This package provides build dependencies for building Kafka using using Tetra (ruby2.2-rubygem-tetra). Using Tetra is neccessary due Kafka's Gradle based build process downloading dependencies at build time. Tetra will keep track of these downloaded dependencies during a so-called "dry-run" build on the maintainer's machine and generate a tarball (kafka-kit.tar.xz) containing all of them. This tarball is then used to allow the same build to run in an offline manner for the kafka package in OBS (where there is no Internet connectivity on purpose in order to allow for reproducible builds). To generate kafka-kit.tar.xz for a new version of Kafka, proceed as follows (you will need to have Tetra installed for this): 1) Download an updated Kafka tarball. We'll assume the new version is 2.1.0 throughout the rest of this file, which is the version the package was at at the time of this writing. Please substitute 2.1.0 by the actual version number wherever it occurs. 2) Initialize a tetra build directory for your new tarball and cd to its source directory: # OBS checkouts may have colons in their directory names which messes with some # Java build tools, so use a neutral location: cp kafka-2.1.0-src.tar.gz /tmp; cd /tmp tetra init kafka kafka-2.1.0-src.tgz # We need gradle to build, so download and unpack it. # Note: newer Kafka versions may need newer gradle versions. cd /tmp/kafka/kit/ wget unzip; rm 3) Perform a dry-run build with Tetra: cd /tmp/kafka/src/kafka-2.1.0-src tetra dry-run ../../kit/gradle-5.1/bin/gradle --gradle-user-home /tmp/gradle --project-cache-dir /tmp/gradle-project releaseTarGz -x signArchives cp -r /tmp/gradle* ../../kit/ exit 4) Generate the new kit tarball: tetra generate-all You will now find an updated kit tarball in /tmp/kafka/packages/kafka-kit/kafka-kit.tar.xz Substitute this tarball for the existing one in the kit package and bump its version. Note: these instructions applied for Kafka-2.1.0 and may not be sufficient for more recent Kafka versions. If they turn out to yield a broken kit tarball and you end up fixing it, please update this file. Thank you!