The command to run this container is:

podman run -d --rm -v /etc/squid/squid.cfg:/etc/squid/squid.cfg:ro -v /srv/squid/cache:/var/cache/squid -p 3128:3128 --name squid

To make the cache persistent, /var/cache/squid inside the container needs to be mapped to a persistent storage.

To use an own configuration, /etc/squid/squid.cfg needs to be overwritten.

Usage of squid proxy:
Configure your web browser network/connection settings to use the proxy server which is available at <squid>:3128

To make the proxy settings available to all applications, adjust 

Configuration file:
To adjust the configuration file, get at first the default squid.conf:
mkdir /srv/squid
podman exec -it squid cat /etc/squid/squid.conf > /etc/squid/squid.conf

Adjust /etc/squid/squid.conf

Add "-v /srv/squid/squid.cfg:/etc/squid/squid.cfg:ro" to PODMAN_SQUID_ARGS
in /etc/sysconfig/container-squid.

Restart the squid container: systemctl restart container-squid

Persistent cache:
To have a persistent cache, get at first the default squid.conf from
the container (follow above instruction) and enable the 'cache_dir'

Create the disk cache directory: mkdir -p /srv/squid/cache

Add "-v /srv/squid/cache:/var/cache/squid" to PODMAN_SQUID_ARGS
in /etc/sysconfig/container-squid.

Restart the squid container: systemctl restart container-squid

The squid logs are located at /var/log/squid/ inside the container. They
can be accessed with podman or kubectl exec. For example, to tail the
access logs:

podman exec squid tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log

You can also mount a volume at /var/log/squid/ so that the logs are directly accessible on the host.