Blob Blame History Raw
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# xd <>, 2017.
# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
# Quentí, 2018. #zanata
# Luc Didry <>, 2019. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-22 18:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luc Didry <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan <"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 3.11.2\n"

#. ($delay)
#. (max_delay)
#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:56 themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:65 themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:66
msgid "%1 days"
msgstr "%1 dies"

#. (stash('ldap_user')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:2
msgid "%1 invites you to send him/her files"
msgstr ""

#. (stash('ldap_user')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:6
msgid "%1 invites you to send him/her files through Lufi."
msgstr ""

#. (stash('invitation')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:4
msgid "%1 sent you files"
msgstr ""

#. (stash('invitation')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:8
msgid "%1 used your invitation to send you files:"
msgstr ""

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/ lib/Lufi/Controller/ themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:51 themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:52 themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:53 themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:12
msgid "%A %d %B %Y at %T"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:27
msgid "(max size: XXX)"
msgstr "(mida max: XXX)"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:5
msgid "1 year"
msgstr "1 any"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:4 themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:65
msgid "24 hours"
msgstr "24 hores"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/mail.js.ep:40
msgid ":"
msgstr ":"

#: themes/default/templates/render.html.ep:42
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Avorta"

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:53 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:86
msgid "About"
msgstr "Quant a"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:107
msgid "Add a password to file(s)"
msgstr "Afegir una contrasenya al(s) fitxer(s)"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:16
msgid ""
"Adding URLs not related to this Lufi instance to the mail body or subject is "
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:3
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected invitations?"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:4
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to resend the invitation mail for the selected "
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:17
msgid ""
"As Lufi is a free software licensed under of the terms of the <a href="
"\"\" class=\"classic\">AGPLv3</a>, you can "
"install it on you own server. Have a look on the <a href=\"https://framagit."
"org/luc/lufi/wikis/home\" class=\"classic\">Wiki</a> for the procedure."
msgstr ""
"Com que Lufi és programari lliure, autoritzat sota els termes de l'<a href="
"\"\" class=\"classic\">AGPLv3</a>, el "
"podeu instal·lar al vostre propi servidor. Pel que fa a com fer-ho, feu un "
"cop d'ull al <a href=\"\" class="

#. (stash('nbslices')
#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:9
msgid "Asking for file part XX1 of %1"
msgstr "Demanem la part XX1 de %1 del fitxer"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:20
msgid "Back to homepage"
msgstr "Retorna a la pàgina d'inici"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Bad CSRF token!"
msgstr "Mal testimoni CSRF!"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/ lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Bad CSRF token."
msgstr "Token CSRF incorrect."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:5
msgid "Click here to refresh the page and restart the download."
msgstr "Premeu aquí per tal de refrescar la pàgina i reiniciar la descàrrega."

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:8
msgid "Click on the following URL to upload files on Lufi:"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:126
msgid "Click to open the file browser"
msgstr "Premeu per obrir el navegador de fitxers"

#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:38 themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:80
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tanca"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:23
msgid "Comma-separated email addresses"
msgstr "Adreces de correu electrònic separades per comes"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:140
msgid "Compressing zip file…"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:15
msgid "Copy all links to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia tots els enllaços al porta-retalls"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:18
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia al porta-retalls"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Could not delete the file. You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No es pot esborrar el fitxer. No esteu autenticat."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Could not find the file. Are you sure of the URL and the token?"
msgstr "No es troba el fitxer. Esteu segur de la URL i el testimoni?"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Could not find the file. Are you sure of the URL?"
msgstr "No trobo el fitxer. Esteu segurs de la URL?"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:29
msgid "Counter"
msgstr "Comptador"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:100
msgid "Create a zip archive with the files before uploading?"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:26
msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:14
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:30 themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:90
msgid "Delete at first download?"
msgstr "Eliminar-lo a la primera descàrrega?"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:19
msgid "Delete selected files"
msgstr "Suprimir els fitxers seleccionats"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:33 themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:19
msgid "Deletion link"
msgstr "Enllaç per a eliminació"

#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:8
msgid ""
"Don't worry: if a user begins to download the file before the expiration and "
"the download ends after the expiration, he will be able to get the file."
msgstr ""
"No patiu per si un usuari comença a descarregar el fitxer abans de "
"l'expiració i la descàrrega acaba després de l'expiració, encara podrà "
"obtenir el fitxer."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:21 themes/default/templates/render.html.ep:28
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descàrrega"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:4
msgid "Download aborted."
msgstr "Descàrrega avortada."

