `.env` files (#9871)
  * keep the platform defined, in priority, via DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM or the service.plaform one if no build platforms provided
  * Restore `-s` in `uname` OS detection logic in `Makefile`
  * Streamline GHA workflow
  * Upgrade `actions/setup-go` to v3
  * Skip some tests in CI due to flakiness
  * Increase E2E test timeouts to reduce flakiness
  * Temporarily disable broken E2E tests on Windows
  * Rework Makefile for better Windows support
  * Add GitHub Action workflow to run tests on Mac/Windows runners
  * configure default builder export when no build.platforms defined
  * Remove `/rebase` GitHub Action since it's no longer necessary

Wed Sep 21 08:31:36 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.11.1:
  * keep the platform defined via DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM during build if no build platforms provided
  * Fix linting issues
  * Don't overwrite existing dependency condition
  * Add unit tests for `PrepareVolumes`
  * keep the platform defined at service level during build if no build platforms provided

Thu Sep 15 07:50:53 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.11.0:
  * update compose-go version to v1.5.1
  * add license to file
  * small cleanup + godoc
  * down: refactor image pruning
  * pull: improve output for services with both image+build (#9829)
  * build(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
  * build(deps): bump from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (#9830)
  * Update
  * logs: filter to services from current Compose file (#9811)
  * convert: do not escape $ into $$ when using the --no-interpolate option (#9703)
  * Cleanup E2E tests
  * Add unit tests to graph building logic in `dependencies.go`
  * Restrict compose project to selected services and dependencies on `compose start`
  * Apply newly loaded envvars to "DockerCli" and "APIClient"
  * build(deps): bump from 1.4.1 to 1.9.0
  * build: label built images for reliable cleanup on `down`
  * ci: upgrade golangci-lint
  * ci: upgrade to Go 1.19.1
  * Cleanup E2E tests
  * patch: build.go access custom labels directly cause panic
  * build(deps): bump from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7
  * always use 'docker' export entry when building with 'up' or 'run' commands
  * don't push images at the end of multi-arch build (and simplify e2e tests) support DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM when 'compose up --build' add tests to check behaviour when DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM is defined
  * add a test with multiple service builds using platforms in the same compose file
  * fix panic when using 'compose up --build'
  * add support of platforms in build section
  * build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
  * api: fix typo on Push godoc (#9798)
  * ci: reduce noise from dependabot on Docker deps (#9770)
  * Add E2E tests for starting/stopping single services
  * Fix `down` with `--rmi`
  * Only capture exit codes from `exit` events
  * Add E2E tests for `up --exit-code-from`

Wed Sep 07 06:51:12 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.2:
  * Makefile: mutualize local and Dockerfile build opts (#9776)
  * Revert "Apply newly loaded envvars to `DockerCli` and `APIClient`" (#9792)

Wed Sep 07 06:50:17 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.1:
  * ci: bring back individual checksum files
  * build(deps): bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 (#9780)
  * ci: fix checksums checking
  * Pull image regardless of whether it exists locally if `tag=latest`
  * Remove error message showing exit code when using --exit-code-from
  * pull: only skip pull when policy is `missing`/`if_not_present`
  * Wake up!

Fri Aug 19 14:58:42 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.10.0:
  * Fix breaking test
  * Update docs for new `compose kill` `--remove-orphans` option
  * Apply compose model on `compose kill`, add `--remove-orphans`
  * Code formatting
  * Give environment variables precedence back to OS over .env
  * Reset the DockerCli and APIClient after loading the environment file
  * up/start/run: don't wait for disabled service
  * create: pull all services logic out of loop; add DependsOn deps
  * build(deps): bump from 0.0.14 to 0.0.16 (#9754)
  * build windows/arm64 and linux/riscv64 binaries
  * ci: fix checksums file
  * Use compose to pull image twice
  * root: filter out commandConn.Close* warning message
  * Use alpine:3.13.12 to be unique across the test cases
  * readme: fix badges
  * Fix package name
  * Try changing package used to avoid any race condition in tests
  * Better sandboxed workflow and enhanced cross compilation
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8
  * make compose pull tests more expressive
  * lint: add `nolintlint` and clean up `nolint` directives (#9738)
  * lint: run gofmt from Go 1.19 (#9728)
  * don't apply default pull policy from command line if one is define in service configuration
  * build(deps): bump from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7
  * update Docker CLI version use in CI to v20.10.17
  * fix version of golangci-lint to v1.47.3, issue with v1.48.0 for now
  * build(deps): bump from 0.3.5 to 0.3.6
  * config: use correct YAML marshal func (#9712)
  * docs: remove extra whitespaces in help text (#9710)
  * ci: use latest stable dockerfile syntax & rename docs Dockerfile (#9711)
  * Change `projectOrName()` to check COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME env var
  * Filter `compose ps` output by provided compose model
  * Add E2E tests for `compose stop` with compose file
  * if command is ran with a compose file, apply the compose model, not just project name
  * up: do not stop dependency containers (#9701)
  * config: case-insensitive env vars on Windows (#9438)
  * build: upgrade BuildKit & docker/distribution
  * build: bump to Go 1.18.5
  * update usage strings for consistency
  * remove unused workflows, especially the pr-closed which always failed
  * Fix breaking TestComposePull test case
  * Avoid pulling same images multiple times ⚡️

