Blob Blame History Raw
  <revision rev="1" vrev="1">
    <comment>To Factory :-)</comment>
  <revision rev="2" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.10.0:
  * deps: upgrade npm to 8.19.2
  * http: throw error on content-length mismatch
  * stream: add ReadableByteStream.tee()
- openssl3_fixups.patch: upstreamed and removed

- Update to Nodejs 18.9.1:
  * deps: llhttp updated to 6.0.10
    + CVE-2022-32213 bypass via obs-fold mechanic (bsc#1201325)
    + Incorrect Parsing of Multi-line Transfer-Encoding
      (CVE-2022-32215, bsc#1201327)
    + Incorrect Parsing of Header Fields (CVE-2022-35256, bsc#1203832)
  * crypto: fix weak randomness in WebCrypto keygen
    (CVE-2022-35255, bsc#1203831)

- Skip test-fs-utimes-y2K38.js on armv6hl as well as armv7hl.</comment>
  <revision rev="3" vrev="2">
    <comment>- qemu_timeouts_arches.patch: set timeouts on riscv5 to 7x normal

- skip more tests for riscv64/qemu emulation</comment>
  <revision rev="4" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.11.0:
  * added experimental watch mode -- running in 'watch' mode using
    node --watch restarts the process when an imported file is changed
  * fs: add FileHandle.prototype.readLines
  * http: add writeEarlyHints function to ServerResponse
  * http2: make early hints generic
  * lib: refactor transferable AbortSignal
  * src: add detailed embedder process initialization API
  * util: add default value option to parsearg
- legacy_python.patch, versioned.patch: updated</comment>
  <revision rev="5" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.12.0 LTS:
  * Running in 'watch' mode using node --watch restarts the process
    when an imported file is changed.
  * fs: add FileHandle.prototype.readLines
  * http: add writeEarlyHints function to ServerResponse
  * http2: make early hints generic
  * util: add default value option to parsearg</comment>
  <revision rev="6" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Fix migration to openssl-3 (bsc#1205042)

- Update to NodeJS 18.12.1 LTS:
  * inspector: DNS rebinding in --inspect via invalid octal IP
    (bsc#1205119, CVE-2022-43548)</comment>
  <revision rev="7" vrev="2">
    <comment>- icu721_fixes.patch: fixes compatibility with ICU 72.1 (bsc#1205236)</comment>
  <revision rev="8" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodejJS 18.13.0 LTS:
  * build: disable v8 snapshot compression by default
  * crypto: update root certificates
  * deps: update ICU to 72.1
  * doc:
    + add doc-only deprecation for headers/trailers setters
    + add Rafael to the tsc
    + deprecate use of invalid ports in url.parse
    + deprecate url.parse()
  * lib: drop fetch experimental warning
  * net: add autoSelectFamily and autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout options
  * src:
    + add uvwasi version
    + add initial shadow realm support
  * test_runner:
    + add t.after() hook
    + don't use a symbol for runHook()
  * tls:
    + add &quot;ca&quot; property to certificate object
  * util:
    + add fast path for utf8 encoding
    + improve textdecoder decode performance
    + add MIME utilities
- new_python3.patch, icu721_fixes.patch: upstreamed, removed

- Update _constraints:
  * Less RAM for aarch64 and 32-bit arm
  * Use 'asimdrdm' cpu flag to use aarch64 workers where tests
    are more stable</comment>
  <revision rev="9" vrev="2">
    <comment>- Again use openssl-3, if available.
- _constraints: reset aarch64 memory requirements back to original
  otherwise some unit tests can fail
- s390.patch: fix unit test on s390 with patched zlib</comment>
  <revision rev="10" vrev="3">
    <comment>changes entry only  

Patches carried over from nodejs17:
  legacy_python.patch node-gyp-addon-gypi.patch openssl_binary_detection.patch
test-skip-y2038-on-32bit-time_t.patch cares_public_headers.patch
rsa-pss-revert.patch linker_lto_jobs.patch versioned.patch fix_ci_tests.patch
manual_configure.patch npm_search_paths.patch  skip_no_console.patch
flaky_test_rerun.patch nodejs-libpath.patch  sle12_python3_compat.patch</comment>
  <revision rev="11" vrev="4">
    <comment>- Do not use pkg_vcmp to decide BuildDependencies: this works based
  on 'installed packages' which is not interpreted correctly by the
  scheduler. Rather switch to boolean dependencies.
  <revision rev="12" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.14.2 LTS:
  * deps: upgrade npm to 9.5.0
  * deps: update undici to 5.20.0
- Changes in version 18.14.1:
  * fixes permissions policies can be bypassed via process.mainModule
    (bsc#1208481, CVE-2023-23918)
  * fixes insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment
    variable (bsc#1208487, CVE-2023-23920)
  * fixes OpenSSL error handling issues in nodejs crypto library
    (bsc#1208483, CVE-2023-23919)
  * updates undici to v5.19.1
    + Fetch API in Node.js did not protect against CRLF injection in host headers
    + Regular Expression Denial of Service in Headers in Node.js fetch API
    (bsc#1208413, bsc#1208485, CVE-2023-24807, CVE-2023-23936)
- versioned.patch: refreshed
- sysctl.patch: unit test fixes

- Update to NodeJS 18.14.0 LTS:
  * deps:
    + update npm to 9.2.0
  * http:
    + join authorization headers
    + improved timeout defaults handling
  * stream:
    + implement finished() for ReadableStream and WritableStream
- refreshed patches: linker_lto_jobs.patch, npm_search_paths.patch,
  <revision rev="13" vrev="2">
    <comment>Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit</comment>
  <revision rev="14" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.15.0 LTS version:
  * test_runner:
    + add initial code coverate support
    + add reporters
  * fs: add statfs()
  * buffer: add isAscii()
- s390.patch, sysctl.patch: upstreamed and removed</comment>
  <revision rev="15" vrev="2">
    <comment>- relax Requires to Suggests for alts on TW</comment>
  <revision rev="16" vrev="1">
    <comment>- Update to NodeJS 18.16.0 LTS version
  * Add initial support for single executable applications
  * Replace url parser with Ada
  * buffer: add Buffer.copyBytesFrom
- refreshed patches: versioned.patch linker_lto_jobs.patch

  * deps: upgrade npm to 9.5.0 (bsc#1208744, CVE-2022-25881)</comment>