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:28 themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:20
msgid "Download link"
msgstr "Enllaç per a descàrrega"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:10
msgid ""
"Drag and drop files in the appropriate area or use the traditional way to "
"send files and the files will be chunked, encrypted and sent to the server. "
"You will get two links per file: a download link, that you give to the "
"people you want to share the file with and a deletion link, allowing you to "
"delete the file whenever you want."
msgstr ""
"Arrossegueu i deixeu anar fitxers a l'àrea apropiada o useu el sistema "
"tradicional per enviar fitxers, i seran trossejats, xifrats i enviats al "
"servidor. Obtindreu dos enllaços per a cada fitxer: un enllaç per a la "
"descàrrega, que doneu a la gent amb qui voleu compartir el fitxer, i un "
"enllaç per a l'eliminació, que us permet eliminar el fitxer del servidor "
"quan vulgueu."

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:122
msgid "Drop files here"
msgstr "Deixeu anar aquí fitxers"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:40
msgid "Email address of your guest"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:39
msgid "Email body"
msgstr "Cos del correu electrònic"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:31
msgid "Email subject"
msgstr "Assumpte del correu electrònic"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:25 themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:27
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "correus electrònics"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:22
msgid "Encrypting part XX1 of XX2"
msgstr "S'està xifrant la part XX1 de XX2"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Error: the file existed but was deleted."
msgstr "Error: el fitxer existia però va ser eliminat."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Error: the file has not been sent entirely."
msgstr "Error: el fitxer no s'ha enviat del tot."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Error: unable to find the file. Are you sure of your URL?"
msgstr "Error: no trobo el fitxer. Esteu segur de la URL ?"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:23
msgid "Expiration:"
msgstr "Expiració:"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:27
msgid "Expire at"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:32
msgid "Expires at"
msgstr "Expira el"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:12
msgid "Export localStorage data"
msgstr "Exporta dades a l'emmagatzematge local"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "File deleted"
msgstr "Fitxer eliminat"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:27
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nom de fitxer"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:61
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:80
msgid "Files deleted at first download"
msgstr "Fitxers suprimits a la primera descàrrega"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:28
msgid "Files sent at"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:8
msgid "Files sent in invitation XX1 by XX2"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:8
msgid "Get the file"
msgstr "Obté el fitxer"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:18
msgid ""
"Get the source code on <a href=\"\" class="
"\"classic\">the official repository</a> or on its <a href=\"https://github."
"com/ldidry/lufi\" class=\"classic\">Github mirror</a>"
msgstr ""
"Obteniu el codi font al <a href=\"\" class="
"\"classic\">repositori oficial</a> o a la seva <a href=\""
"ldidry/lufi\" class=\"classic\">rèplica a Github</a>"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:24
msgid "Guest mail"
msgstr ""

#. (ucfirst(stash('invitation')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:6
msgid "Hello %1,"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:4
msgid "Hello,"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/mail.js.ep:35
msgid "Hello,\\n\\nHere's some files I want to share with you:\\n"
msgstr ""
"Ve't aquí uns fitxers que vull compartir amb tu:\\n"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:35
msgid "Here's some files"
msgstr "Ve't aquí uns fitxers"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:7
msgid "Hide hidden invitations"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:25
msgid "Hit Enter, then Ctrl+C to copy all the download links"
msgstr ""
"Prem Retorn, i després Ctrl+C per copiar tots els enllaços de descàrrega"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:24
msgid "Hit Enter, then Ctrl+C to copy the download link"
msgstr "Prem Retorn, i després Ctrl+C per copiar l'enllaç de descàrrega"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:9
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr "Com funciona?"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:46
msgid "How many days would you like the invitation to be valid?"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:16
msgid "How to install the software on my server?"
msgstr "Com instal·lo el programari al meu servidor?"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:12
msgid "How to report an illegal file?"
msgstr "Com informo d'un fitxer iŀlegal?"

