Database ======== Create an empty Icinga Director database HINT: You should replace some-password with a secure custom password. MySQL (or MariaDB) ------------------ mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE director CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'some-password';" In case your MySQL root user is password-protected, please add -p to this command. PostgreSQL ---------- psql -q -c "CREATE DATABASE director WITH ENCODING 'UTF8';" psql director -q -c "CREATE USER director WITH PASSWORD 'some-password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE director TO director;" Activation of API ===================== activate: icinga2 api setup Web-based Configuration ======================= The following steps should guide you through the web-based Kickstart wizard. In case you prefer automated configuration, you should check the dedicated documentation section. Create a Database resource ========================== In your web frontend please go to Configuration / Application / Resources and create a new database resource pointing to your newly created database. Please make sure that you choose utf8 as an encoding. Install the Director module =========================== As with any Icinga Web 2 module, installation is pretty straight-forward. In case you're installing it from source all you have to do is to drop the director module in one of your module paths. You can examine (and set) the module path(s) in Configuration / Application. In a typical environment you'll probably drop the module to /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director. Please note that the directory name MUST be director and not icingaweb2-module-director or anything else. Run the graphical kickstart wizard ================================== Now go to your web frontend, Configuration, Modules, director - and enable the module. Choose either Director directly from the menu or got to the Configuration tab. Either way you'll reach the kickstart wizards. Follow the instructions and you're all done! - The name of endpoint is your static hostname. You can find it with: hostnamectl status - Hostadress is your IP - API User is by example root - Passwort is the passwort in api-users.conf You can find it with: find passwort for root: cat /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf | grep password