This is package of the latest snapshot of the upstream git repository on . It seems strange to use git checkout for the stable server package, but the development has stalled (as of today 2019-11-18, the last commit is a year old and it is mine), but the upstream maintainer for whatever reasons doesn’t want to make official release.

There are no scripts or any method of converting the currently existed leafnode-1 instance to leafnode-2. This is what I got from the upstream maintainer:

Leafnode-2 has some minor update aids in place, one of the most important parts is running "texpire -r" to rebuild the hashes, and "fetchnews -f" to re-fetch the active files. See README.html for other migration information regarding configuration settings.

For better orientation the package changelog has interspersed records from leafnode-2 package in the originally leafnode-1 one. They are all from me (mcepl@something) and they are marked as [leafnode-2] in the first line of the record.

There is a droplet for sudoers allowing an user in the group newsadmin to run without a password command:

sudo -u news /usr/sbin/fetchnews -vvv -e