#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:7
msgid "If you choose a delay, the file will be deleted after that delay."
msgstr ""
"Si seleccioneu una moratòria, el fitxer s'eliminarà passada la moratòria."

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:15
msgid ""
"If you send the mail from this server, the links will be sent to the server, "
"which may lower your privacy protection."
msgstr ""
"Si envieu el correu des d'aquest servidor, els enllaços s'enviaran al "
"servidor, i això pot minvar la protecció de la vostra privacitat."

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:14
msgid "Import localStorage data"
msgstr "Importar dades de l'emmagatzematge local"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:53
msgid "Important: more information on delays"
msgstr "Importat: més informació sobre moratòries"

#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:5
msgid "Information about delays"
msgstr "Informació sobre moratòries"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:18 themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:12
msgid "Invert selection"
msgstr ""

#. ($i->guest_mail, $url)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Invitation resent to %1.<br> URL: %2"
msgstr ""

#. ($invitation->guest_mail, $url)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Invitation sent to %1.<br> URL: %2"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:27 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:36 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:69
msgid "Invite a guest"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:6
msgid ""
"It seems that the key in your URL is incorrect. Please, verify your URL."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que la clau a l'URL és incorrecta. Si us plau, verifiqueu l'URL."

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:12
msgid "Javascript is disabled. You won't be able to use Lufi."
msgstr "Teniu el javascript deactivat. No podreu usar Lufi."

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:44 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:46 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:77 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:79
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Llengua"

#: themes/default/templates/login.html.ep:15
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Entrada"

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:58 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:91
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Sortida"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:4
msgid "Lufi is a free (as in free speech) file hosting software."
msgstr "Lufi és programari lliure d'allotjament de fitxers."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/files.js.ep:12
msgid ""
"Lufi recently changed its way to store files information.\\n\\nNo files have "
"been found in the new localStorage location but we found files in the old "
"one.\\nDo you want to import those informations?\\n\\nPlease note that this "
"is the only time that we will ask you this."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:34
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Mail"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:3 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:34 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:67
msgid "My files"
msgstr "Els meus fitxers"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:5 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:37 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:70
msgid "My invitations"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:17
msgid ""
"NB: this list includes the list of files that have already been sent to you."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:115
msgid "Name of the zip file"
msgstr ""

#. (format_bytes($json->{size})
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "No enough space available on the server for this file (size: %1)."
msgstr "No hi ha prou espai al servidor per a aquest fitxer (mida: %1)."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/files.js.ep:10 themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:28
msgid "No expiration delay"
msgstr "Sense moratòria d'expiració"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:8
msgid ""
"Only the files sent with this browser will be listed here. This list is "
"stored in localStorage: if you delete your localStorage data, you'll lose "
"this list."
msgstr ""
"Aquí només apareixen els fitxers enviats amb aquest navegador. La llista es "
"desa en emmagatzematge local: si netegeu l'emmagatzematge local perdreu "
"aquesta llista."

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:106 themes/default/templates/login.html.ep:21 themes/default/templates/render.html.ep:26
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya"

#. (config('contact')
#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:13
msgid "Please contact the administrator: %1"
msgstr "Si us plau contacteu amb l'administrador: %1"

#: themes/default/templates/render.html.ep:33
msgid ""
"Please wait while we are getting your file. We first need to download and "
"decrypt all parts before you can get it."
msgstr ""
"Si us plau, espereu mentre obtenim el fitxer. Abans que el tingueu "
"disponible primer cal descarregar i desxifrar tots els trossos."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"Please, check your credentials or your right to access this service: unable "
"to authenticate."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:5
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacitat"

