ibus-mozc configuration ----------------------- ### Configuration file path mozc_tool does not provide ibus-mozc specific configuration. Users can customize ibus-mozc by using a setting file, ibus_config.textproto in ~/.mozc or ~/.config/mozc. ### How to use ibus-mozc with a specific keyboard layout openSUSE provides four variants of ibus-mozc with different layouts: - Mozc (which does not change layout) - Mozc - JP layout - Mozc - US layout - Mozc - US Dvorak layout If you want to use ibus-mozc with a layout other than above, open ibus_config.textproto and add a new engine specifying "layout" and "variant" option. For available values of those options, please refer to /usr/share/ibus/component/simple.xml After you change the configuration, confirm the change is applied successfully by running: ``` /usr/lib64/ibus-mozc/ibus-engine-mozc --xml ``` To apply the changes to running IBus, run the following commands: ``` ibus write-cache ibus restart ``` ### How to change initial mode to active Set `active_on_launch` `True` if you want to activate Japanese input by default especially when you want to use it together with another IBus engine. ``` engines { name : "mozc-jp" longname : "Mozc" layout : "ja" layout_variant : "" layout_option : "" rank : 80 } active_on_launch: True ``` How to use mozc.el ------------------- After Mozc is installed, "mozc.el" is not enabled automatically since almost people input Japanese characters through a GTK IM module or XIM. If you want to use "mozc.el", please describe the following lines in your "~/.emacs": ``` (require 'mozc) (setq default-input-method 'japanese-mozc) ```