Mon Aug  8 18:52:46 UTC 2022 - Johannes Kastl <>

- Require docker-compose-switch to not break user expectations,
  as otherwise 'zypper in docker-compose' will not provide a docker-compose binary
  (docker-compose only provides a docker plugin, i.e. 'docker compose ...')

Tue Aug 02 06:38:24 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.9.0:
  * switch tests back to '_' separator for networks and volumes
  * update to compose-go v1.4.0 as previous version introduced breaking changes
  * Overwrite parent commands PreRun code for `compose version`
  * Improve descriptions about tests in
  * Fix LinkLocalIPs in V2
  * Link to for testing instructions

Mon Aug 01 11:13:31 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.8.0:
  * Fix go.mod on  replace for compose-go
  * config: ignore image for config hash generation (#9350)
  * Bump compose-go -> 1.3.0
  * use '-' as separator by default for image name
  * as --no-build is set, set service image to default image name
  * cmd: consistent handling no-args commands (#9660)
  * Fixes #9403: Remove Named Pipes from volumeMounts
  * Fix environment variables priority between environment and .env
  * Fix .env and --envfile priorities
  * add pull & build config to project before create add pull flag to create and up documentation
  * introduce --pull
  * use Google addlicense instead of kunalkushwaha/ltag
  * update cli-doc-tool and update the doc with this new version
  * remove usage of GO111MODULE option in gh actions
  * use env variable for golang version and updates gh actions from v2 to v3
  * ci(docs): use push-to-fork when creating pr
  * remove unused sessionConfig param for addSecretsConfig function

Wed Jul 20 07:19:38 UTC 2022 -

- Update to version 2.7.0:
  * Bump compose-go -> v1.2.9
  * build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
  * Fix nolint issues
  * Add "style" tag to gocritic
  * Add "opinionated" tag to gocritic
  * Add "diagnostic" tag to gocritic
  * Add gocritic to linters
  * add 2 named networks with close name in the networks test suite to guarantee the good distinction on network names
  * update go to 1.18.4
  * keep the container reference when volumes_from target a container and not a service
  * build.go: Access customLabels directly instead of by reference
  * check the exact network's name before creating or stopping it NetworkList API doesn't return the extact name match, so we can retrieve more than one network with a request
  * build(deps): bump from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5
  * Fix typo in docker_compose_pull
  * Fix typo in compose pull documentation
  * add new targets to build Compose binary before running e2e tests
  * Fix golangci syntax error in run configuration
  * add support of environment secret during build step
  * Use switch/case instead of static map for simplicity
  * TC: Add missing tests for argumetns
  * TC: fix naming
  * TC: Use map to simplify flag conversion and avoid multilple if statements
  * e2e: add more start/stop test cases
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0
  * Update logic to keep `compose stop` and `restart` from affecting one-offs
  * e2e: split out `pause` tests and add more cases
  * fix: panic caused by empty string argument
  * build(deps): bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
  * Blacklist ioutil pkg in golangci-lint
  * Use alpine instead of ubuntu for E2E compose file, no need to include version
  * Replace deprecated ioutil pkg with os & io
  * test: add copyright notice
  * ci: release workflow to open a PR on docs repo with latest changes
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5
  * build(deps): bump from 0.3.3 to 0.3.4
  * network: make test mock consistent throughout
  * build: respect dependency order for classic builder
  * networks: prevent issues due to duplicate names
  * build(deps): bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
  * build(deps): bump from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4
  * Use appropriate dependency condition for one-shot containers when running `compose up --wait`

Wed Jun 29 18:26:32 UTC 2022 - Johannes Kastl <>

- first version of package docker-compose (v2)
  - v2 was rewritten in golang, while v1 was in Python
  - as they behaviour changes between v1 (python-docker-compose) and v2,
    this package does not obsolete the v1 package