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:13
msgid "Purge expired files from localStorage"
msgstr "Netegeu els fitxers expirats de l'emmagatzematge local"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:20
msgid "Regards,"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:15
msgid "Regards."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:31 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:64
msgid "Report file"
msgstr "Senyalar un fitxer"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:15
msgid "Resend invitation mail"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:9
msgid "Rows in purple mean that the invitations have expired."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:9
msgid ""
"Rows in red mean that the files have expired and are no longer available."
msgstr ""
"Les files en vermell indiquen que els fitxers han expirat i ja no són "

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:26
msgid "Send all links by email"
msgstr "Envia tots els enllaços per correu electrònic"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:50
msgid "Send the invitation"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:46
msgid "Send with this server"
msgstr "Envia amb aquest servidor"

#: themes/default/templates/mail.html.ep:47
msgid "Send with your own mail software"
msgstr "Envia amb el vostre propi programa de correu"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:29
msgid ""
"Sending part XX1 of XX2. Please, be patient, the progress bar can take a "
"while to move."
msgstr ""
"S'està enviant el tros XX1 de XX2. Si us plau, paciència; la barra de "
"progrés pot trigar una mica a bellugar-se."

#. (url_for('/')
#: themes/default/templates/partial/mail.js.ep:48
msgid "Share your files in total privacy on %1"
msgstr "Compartiu fitxers amb total privacitat a %1"

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:13 themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:9
msgid "Show hidden invitations"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:11
msgid "Show zip content"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:40 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:73 themes/default/templates/login.html.ep:28 themes/default/templates/logout.html.ep:17
msgid "Signin"
msgstr "Autenticació"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/ themes/default/templates/invitations/exception.html.ep:16
msgid ""
"Sorry, the invitation doesn’t exist. Are you sure you are on the right URL?"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:46
msgid "Sorry, the uploading is currently disabled. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Disculpeu, les pujades estan actualment desactivades. Si us plau proveu-ho "
"més tard."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Sorry, uploading is disabled."
msgstr "Disculpeu, les pujades estan deshabilitades."

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/exception.html.ep:7
msgid "Sorry, your invitation has expired or has been deleted."
msgstr ""

#. ($invit->ldap_user_mail)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"Sorry, your invitation has expired or has been deleted. Please contact %1 to "
"have another invitation."
msgstr ""

#. ($invitation->ldap_user_mail)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The URLs of your files have been sent by email to %1."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:7
msgid ""
"The administrator can only see the file's name, its size and its mimetype "
"(what kind of file it is: video, text, etc.)."
msgstr ""
"L'administrador només pot veure el nom del fitxer, la seva mida i el seu "
"mimetype (quina mena de fitxer és: vídeo, text, etc.)."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"The body of the mail must contain at least one URL pointing to a file hosted "
"on this instance."
msgstr ""
"El cor del mail deu contenir almens una URL menant al fitxer albergat a "
"aquesta instància."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/files.js.ep:11
msgid "The data has been successfully imported."
msgstr "La importació de les dades ha reeixit."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The email body can't be empty."
msgstr "El cos del correu no pot estar buit."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The email subject can't be empty."
msgstr "L'assumpte dle correu no pot estar buit."

#. ($expire_at, $max_expire_at)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The expiration delay (%1) is not between 1 and %2 days."
msgstr ""

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The file has already been deleted"
msgstr "El fitxer ja ha estat esborrat"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:6
msgid ""
"The files uploaded on a Lufi instance are encrypted before the upload to the "
"server: the administrator of the server can not see the file's content."
msgstr ""
"Els fitxers que es pugen a una instaŀlació de Lufi són xifrats abans de "
"pujar-los al servidor i l'administrador del servidor no pot veure el "
"contingut del fitxer."

#. (join(', ', @bad)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The following email addresses are not valid: %1"
msgstr "Les següents adreces de correu electrònic no són vàlides: %1"

#. ($guest_mail)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The guest email address (%1) is unvalid."
msgstr ""

#. ($i->token, $i->guest_mail)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"The invitation %1 can’t be resent: %2 has already sent files.<br>Please "
"create a new invitation."
msgstr ""

#. ($i->token)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The invitation %1 has been deleted."
msgstr ""

#. (stash('user_mail')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:34
msgid "The invitation mail will be send from your email address (%1)."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:16
msgid "The link(s) has been copied to your clipboard"
msgstr "L'enllaç/ els enllaços ja estan copiats al portaretalls"

#. (stash('invitation')
#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:30
msgid ""
"The link(s) of your file(s) will automatically be sent by mail to %1 (%2)"
msgstr ""

#. (stash('ldap_user')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:11
msgid "The links of your file(s) will automatically be sent by mail to %1."
msgstr ""

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "The mail has been sent."
msgstr "El correu ja està enviat."

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:15
msgid ""
"The original (and only for now) author is <a href=\"\" "
"class=\"classic\">Luc Didry</a>."
msgstr ""
"L'autor original (i per ara l'únic) és <a href=\"\" class="
"\"classic\">Luc Didry</a>."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"The server was unable to find the file record to add your file part to. "
"Please, contact the administrator."
msgstr ""
"El servidor no ha pogut trobar el registre del fitxer per afegir-hi el tros "
"del fitxer. Si us plau, contacteu l'administrador."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"This file has been deactivated by the admins. Contact them to know why."
msgstr ""
"Aquest fitxer es estat desactivat pels administrators. Contacteu-los per "
"saber perque."

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:46 themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:6
msgid "This invitation is normally hidden"
msgstr ""

#. (stash('expires')
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.mail.ep:13
msgid "This invitation is valid until %1."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:10
msgid ""
"This server sets limitations according to the file size. The expiration "
"delay of your file will be the minimum between what you choose and the "
"following limitations:"
msgstr ""
"Aquest servidor estableix limitacions segons la mida del fitxer. La "
"moratòria d'expiració del fitxer serà el mínim de l'escollida i aquestes "

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:16
msgid "Toggle visibility"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/my_invitations.html.ep:25
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:17
msgid "Unable to copy the link(s) to your clipboard"
msgstr "No s'han pogut copiar l'enllaç o els enllaços al porta-retalls"

#. ($short)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid ""
"Unable to get counter for %1. The file does not exists. It will be removed "
"from your localStorage."
msgstr ""
"No he pogut obtenir el comptador de %1. El fitxer no existeix. Serà eliminat "
"del teu emmagatzematge local."

#. ($short)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Unable to get counter for %1. The token is invalid."
msgstr "No he pogut obtenir el comptador de %1. El testimoni no és vàlid."

#. ($short)
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Unable to get counter for %1. You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No he pogut obtenir el comptador de %1. No esteu autenticat."

#: themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:33 themes/default/templates/layouts/default.html.ep:66
msgid "Upload files"
msgstr "Pujar fitxers"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:145
msgid "Upload generated zip file"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/files.html.ep:31
msgid "Uploaded at"
msgstr "Pujat a les"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:153
msgid "Uploaded files"
msgstr "Fitxers pujats"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:30
msgid "Websocket communication error"
msgstr "Error de comunicacions del websocket"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:3
msgid "What is Lufi?"
msgstr "Què és Lufi?"

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:14
msgid "Who wrote this software?"
msgstr "Qui va escriure aquest programa?"

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:13
msgid "XXX file has been added to upload queue."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/invitations/invite.html.ep:30
msgid ""
"You can invite someone to send you files through this Lufi instance even if "
"they don’t have an account on it."
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:11
msgid ""
"You can see the list of your files by clicking on the \"My files\" link at "
"the top right of this page."
msgstr ""
"Podeu veure la llista dels vostres fitxers amb a l'enllaç \"Els meus "
"fitxers\" a dalt a la dreta d'aquesta pàgina."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "You can't add URLs that are not related to this instance."
msgstr "No podeu pas afegir una URL qu'es pas ligada a aquesta instància."

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:8
msgid ""
"You don't need to register yourself to upload files but be aware that, for "
"legal reasons, your IP address will be stored when you send a file. Don't "
"panic, this is normally the case for all sites on which you send files."
msgstr ""
"No cal que us inscriviu per a pujar fitxers però tingueu en compte, que per "
"raons legals, s'enregistrarà la vostra adreça IP quan envieu un fitxer. No "
"us espanteu, això és el que normalment passa a tots els webs on pugeu "

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:10
msgid ""
"You don't seem to have a key in your URL. You won't be able to decrypt the "
"file. Download canceled."
msgstr ""
"No sembla que hi hagi una clau a la URL. No podreu desxifrar el fitxer. "
"Descàrrega canceŀlada."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:7
msgid ""
"You have attempted to leave this page. The download will be canceled. Are "
"you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Heu intentat deixar aquesta pàgina. Es canceŀlarà la descàrrega. N'esteu "

#: themes/default/templates/partial/index.js.ep:14
msgid ""
"You have attempted to leave this page. The upload will be canceled. Are you "
msgstr ""
"Heu intentat deixar aquesta pàgina. Es canceŀlarà la pujada. N'esteu segur?"

#: themes/default/templates/logout.html.ep:14
msgid "You have been successfully logged out."
msgstr "Heu sortit correctament."

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "You must give email addresses."
msgstr "Heu de donar l'adreça de correu electrònic."

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:38
msgid ""
"Your browser does not have enough entropy to generate a strong encryption "
"key. Please wait (it's better if you do things on your computer while "
msgstr ""

#. (format_bytes($json->{size})
#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Your file is too big: %1 (maximum size allowed: %2)"
msgstr "El fitxer és massa gran: %1 (mida màxima admesa: %2)"

#: lib/Lufi/Controller/
msgid "Your password is not valid. Please refresh the page to retry."
msgstr ""
"La vostra contrasenya es incorrecta. Torneu cargar la pàgina per provar de "

#: themes/default/templates/partial/render.js.ep:12
msgid "Zip content:"
msgstr ""

#. (format_bytes($keys[$i])
#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:20
msgid "between %1 and %2, the file will be kept %3 day(s)."
msgstr "entre %1 i %2, el fitxer es mantindrà %3 dia/es al servidor."

#. (format_bytes($keys[$i])
#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:22
msgid "between %1 and %2, the file will be kept forever."
msgstr "entre %1 i %2, el fitxer es mantindrà per sempre al servidor."

#: themes/default/templates/partial/mail.js.ep:42
msgid "deadline: "
msgstr "termini: "

#: themes/default/templates/partial/invitations.js.ep:5
msgid "expires on XXX"
msgstr ""

#. (format_bytes($keys[$i])
#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:26
msgid "for %1 and more, the file will be kept %2 day(s)"
msgstr "a partir de %1, el fitxer es mantindrà %2 dia/es al servidor"

#. (format_bytes($keys[$i])
#: themes/default/templates/delays.html.ep:28
msgid "for %1 and more, the file will be kept forever."
msgstr "a partir de %1, el fitxer es mantindrà per sempre al servidor."

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:3
msgid "no time limit"
msgstr "no hi ha límit de temps"

#: themes/default/templates/index.html.ep:124
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"

#. ($e->{name}, format_bytes($e->{size})
#: themes/default/templates/invitations/notification_files_sent.mail.ep:12
msgid "— %1 (%2), that will expire on %3"
msgstr ""

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:18
msgid "Get the source code on <a href=\"\" class=\"classic\">the official repository</a> or on its <a href=\"\" class=\"classic\">Github mirror</a>"
msgstr ""
"Obteniu el codi font al <a href=\""
"hat-softwares/lufi\" class=\"classic\">repositori oficial</a> o a la seva <a "
"href=\"\" class=\"classic\">rèplica a "

#: themes/default/templates/about.html.ep:17
msgid "As Lufi is a free software licensed under of the terms of the <a href=\"\" class=\"classic\">AGPLv3</a>, you can install it on you own server. Have a look on the <a href=\"\" class=\"classic\">Wiki</a> for the procedure."
msgstr ""
"Com que Lufi és programari lliure, autoritzat sota els termes de l’<a href=\""
"\" class=\"classic\">AGPLv3</a>, el podeu "
"instal·lar al vostre propi servidor. Pel que fa a com fer-ho, feu un cop "
"d'ull al <a href=\""
"home\" class=\"classic\">Wiki</a>."